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Is anyone else in a really great mood today?

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posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by Balkan

you again? come on now!

i find it odd that this person and i both woke up at like 3am...and both had tons of energy...and everyone around him was commenting on being in a good mood.

most don't hear folks saying "man...i'm in a great mood". i don't know about you...but most folks i hear talk about their mood or current "status" is if they're complaining.

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by wizard88
i woke up early polished my boots, ironed my kit, had a cig, was in an extrardinary mood until i read this post

no im crabby and its all up the left again

ur post wrecked my happiness

but alot of you guys are happy

conclusion: il bear the brunt of this so go enjoy your day!!!

You probably don't grant others happiness but yourself?
Sad for you.

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by Staafke

Originally posted by wizard88
i woke up early polished my boots, ironed my kit, had a cig, was in an extrardinary mood until i read this post

no im crabby and its all up the left again

ur post wrecked my happiness

but alot of you guys are happy

conclusion: il bear the brunt of this so go enjoy your day!!!

You probably don't grant others happiness but yourself?
Sad for you.

lol now im happy again and smiling thank you haha

not being sacastic that was good

i like u now

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by Balkan

look. people who post on these threads...must be crazy. you're obviously not going to persuade us to see things your way. feel free to stop by any and all of my threads and try to cast as much doubt as possible but as i'm sure you're're not winning...

insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. you keep coming into these threads, trying to talk trash and keep being met with less than open arms. you must be crazy if you think you're going to come into a house of love and cause disruptions. you are welcome to stay but people will inevitably feel what they are gonna feel.

you are crazy if you think that you are going to sway anyone's feelings...even crazier than the person feeling them!
edit on 11/10/11 by ICEKOHLD because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by ICEKOHLD

As I said in your other thread, just injecting some reason and rational thought into what I believe is a bunch of boohooey. Not surprising, anything that isn't an affirmation is poison to your mindset.

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by Balkan

let me inject some reason and rational into you sir: if you keep trying to inject "reason and rational" into these threads and keep getting rejected, would not reason and rational tell you that it's a waste of time? yeah. so...this isn't about reason and rational. you can call it that but it's obviously not...or you would exercise some of it and really think about your obviously wasted efforts.

you and i should really get to know each other better! i'm sure i'll see you on all of my future threads, trying to spread your reason...
edit on 11/10/11 by ICEKOHLD because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by ICEKOHLD

Also, I don't think anyone's crazy who posts in these threads, at least not this one. What is so crazy about waking up happy and full of energy? I do it practically everyday, but then I take care of myself and I'm a healthy individual. It's when you claim to have special powers (like you do in your "Do you feel it?" thread) and attribute some spiritual connection to waking up in a good mood and with energy that I have my doubts about. Hundreds of people are visiting this site as we speak. One had a similiar experience as your own. I believe it's coincidence. I left your other thread out of respect, but it is an open forum, and I'll post where I like, when I like. Deal with it.

edit on 10-11-2011 by Balkan because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by caladonea

Im glad to help, I feel better when I make someone laugh.

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by Balkan

you are more than welcome here. never asked you to leave either thread. in fact, in my previous response to you, i suggested you and i get to know each other better cuz i already know you're going to be around, trying to spread your logic. you have now become fixated on me so you won't rest until you feel that you've gotten the best of me.

well...hope you have plenty of coffee brother! you won't be resting anytime soon cuz you will never get the best of me. you're not good enough! but keep trying. see you around my new friend/stalker...

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by ICEKOHLD
reply to post by Balkan

you are more than welcome here. never asked you to leave either thread. in fact, in my previous response to you, i suggested you and i get to know each other better cuz i already know you're going to be around, trying to spread your logic. you have now become fixated on me so you won't rest until you feel that you've gotten the best of me.

well...hope you have plenty of coffee brother! you won't be resting anytime soon cuz you will never get the best of me. you're not good enough! but keep trying. see you around my new friend/stalker...

You couldn't be any more wrong. I never went back to your other thread because I figured I was unwelcome there.. not exactly the behavior of someone who is "fixiated" or "stalking" you, is it? In fact I've only ever spoken to you in two of your threads. I assure you I'm not trying to "get the best of you". Stop being so threatened by opposing opinions. I honestly have no ill feelings towards you at all, but this is an open forum and I feel like all opinions should be welcome. Since I have been posting here I have always made it a point to state that I am a great believer in respecting the right of anyone to believe in whatever they want. My motto is, you want to be Batman, be Batman!
But that doesn't mean I can't disagree with you or anyone else. Sometimes my opinion may be a bit cynical and caustic, but I normally try to be somewhat respectful unless I feel like I'm dealing with a major jackarse (which you aren't). I also have learned to speak to people how I'm spoken to. It's generally the only language they understand.

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 03:28 PM
..... I just remembered something (headslap)
It is a full moon right now.
During a full moon, the positive ionisation in the air is increased (higher ration of positive ions to negative ones).

Ionisation affects our body and it physiological states. (particularly serotonin).

This affects mood, body and mind...... I have noticed that it can affect people two different general ways, either increasing irritability, aggressivity, negative moods, or- the opposite!

I've read that we all just process serotonin differently. But from my own observations (unconfirmed, unofficial, that is) I've noticed the separating factor seems to be whether the person is introverted or extroverted. People that are prone to being very self controlled, self repressed, or introspective seem to have the negative effects.
People who are very physically active, do sports, or otherwise physically expressive seem to get the positive effects.

My personal theory? Positive ionisation (which happens with the full moon as well as very windy days) increase the energy level...... and if you are used to canalizing and using energy, you get it out..... if you are used to restraining energy within and restricting physical usage of it, you get emotional flooding inside, irritation.

Like a dam and water.

Just a hypothesis. I didn't realize until right now that it is a full moon.

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by Bluesma

i am extremely introverted...and yet i am experiencing very positive effects from this, if your theory of positive ionisation holds any water. just my input.

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by ICEKOHLD

You mentioned "waves of energy crashing down" in an earlier post. Can you elaborate on this?

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 03:52 PM

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by Balkan
My motto is, you want to be Batman, be Batman!

I am Batman. Have you seen the Bat Signal?

You don't think the world is connected in new and exciting ways? Don't believe in possibility, that's fine too. But something that had died, is alive again, and some among us are sensitive to know this.

You can't talk anyone else out of what they really know from experience, but you are also entitled to think as you wish.

But the energy of new life and new possibility is on the move.

Happy for you you've been able to remain happy through the whole damn mess, but some among us had to go to heroic lengths to retrieve for ourselves what belongs to us, and those who have it, they own it, it's theirs. Can you fault them for wanting to share their joy and enthusiasm at the rediscovery?

There is a new normal.

Holy heaven Robin - I feel like a new man!

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

have i lately...that i love you?

what a great way of putting! something that was dead is now alive again! YES! there seems to be ancient knowledge flying at my face. teachings that never made sense, make sense. teachings that once made sense, make sense on a different level now. something has risen...wonder what it could be???

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by ICEKOHLD
reply to post by LeftySinister



Thanks for that! Add my post on page 60 of your "Do you feel it" thread to that list!

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by ICEKOHLD

It's us, the human being, in rediscovery, once lost, now found, once dead, alive again. Halleluyia!

It's a new possibility, something novel, creative, and thus energy filled, radiant, vibrant and alive to the nth degree, a circle closing among all the spheres, the earth at last enveloped by the universal cosmic love we've been only imagining before, and now experiencing, like something old made new again, yes, resurrected, restored, made whole again.

It's the dawning of the new age of the human being as human potential, self realized, and shared within the contextual framework of the brotherhood of man. A net of love set down in deep waters to catch the fish of all ages.

It's US, it's you AND me, together, joining circle after circle, where our joy is in direct proportion to past sorrow and suffering also experienced.

"All happiness for man must arise exclusively only in relation to some unhappiness, already experienced."
~ Gurdjieff

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
You don't think the world is connected in new and exciting ways?

New and exciting ways? In terms of spirituality. Probably not.

Don't believe in possibility, that's fine too.

My opinions are never set in stone. Possibility is one of the cornerstones of my own belief system. I am a lifelong student of Belief.

But the energy of new life and new possibility is on the move.

Sure, hasn't it always?

Happy for you you've been able to remain happy through the whole damn mess, but some among us had to go to heroic lengths to retrieve for ourselves what belongs to us, and those who have it, they own it, it's theirs.

I was the same when I was searching for the mysteries in religions and spirituality. Ironically enough that was when I was most miserable.

Can you fault them for wanting to share their joy and enthusiasm at the rediscovery?


My Batman thing isn't meant to be a derogatory thing at all. It's another major cornerstone of my belief system. Nice picture.

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

amen brother! i got chills reading BS.

when i was working construction, i was working on a very large project and was working next to an old guy on another crew. he was an old dead head. long gray hair. talked about "back in the day" all the time. i grew quite fond of him for the couple months we worked around each other. we were talking about things one day and he asked me, "can you feel the love brother?". i laughed and said, "i am the love brother." he laughed. he thought i was kinda playing around. once i explained what i meant...he cried. i'll probably never see that old man again but he impacted me. and all we did was talk about the love brother...

it's time. no more waiting. no more expecting. no more anticipation. I AM ready. i will let love use me. i will let love flow through me.


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