posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 11:59 AM
The only 20th Century war that could remotely be described as 'just' is the Second World War and after that, it all gets a bit messy. I have
sympathy and gratitude for the troops who were led into the unnecessary slaughter of the First war, as well as those shot for supposed cowardice, when
in fact they had PTSD. I also commemorate every civilian death, on all sides.
These days troops are professionals, fighting for their governments - that's the truth of it. No one forced them to fight, they chose it as a career.
Even so, they are still treated like rubbish by their employers, left damaged mentally and physically by both fighting and the process of making them
soldiers in the first place. On Remembrance Sunday my strongest thought is to wonder if we're so advanced, why haven't we established a better way
of resolving conflicts yet?