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More Than 150,000 People Have Been Recorded Dead !!!

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posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by OldCorp

Originally posted by Burgo1010
if an american soldier knocks on your door run ... they will torture you and kill your kids ... the facts speak for themselves ...

That's a lie.

I worked very closely with both civ and military in Iraq/Afgan. The amount of racism and insensitivity to the suffering that we have caused is both shocking and universal. They laugh at the misery around them and blow it of as typical third world trash. They all spout off how that collateral damage is not an issue. Brainwashed a-holes who on the military side love the excitement and in many cases also benefit from lucrative opportunities and on the civilian side definately love the money. Sick people. They would love to ride the gravy (blood) train as long as they can. They do not care that they are benefitting from the misery they caused. Even if it was already there we had no business getting involved and we have made it decidedly worse. Our government is dumping untold billions into these theaters for no good reason and the contracts cannot even be auditted. Thousands of weapons have gone missing and the low born gang trash that we send over there to do the banker's bidding have turned the country into their personal shooting gallery. The occasional show trial not withstanding it all goes unpunished. These are not patriots and this is not the country that I group up loving-it never existed.

We all know what happens to the good ones like Pat Tilman-no thanks to that dishonorable politician Gen Mccrystal.

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by OldCorp
Most of those civilian casualties were the result of the Shia/Sunni sectarian violence that flared up after Saddam Hussein was driven from power. The two sects have been at each others throats since the day Mohammed died, and their favorite activity is blowing up Mosques where their "brethren" gather to pray.

Oldcorp don't try to derail this thread with verifiable facts.
This is a witch hunt.

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 08:40 PM
Then there's the wounded, destroyed families,
museums in ruin. . . .
There are substantiated evidence that not depleted
uranium but enriched plutonium has been used.
In Libya nato bombed schools, hospitals, and water supplies.
How can any ethical person sanction any of this ? . . .
they can't. Only the violent, disturbed, desensitized
have sucked it up and sold their souls.
No need to click on the video, but a quick read
tells all :Truth of it All
about who is 'king of the castle'

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 08:45 PM
In 2006 Johns Hopkins researchers did a study to try to estimate the Iraqi war deaths based on a polling of households and their findings (again, just an estimate) were much higher than this. They determined the true number might be more like 655,000, and that was back then. This study disputed the previously published estimates of 143,000 deaths.
edit on 11/10/2011 by LifeInDeath because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
"Military men are just dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy." - Henry Kissinger

Henry Kissinger was an ASS

Those of us who have served are supposed to defend him?

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by SavedOne

Originally posted by CherubBaby

More than 120,000 civilians are dead through 2010. Are you kidding me? What is this? Genocide ???

Genocide by whom? If I'm reading the link correctly it's simply stating the total number of deaths, no responsibility is attributed.

Here is a small section from the "Death Log" from a thread a year or so ago here at ATS. I'm in no way downplaying Coalition cuased deaths but you're right it counts quite a bit of NON Coalition deaths Which includes Automobile Accidents, Friendly fire [US/Allies] Enemy fire [Iranian/Suadi supported insurgents] Heart attacks, Civilian Criminal activities etc etc etc

Every Death in Iraq with Lat/Long

9488 01/01/2004 03:00 Non-Combat Event Accident FATAL VEHICLE ACCIDENT IN BAGHDAD (ZONE 1) - 2 KIA

9507 01/01/2004 09:26 Non-Combat Event Accident 1/1 ID 5-TON TRUCK ACCIDENT S. OF AR RAMADI: 1 FKI...

9543 01/01/2004 12:00 Criminal Event Murder UNIVERSITY DEAN FOUND DEAD

9549 01/01/2004 16:30 Friendly Action Other GAS STATION SET ON FIRE; 1 X EN KIA, 2 X EN WIA
63A65482-0487-4D2C-93F6-E3AD2637CDA0 01/01/2004 16:30 Criminal Event Arson TF DIMONIUS personnel guarding CIMIC house, report...

9670 02/01/2004 06:45 Friendly Action Cache Found/Cleared I/3/3 ACR OP SECURES CACHE SOUTH OF HADITHAH; 4 EK...

9590 02/01/2004 10:42 Explosive Hazard IED Explosion IED ATK ON 101 FSB CONVOY EAST OF AR RAMADI: 2X WI...

9619 02/01/2004 11:58 Explosive Hazard IED Explosion 2-325IN COMPLEX ATTK IN ZONE 47: 2X KIA, 3X WIA

9593 02/01/2004 12:21 Enemy Action Direct Fire SAF ATTACK ON OH-58 SW OF FALLUJAH;1 X CF KIA, 1 X...

9633 02/01/2004 16:25 Enemy Action Indirect Fire MTR ATTACK ON 2/3IN VIC BALAD: 1X US KIA, 5 US WIA

9684 03/01/2004 00:48 Friendly Action Raid 1-8IN CONDUCTED A RAID VIC SOUTH OF BALAD, 11X IZ ...

9688 03/01/2004 03:33 Friendly Action Other ATTEMPTED TCP RUN IN ZONE 15: 1X IZ KIA

9685 03/01/2004 06:00 Friendly Action Raid 1-508IN CONDUCTED A RAID VIC MASTUL, 1X IZ KIA, 5X...

9696 03/01/2004 12:30 Non-Combat Event Demonstration DEMONSTRATION IN AS SAMAWAH NL BG AO: 1X IZ KIA, 5...

9746 03/01/2004 16:45 Non-Combat Event Accident TRAFFIC ACCIDENT KBR CONVOY W/LOCAL IZ

33C4A4D5-88E5-456A-B6A0-D467327C344E 04/01/2004 09:00 Non-Combat Event Accident TF Samus patrol reported a car accident between 1 ...

9808 04/01/2004 23:22 Enemy Action Direct Fire SAF ATTACK ON 3BCT PATROL VIC TAL AFAR - RETURN FI...

9832 05/01/2004 13:30 Enemy Action Direct Fire SAF ATTK ON TF RIE N. OF FALLUJAH: 2X TF RIE KIA, ...

9851 05/01/2004 14:18 Enemy Action Direct Fire SAF ATTACK ON IPS VIC MOSUL;1 X IPS KIA, 1 ENEMY W...

9863 05/01/2004 18:15 Enemy Action Direct Fire RPG AND SAF ATTACK ON 2 X CIV VEHICLES VIC MAHMUDI...

9869 05/01/2004 19:18 Friendly Action Attack PATROL ENGAGES 10 X EN; 2 EN KIA

9879 05/01/2004 23:08 Explosive Hazard IED Found/Cleared 5X INDIVIDUALS ENGAGED FOR EMPLACING AN IED VIC HA...

9952 06/01/2004 20:42 Friendly Action Attack ENEMY ENGAGED WHILE PLACING IED VIC AL FALLUJAH;1 ...

9974 07/01/2004 07:00 Enemy Action Direct Fire SAF ATTK ON A/1-8IN VIC SAMARRA: 11X DETAINED, NO ...

9989 07/01/2004 14:40 Non-Combat Event Accident SHOOTING ACCIDENT AT BRAEMER RANGE VIC BASRAH;1 X ...

9994 07/01/2004 16:40 Enemy Action Direct Fire SHOOTING IN BAGHDAD (ZONE 38W):2 X ICDC WIA;1 X EN...

10006 07/01/2004 18:45 Enemy Action Indirect Fire MORTAR ATTACK LOG BASE SEITZ; 30 WIA AND 1 KIA 071...

9992 07/01/2004 18:55 Non-Combat Event Accident NTV ACCIDENT IN BAGHDAD (ZONE 36S); 1 X NEUT KIA

B3985302-653D-43D6-B823-CE57A0468556 08/01/2004 07:15 Other Other A C/S found a body of an unknown male at the side ...

03A06B59-07B9-4248-8DDD-F5519197E275 08/01/2004 14:00 Criminal Event Murder C/S visiting the hospital in AZ ZUBAYR spoke with ...

10045 08/01/2004 14:22 Non-Combat Event Accident UH-60A CRASH S. OF FALLUJAH: 9X US KIA

10068 08/01/2004 16:01 Enemy Action Direct Fire SAF ATTK ON KBR CONVOY W OF BALAD: 1X TCN KIA, 2X ...

10067 08/01/2004 16:40 Enemy Action Direct Fire RPG ATTACK ON B/1-8IN PATROL: 5X VEH, 2X IZ KIA, 1...

10076 08/01/2004 18:45 Enemy Action Direct Fire SAF ATTACK ON ICDC SOLDIER - 1 X KIA

10124 09/01/2004 14:00 Explosive Hazard IED Explosion IED DETONATED IN BAQUBAH: 4X IZ KILLED, 36X IZ INJ...

10164 09/01/2004 20:25 Suspicious Incident Other 2-503 PATROL RESPONDS TO DOMESTIC VIOLENCE VIC KIR...

10162 09/01/2004 20:51 Enemy Action Attack INDIRECT ATTACK ON KIRKUK AB; 1 X EN KIA, 3 X EN W...

10186 10/01/2004 09:39 Friendly Action Attack INTERPRETOR FOUND SHOT IN THE HEAD IN ZONE 51: 1X ...

10177 10/01/2004 10:45 Enemy Action Direct Fire VIOLENT DEMONSTRATION AND GRENADE ATTACK IN AMARAH...

10240 10/01/2004 21:20 Criminal Event Theft C/1-8IN ENGAGES 40X IZ STEALING FUEL VIC SAMARRA: ...

10263 11/01/2004 07:40 Enemy Action Direct Fire 3X FEMALE IZP SHOT IN AD DIWANIYAH: 1X KIA, 2X WIA

10233 11/01/2004 10:00 Enemy Action Direct Fire ATTACK ON IRAQI POLICE VIC ASH SUYUKH: 1X IZP KIA

10259 11/01/2004 12:00 Non-Combat Event Accident 16CSG VEH ACCIDENT VIC AS SAMAWAH: 1X IZ KIA

10298 12/01/2004 10:07 Explosive Hazard IED Explosion IED STRIKE ON D/51 SIG CONVOY (ZONE 9); 2 X WIA; 1...

10324 12/01/2004 11:54 Enemy Action Direct Fire SAF & RPG ATTK ON 1-16IN N OF AR RAMADI: 5X DETAIN...

10337 12/01/2004 16:00 Enemy Action Direct Fire ATTK ON IZP VIC MOSUL: 1X IZP KIA, 1X IZP WIA

10375 13/01/2004 07:30 Friendly Action Other DEAD IZ MALE FOUND IN VEHICLE VIC BAGHDAD

10398 13/01/2004 08:35 Criminal Event Murder DEAD IZ FOUND ON MSR TAMPA S OF BALAD

10412 13/01/2004 16:45 Enemy Action Direct Fire SA ATTACK ON C/1-8IN PATROL: 4X IZ KIA, 1X IZ WIA,...

10416 13/01/2004 19:45 Enemy Action Direct Fire SAF ATTACK ON 2-325 (ZONE 26);1 X EN KIA

10433 14/01/2004 06:15 Friendly Action Other FEMALE SOLDIER KILLED AT MOSUL AIRFIELD

10443 14/01/2004 08:30 Explosive Hazard IED Explosion VBIED ATTACK IN BAQUBAH;2 X NEUT KIA,11 X IZ SEC W...

10458 14/01/2004 09:00 Enemy Action Direct Fire DIRVE BY SHOOTING AT IZP TCP VIC MOSUL: 1X IZP KIA

10447 14/01/2004 10:34 Enemy Action Direct Fire SAF ATTK ON US-ESCORTED KBR CONVOY VIC MUNSHA: 2X ...

10446 14/01/2004 11:48 Enemy Action Direct Fire 282 QM ATTACKED BY SMALL ARMS VIC SAMARRA: 2X US W...

10463 14/01/2004 16:00 Enemy Action Direct Fire 1X IZP SHOT AND KILLED WHILE WALKING IN NORTH MOSU...

10466 14/01/2004 19:47 Friendly Action Attack TANK PATROL ENGAGES 4X DISMOUNTED IZ VIC BAQABAH: ...

10467 14/01/2004 19:55 Enemy Action Direct Fire SAF ATTK ON BFV SECTION VIC JALULA: 1 X IZ KIA

10504 15/01/2004 09:40 Criminal Event Murder IZ CIVILIAN KILLED WEST OF AR RAMADI; 1 NEUTRAL KI...

10543 15/01/2004 18:00 Explosive Hazard Mine Strike CIVILIAN BUS HITS A MINE VIC TIKRIT; 3 X NEUT KIA,...

10550 15/01/2004 18:45 Enemy Action Indirect Fire MORTAR/SAF ATTACK ON 1-325I FOB IN BAGHDAD (ZONE 2...

10553 15/01/2004 18:57 Enemy Action Direct Fire RPG ATTACK ON QRF VIC HUSAYBAH;2 X EN KIA

10592 16/01/2004 03:45 Enemy Action Indirect Fire ROCKET ATTK IVO AL HILLAH: 2X IZ WIA (ABDATE MND-C...

10585 16/01/2004 08:30 Friendly Action Other TRAIN COLLISION SOUTH OF AN NASARIYAH: 3X NEUTRAL ...

10586 16/01/2004 10:40 Non-Combat Event Accident CAR ACCIDENT WITH 1BG'S VEHICLE IN AL HILLAH: 1X I...

10628 16/01/2004 18:00 Non-Combat Event Accident DEATH OF A SOLDIER

10626 16/01/2004 18:20 Non-Combat Event Accident VEHICLE ACCIDENT IN BAGHDAD (ZONE 37N);1X NEUT KIA...

10673 17/01/2004 10:20 Friendly Action Patrol IZ CAUGHT SELLING BLACK MARKET FUEL NW OF AR RAMAD...

CDBD2ED8-40A6-4830-AD84-5083FEA3E5D6 17/01/2004 11:47 Explosive Hazard IED Explosion *IED ATTK ON 2-20FA IVO TAJI: 3 DET, 2 IP KIA, 3 C...

10699 17/01/2004 12:10 Criminal Event Murder SAF ATTACK ON AL JAZEERA POLICE CHIEF AND 3 BODY G...

10697 17/01/2004 14:15 Enemy Action Direct Fire DRIVE BY SHOOTING AT MOSUL HOSPITAL; 1 X NEUT KIA,...

10712 17/01/2004 21:05 Explosive Hazard IED Explosion IED ATTACK ON PUK VEHICLE VIC JALULA; 1 X NEUT KIA...

10711 17/01/2004 21:55 Non-Combat Event Accident IED DETONATES PREMATURELY;2 X EN KIA, 1 X EN WIA

10734 18/01/2004 08:05 Explosive Hazard IED Explosion VBIED ATTACK AT CPA ( 1-35A) CP1 ZONE 1:20 X NEUT ...

10765 18/01/2004 12:09 Friendly Action TCP 20 ARMED BDE FIRES ON VEH AT TCP N OF BASRAH

10779 18/01/2004 16:56 Enemy Action Direct Fire SAF ATTACK ON ICDC CP VIC BALAD;1 X ICDC KIA, 3 X ...

10784 18/01/2004 21:50 Enemy Action Direct Fire SAF ATTACK ON SCOUT PATROL AT ILLEGAL TCP VIC BAYJ...

10815 19/01/2004 07:30 Enemy Action Direct Fire 2BCT RPTS IZ POLICEMAN SHOT AND KILLED IN MOSUL

10877 19/01/2004 20:00 Enemy Action Direct Fire DRIVE-BY SHOOTING OF IZ POLICE STATION EAST OF AR ...

10922 20/01/2004 15:50 Enemy Action Attack SA ATTACK ON CONVOY VIC BALAD:1X IZ KIA

10929 20/01/2004 20:32 Enemy Action Direct Fire SMALL ARMS ATTK IN BAGHDAD: ZONE 35 2 X IZ KIA

10974 21/01/2004 08:00 Explosive Hazard IED Explosion 3BCT RPTS CIVILIANS AMBUSHED VIC AL FALLUJAH: 3X I...

10983 21/01/2004 13:35 Non-Combat Event Accident 20ARMDBDE RPTS ACCIDENTAL DEATH OF A SOLDIER VIC A...

10984 21/01/2004 18:33 Enemy Action Indirect Fire MTR AND ROCKET ATTACK ON FOB WARHORSE (BAQUBAH); 2...

10993 21/01/2004 19:20 Explosive Hazard IED Explosion IED ATTACK ON 1-505PIR ELEMENT VIC AL FALLUJAH: 2 ...

11053 21/01/2004 22:15 Enemy Action Direct Fire SAF ATK ON ISKANDARIYAH POLICE STATION; 1 EKIA

11078 22/01/2004 18:10 Explosive Hazard IED Explosion EXPLOSION IN COMMUNIST PARTY HQ BAGHDAD (ZONE 9);2...

11089 22/01/2004 21:00 Friendly Action TCP VEHICLE ATTEMPTS TO RUN A TCP;1 X EN KIA

11104 23/01/2004 06:00 Non-Combat Event Accident IZ VEHICLE STRIKES AN M2 AT A B/1-12IN TCP IVO SAM...

11121 23/01/2004 10:00 Enemy Action Direct Fire 2BCT RPTS SAF BETWEEN IPS AND ICDC VIC MUQDADIYAH:...

11129 23/01/2004 20:20 Non-Combat Event Equipment Failure OH-58D CRASH NORTH OF Q-WEST: 2X KIA

11152 23/01/2004 23:10 Criminal Event Murder DEAD BODY FOUND IN BASRAH: 1 NEUTRAL KIA

11155 24/01/2004 09:10 Explosive Hazard IED Explosion IED ATK NORTH OF FALLUJAH: 2 COALITION KIA, 1 PLS ...

11176 24/01/2004 09:45 Explosive Hazard IED Explosion 2BCT RPTS IED EXPLODED: ZONE 31; 2X IZKIA, 4XIZ WI...

11180 24/01/2004 10:20 Explosive Hazard IED Explosion VBIED ATK IVO SAMARRA CITY COUNCIL BUILDING IN SAM...

11189 24/01/2004 16:14 Explosive Hazard IED Explosion VBIED EXPLOSION N. OF KHALIDIYAH BRIDGE; 3 CF KIA,...

11213 24/01/2004 20:55 Enemy Action Direct Fire GRENADE ATTACK ON DISMOUNTED PATROL IN SOUTHEASTER...

11201 24/01/2004 22:15 Enemy Action Direct Fire 1BCT RPTS RPG ATTK ON PATROL VIC BAYJI: 1 US KIA

11251 25/01/2004 00:15 Criminal Event Other 3BCT RPTS EXPLOSION IN AD DIWANIYAH: 1X IZ DEAD

11239 25/01/2004 01:50 Friendly Action TCP VEHICLE CHARGES 4-27FA TCP IN ZONE 8S: 1 IZ KIA

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by CherubBaby

Absolutely disgusting.

Why don't we just blow this tortured earth right up and end its pain?

We should stop fighting constructed war and start helping 3rd world countries and be real humans instead of heartless animals.

Animals have more heart when reading this!

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by Human0815
Why he/she need to calm down?

It was not Burgo1010 who went to this War,
it was People like Y. O. U.!

You protected and supported the killings of innocent Babies, Kids, Womens
and Mens in the Iraq "for a few Tours" and everywhere else,
stop your ignorance and do more Self-Reflection!

Every Soldier is a Killer!

And once again, a clueless ATS poster paints the military with a broad brush.

Yep, good ol' Burgo1010 and you didn't go to war, but you sure do love to run your suck like you have a freakin' clue about what goes on over there.

Time to step back into your lane.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

We're in agreement and you can tell a lot about someone in power by what comes out of their mouth.

IMHO - Kissinger is a nasty piece of work.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by CherubBaby

The true body count is over 1 million. The same people that said it was ok to go into this war is giving you the body count, you going to trust their word?

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 12:30 AM
I don't know what to say but as a former american citizen ,I apologize to the world for the genocides and war crimes our nation is committing under the control of neocons,fascists and communists.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 12:52 AM
well, all these deaths are on george bush's hands. that's a great thing about democracy, you start something that kills hundreds of thousands of people, you retire and go fishing.

the next guy gets elected and proclaims it wasn't me so don't blame america, cleans up the mess.

next guy comes in, starts another war that'll kill hundreds of thousands (iran?), retires and writes a book.

the world gets angry, and the next "peacemaker" takes office and starts the cycle all over again.

very convenient democracy.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 04:21 AM
reply to post by CherubBaby

And how dare they take up weapons against the Western "Liberators" don't they know it's all for their own good?!

80% civilian casualties?,absolutely sickening!

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 08:02 AM
I would like to know why the civilian death toll isn't talked about or reported . I guess the owners of the MSM i.e big business and their friends that control the deceisions of the whores that share in the profits of murder , see to it incoming news from the war areas is pretty squashed before poeple find out what a slaughter is going on.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 08:09 AM
Remember in NAZI Germany how the public were kept at such dismal ignorance that most had no idea what was happening in the death camps? This reminds me of how now the world theater does the same, politics, economics and entertainment, joblessness, it all continues to be played out even today but on a much larger scale.

Everyone is guilty here.

Are people of the world afraid that if they report and cry out that they will be next so better to keep their heads in the sand and pretend it does not affect them?

One more thought on the subject is that if you combine all of the disaster totals to this which are devastating in their own rights, what are the real totals and why have we continued to reach the 7 billion people mark? Is this all part of the decolonization of the planet?

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by LifeInDeath

We can go in the middle with that figure and have 330,000 approx? I can't wait to hear some of the Vets stories when and if the come home..

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 03:17 PM
Why all the negativity?

At least Obama gets to keep his Nobel Peace Prize.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by Alxandro
Why all the negativity?

At least Obama gets to keep his Nobel Peace Prize.

True, and I do think it is forfeit now, but then Skull and Bones probably have a new trophy or two, and wait awhile maybe three. That's kinda like an award, isn't it?
edit on 12-11-2011 by smurfy because: Text.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by smurfy

More like a trophy.
Don't be surprised if Geronimo and Pancho Villa now have Osama as a brother.
After all, they all evaded U.S. capture, at least until they met their destiny.
edit on 12-11-2011 by Alxandro because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 09:27 PM
In the aftermath of 9/11, like a mob, we wanted revenge. Our president pointed us, like a mob, in the direction of Iraq. All the deaths and all the lives ruined and all the bodies maimed - our men and women in uniform and Iraqi men, women & children. Then we started to learn some of the truth of what had happened and there were a lot of questions and the original enemy is supposed to be dead now and it doesn't help. There has to be a healing process and somehow it has to start. It would make sense to start by at least being truthful about how many have died. Why would this be a secret? What kind of a person would want that to remain a secret?

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