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Occupy Wall Street protestors interrupt Bachmann speech

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posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by Cuervo

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1
They are nothing but thugs for the DNC. This shows it. If they go after a democrat, I'll post a huge thread apologising. But don't hold your breath.

They have shown their true colors.

I don't see how interrupting Bachmann helps the DNC, though. Isn't this more beneficial to the other GOP candidates? She is no threat to the DNC and her foreign policy is what they were protesting. You don't see them harassing Ron Paul, do you?

If they ignore the DNC then they are only labeling themselves as shills FOR the DNC. Just focusing on a conservative presidential candidate shouts partisan to me.

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 05:10 PM
duplicate post
edit on 10-11-2011 by beezzer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by beezzer

You brand yourself a hypocrite by imposing one standard on OWS and another to your favored cause. But I can't stop you from making a fool of yourself.. by all means carry on with your agenda.

First amendment rights... hehehehe you me had laughing with that one for sure.

edit on 10-11-2011 by Resinveins because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by beezzer

Originally posted by Cuervo

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1
They are nothing but thugs for the DNC. This shows it. If they go after a democrat, I'll post a huge thread apologising. But don't hold your breath.

They have shown their true colors.

I don't see how interrupting Bachmann helps the DNC, though. Isn't this more beneficial to the other GOP candidates? She is no threat to the DNC and her foreign policy is what they were protesting. You don't see them harassing Ron Paul, do you?

If they ignore the DNC then they are only labeling themselves as shills FOR the DNC. Just focusing on a conservative presidential candidate shouts partisan to me.

If they ignore the DNC candidates (there aren't really any yet) down the road, then I'll back your sentiments. I have a feeling (a hope, actually) that OWS will start to balance out a bit between left/right. By the time the DNC candidates start stepping on one another's throats, I'm thinking OWS will be doing the same.

Here's to equal opportunity politician throat-stepping!

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by Resinveins
reply to post by beezzer

You brand yourself a hypocrite by imposing one standard on OWS and another to your favored cause. But I can't stop you from making a fool of yourself.. by all means carry on with your agenda.

First amendment rights... hehehehe you me had laughing with that one for sure.

edit on 10-11-2011 by Resinveins because: (no reason given)

I never said I was non-partisan. I am partisan. Hell, just look at my post history. I've never been anything BUT one sided.

OWS? They say they're non-partisan, but their statements and actions prove otherwise.

This thread is about how OWS, who so loves and uses the first ammendment, denies someone else it's use.

I'd call that hypocritical.

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by Cuervo
We have a democrat in the White House that they've ignored.
Democrats all over the country that the've ignored.

Yet they go after a republican presidential candidate from Minnisota. And a flaky candidate at that.

edit on 10-11-2011 by beezzer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by beezzer

No more hypocritical than yourself complaining about OWS violating Ms Bachmann's 1st amendment rights, but when teabaggers are involved.. all the sudden that's not an issue. Please. If you want to sow the seeds of dissension.. try not being so obvious about it.
edit on 10-11-2011 by Resinveins because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by Resinveins
reply to post by beezzer

No more hypocritical than yourself complaining about OWS violating Ms Bachmann's 1st amendment rights, but when teabaggers are involved.. all the sudden that's not an issue. Please. If you want to sow the seeds of dissension.. try not being so obvious about it.
edit on 10-11-2011 by Resinveins because: (no reason given)

First off, try not to use insulting terms. I don't call OWS "fleabaggers". Decorum. Try it.

Are you refering to "Townhall Meetings"? Where people are allowed to voice their opinions? (Excpt if thy go against what the pol wants. . . )

Your posts clearly show that OWS is partsan. Accept it. Stop denying it.

Embrace the horror.

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 06:40 PM
Actually, I mean anywhere teabaggers try to interfere with others freedom of speech. Whether it's a town hall meeting or not. Obvious deflections on your part.. just make you look sillier with every utterance.

And as for my posts proving OWS is partisan? Sir you are deranged. To begin.. how do my posts prove anything on the partisanship of a movement? I support OWS yes.. but I'm not partisan to either republicans or democrats. can you highlight your reasoning on this?

Or wait.. is this another one of your quaint little double standards? Sorry if I don't fit neatly into your pigeonhole.

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by Resinveins
Actually, I mean anywhere teabaggers try to interfere with others freedom of speech. Whether it's a town hall meeting or not. Obvious deflections on your part.. just make you look sillier with every utterance.

And as for my posts proving OWS is partisan? Sir you are deranged. To begin.. how do my posts prove anything on the partisanship of a movement? I support OWS yes.. but I'm not partisan to either republicans or democrats. can you highlight your reasoning on this?

Or wait.. is this another one of your quaint little double standards? Sorry if I don't fit neatly into your pigeonhole.

Occupy the DNC then, fleabagger.

Or are you just a partisan shill?

Thought so.

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by jacklondonmiller

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by mossme89

This is what will end the Occupy movement! This was a stupid move. If they had done this to Perry or Romney, then fine, but they did it to a Tea Party Conservative.

a Tea Party conservative???

An entrenched politician who has taken more money from government subsidies in her personal life
than 50 average citizens.

I don't care much for her politics, although she was very nice when I met her. I don't think the Tea Party should have backed her like they did. I think they did it on religious grounds alone.

BUT, this still gives the impression of an intentional attack on the Tea Party, and it fuels the drama and division the MSM loves, and it will backfire unless they pick on a mainstream liberal next.

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by beezzer

Why because you desire it? You're just a sad bunny squeaking in the corners of most of the OWS threads spouting obvious rhetoric, why would anyone occupy something for you? What could make one small weepy rabbit worth the trouble? Do all teabaggers think so much of themselves? I hope not. Yes.. occupy the dnc as proof to me fleabaggers... lol anything else while you're telling people what to do? Refreshments? A sandwich?

But I guess like free speech... everything is based on YOUR perspective. A pity you'll probably never see anything beyond your own narrow viewpoint.

Big fleabagger smooches to ya bunny

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I don't see them ever doing this to Obama, because he is the instigator of all of this, along with his Puppetmaster and his puppetmaster's Puppetmasters. It was a disgusting display of collectivism. This "participatory democracy" is the antithesis of individual expression.

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1
reply to post by beezzer

This is how sorely misinformed you are as we want nothing to do with corrupt political organizations and see them all as the problem and hinderence!

Immaculate, I am just going to make one comment about your post, which I think completely reflects the collectivist attitude of OWS. Every post you make says,'We want" or "we do not" we this we that...Everything is we as if the entire OWS thinks everything you do and everyone is some kind of weird clone of each other. It's just an observation, I see you speaking for everyone of the OWS protesters, as if there is no inviduality. I've done the same thing sometimes with the Tea Party, but I recognize I cannot speak for every Tea Partier, and there is definitely a difference in people expressing personal opinions.
The whole clone thing is a bit disturbing, and I see it in this reading of their script. It is not individuals expressing individual discontent, but a collective speaking the mind of their hive master(Obama/Soros).

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by navy_vet_stg3

Since when is interrupting someone an impediment of someone's first amendment rights?
Lol. There is a difference between being forced into silence and someone interrupting you.
She has had all the interviews in the world to talk, who cares if they spoke over her. She's a dimwit anyway.
edit on 10-11-2011 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by beezzer

This is not the thug branch of the DNC as I've stated numerous times the following yet it has to sink in :

To those that know the truth I apologize for re-posting this constantly but apparently the message seems to get lost because certain nameless individuals cannot see the truth for themselves!

There is no individual founder. We are not representative by the political beliefs of our partner firms and are in NO WAY, SHAPE, SENSE OR FORM a declaration of political allegiance.

I give not a toss for what you or anyone thinks about this as this is the only thing that matters. If we wanted to be a leftist group we would've aligned ourselves firmly with the Dems but that has yet to occur and will not occur.


You are not a billionaire or a trillionaire so to the people you are sitting here defending do not give a toss for you, your family, your friends or anyone you know. They see you as collateral damage. They own you and by refusing to join up means you've already surrendered your Constitutional rights to The SCUM! To them you are their slave. More then 150,000,000 Americans stand united with this group and the numbers grow by the hour.

No other movement in recent memory has ever been this large. This movement has totally eclipsed that of The Tea Party, The 9/11 Truth Movement, The Anti 43 Rallies, The Vietnam protests combined. This is the largest protest since the Civil Rights Era. Every single time one of our camps is attacked our numbers grow, every report of police brutality this movement grows. Day or week long campouts have occurred in the past but none had the impact nor reach of this one.

Unless it comes from Occupy Together, Occupy Everything, #Occupy Wall Street, NYC General Assembly or any of the countless official "Occupy" family of sites it does not speak for this movement and the movement will not endorse any site outside of our family of sites. Adbusters does not speak for us, Tides does not speak for us, no union speaks for us, The American Socialist Party does not speak for us, The Communist Party does not speak for us, Nancy Pelosi, Obama, Biden, The Democratic National Committee, The Republican Nation Committee, The Tea Party, Libertarian movement or any other political party or figurehead does not speak for us and neither do they represent us! neither does any group that has decided to join us under their own free will and volition but even those groups and our partner firms do not speak for us! We speak for ourselves!

All are welcomed from all faiths, ethnic groups, political persuasions, LBGTI, animal and kid friendly as we will not discriminate, we will be friendly to all. Illicit narcotics (marijuana to meth while all scrips prescribed to a fellow protester are obviously allowed) and liquor (all forms) use are banned and will get someone expelled and turned over to law enforcement. Come as you are! Remember, there is no member of the 1% that is on this website which means we are all The 99%!

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 01:56 AM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

All stances are prefixed by the word "We" because there is no "I" in this movement as it's about everyone and not one single person. Wording and terminology means the world when it pertains to items like this in order to prevent a falsity and a disinfo/misinfo campaign. Hence why we are a leaderless movement as we are many united as one divided by none! There is no master or leader so get that through your thick skull please and consider the source of the information and their agenda towards the erosion of the fortress and the people. Those going against this group who've got that kind of coin and advancing blindly The SCUM's agenda and will do whatever and say whatever in order to railroad and shut this movement down. Ever wondered why there is such a seething hatred about this movement? The Multi Trillion dollar lobbyist groups are solely behind that working under the direct order of The SCUM.

This group has many spokespeople. I am just the one who's brave enough to put myself directly in harm's way via the line of fire all to attempt to enlighten and illuminate those who currently in the darkness when it comes to and pertains to the issues we all today and here in now face.

Soros can shove it as far as we are concerned and if you still don't believe this the problem no longer lies with me or this movement but the problem lies with you my friend. If he dies we would not care nor shed one tear but use that to invigorate the movement with a newfound lease on purpose and goals.

On an honest and real note I actually fully respect you as a worthwhile human being and fully enjoy our conversations but as the time drags on it becomes more evident day by day that you are being misled and misdirected by nefarious entities with negative intent as I can fully trust that most of the stances you have taken against the movement are not of your own free will and volition. I get the sense (on this I am usually correct and spot on like 9.5 out of 10 times on average) that you want to say what you feel but am either constrained, leveraged or terrified to do so as your job or some association has you bound by something and fear either backlash, repercussion or demonization if you say what you truly feel.!

Remember, change for the better for all can and will only come when we all come together
edit on 11-11-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 01:57 AM

Originally posted by navy_vet_stg3
Apparently, the OWS protesters don't care about anyone else's 1st Amendment rights. Typical.

BTW, I don't like Bachmann. I think she's a kook. But, she should be able to speak without being shouted down by a bunch of hypocrites.

politicians are public persons, some talk and talk much blabla and it is the people's right to interrupt them to tell they are wrong or stupid or racist or whatever !!! it's your right to ask for explanations, to confront them with their own talk.
Democracy is there to give YOU a voice, not only the politicians have the right to speak and where else than in the street or at a meeting can you confront them with the people's views ?? where else do you meet them maybe ??? where else can you cry out your anger against them ??

Imagine now that it was Hitler speaking .. would you let him speak also ??

A good politician is interrupted by big applause etc and has to wait for speaking too, a bad one gets interrupted by the people's objections or insults of anger !!! that's REAL democracy man.
She has the right to speak, of course, we have that right, but we have also the right to control those politicians and look at their acting and ask for justification !!

but why do you speak about "hypocrites" ?? don't understand your judging them !

edit on 11-11-2011 by Sunlionspirit because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 02:03 AM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by getreadyalready

I don't see them ever doing this to Obama, because he is the instigator of all of this, along with his Puppetmaster and his puppetmaster's Puppetmasters. It was a disgusting display of collectivism. This "participatory democracy" is the antithesis of individual expression.

are you serious or kidding ??? this is a very cute political statement you make here man ! bravo !

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 02:11 AM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

That is coming, make no mistake about this. Target and details to be revealed shortly!

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