posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by network dude
Thanks brother, i wish you a great year as Senior Warden. There are a few things that i am looking to do to my lodge. For one, harness and incorporate
more T.O. style lodge ideals and practices. Change the way we do investigations. We have had a couple of bad apples come through lately and it's
getting pretty bad. One thing that will help with that is that at our last Grand Lodge Communication in San Francisco this year, it was adopted that
mandatory criminal background checks be done on every new applicant. Our lodge investigation committees are being lackadaisical. In addition, changing
the candidate education program.
Making education of each degree for E.A.s, F.C.s, and M.M.s mandatory and having coaches put on classes whereby they can understand each degree more
clearly before moving on. My emphasis is on educating our brothers, and trying to bring back the intellectual and esoteric side of Freemasonry back in
the lodge. Something that has been missing from a lot of lodges for some time now. My officers are behind me 100% and I believe it will be a good
change for the lodge....we'll see!