aliens: pleiadians, annunaki, reptilians, zeta reticuli, draconians
doomsday: comet, asteroid, sunspot, solar flare, CME, earthquakes, tsunami, zombies!!!!!
conspiracies: zombies!!!! false flag, 9/11, towers, chemtrails, illuminati, freemasons, bilderberg (sp).... Jesse Ventura
, global warming, climate
change, the internet!!
religion: Obama is the antichrist, Revelations is happening now, Greece found the Ark of the Covenant, RFID chips, blue beam rapture, I don't know,
I'm going blank
prophets: Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, The Hopi indians, Webbot, Mother Shipton, Marshall Applewhite, Harold Camping, haha Sylvia Browne
miscellaneous: when does the mayan calendar REALLY end, 12/21/12, Japan was washed away with the Tsunami - everything we've seen since was CGI, Joe
Paterno was framed, scientific breakthrough showing undeniable PROOF that Cigarettes and Alchohol are NOT ONLY good for you but they're the key to
reaching the 10th dimension, enlightenment, ascension... etc
movie plots: the goverment is releasing deadly diseases on purpose to control population, they're releasing them accidentally, they're releasing
them thinking they're a cure for something else then it gets out of hand - we're all living in a false reality where information is downloaded
directly into our brains - we're batteries - the icecaps will melt and we'll all freeze to death - aliens will land and suffer oppression at the
hands of the evil humans - rabies will mutate and eat your face - we have the technology to teleport, it will be released to the public as soon as
they figure out how to keep the flies out - the Grey in area 51 has escaped and has called for backup
oh and my favorite conspiracy theory, that was posted by another member somewhere else - he promised to make a thread but I never found it - went
something like this...
9/11 was a false flag originally intended to tear down the towers cheaply
The chemtrails they're spraying the sky with, aren't chemicals to kill us but a type of reflective material
The building they're putting on the 9/11 site will include a large laser beam, that when turned on, will make the sky into a giant TV screen where
they can then fake the Aliens arriving or Jesus return or the rapture, or anything else they want us to think is real
I know I missed stuff