What is the primary purpose of Law Enforcement? What is their main function in society?
In recent weeks it appears that Law Enforcement is attempting to carve out new areas. When we look at cases such as Sky Metalwala and Lisa Irwin, what
do we as a society want Law Enforcement's role to be?
When I grew up there was no question about Law Enforcement's function, their primary role was to PROTECT SOCIETY! In the case of missing children it
was finding the children! No one here believes that Law Enforcement is duty bound to share all they know with us. Yet in recent weeks it seem that Law
Enforcement is attempting to carve out new areas of focus, while abandoning old areas...
Take a look at this information that Law Enforcement has chosen to release;
But investigators have found that there was enough gas in the car to run a considerable distance, Bellevue police Maj. Mike Johnson said Wednesday
afternoon. Police haven't ruled out some other mechanical problem with the car.
Read more here
What is the effect of releasing this information now?
Does it put more feet on the ground, searching for Sky?
Or does it simply tend to implicate the mother?
What is the primary role of Law Enforcement when it comes to missing children, is it no longer their prompt return?
Has Law Enforcement simple become the goverment operated enablers of hate?
Is Law Enforcement's new role that of enabler? Telling us who it is okay to hate?
Is that a role we really want Law Enforcement to assume?
Is that a direction we want our country to travel?
What is the effect of telling us now that the vechicle was NOT out of gas?
Does this bit of news put more feet on the ground searching for Sky Metalwala? Or is it the equilvant to tipping his mother that she is under
suspicion? Have we not seen in the Lisa Irwin case that simple suspicion is not enough for the prompt return of Lisa?
Are Lisa and Sky not part of society, yet? Assuming for the sake of argument that Law Enforcement is correct here and these children are not wanted by
their parents, does that mean the children are entitled to less from Law Enforcement? Beyond society as a whole just who is Law Enforcement working
here for, the parents (whom may not want the children) or the actual missing children?
As a country do we wish to abandon the concept of innocent until proven guilt in a court of law, and go with guilty until proven innocent beyon all
reasonable doubt in a court of law? Do the ends justify the means? Has profiling become acceptable now? Is life just a game, and law enforcement needs
to play the odds? Because the odds are the parents are involved do we haul them into the local police station and beat the truth out of them? Do we
water board them until they confess? Is this the new form of Justice in America?