posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 07:14 AM
OK, when I started researching for this thread I was thinking that the recent victories handed to the Muslim Brotherhood in several Arab Spring
countries could either be to balance power in the region (Muslim Brotherhood is Sunni which could balance the Shia of Iran) or to cause a war between
Sunni and Shia elements. But I found that the Muslim Brotherhood have a following even in Iran and Iraq. The Muslim Brotherhood had been outlawed in
Iraq, but came rack to life in 2003 when the US removed Saddam from power. So now I am leaning more in the direction that the agenda seems to be to
hand all Muslim countries to the Muslim Brotherhood. Now the fact that the rag tag rebs set up a new central bank in Libya back in April makes me
think that there was some quid pro quo going on between the Muslim Brotherhood and the euro-banksters (zionists-I know it is convoluted). I am just
speculating here though. Another guess would be setting up Israel with an excuse to fumigate the land within a thousand mile radius with whatever they
have in their arsenals and such an excuse is more likely to happen with a unified Islamic coalition throughout. Also, Turkey's Erdogen has been the
leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in that country.
So basically I do not know what is going on with this bunch, but I have a bad feeling about it. What say you?