Hello and good day to you all!
I come here with my rant today because, well, im fed up with a few things. My fellow generation y'er...er's are lovely folk, some of which are very
astute and very, very gifted.
This is not, however, why I am here ranting. I am here to rant on the topic of the most prevalent and obvious human dichotomy, the male and female.
Over the eons supposed "power" has fluctuated from sex to sex, shared by both, etc. Over the past several thousand years there has certainly been a
male dominance. Not to say that all men were evil and supporting it indefinitely. No sir. They were mostly just, well, sad folk.
Now we are here today, an incredibly crucial time for development. Equality has come...and gone. I personally believe that we are on the verge of
tipping the scales in the other direction.
Anyone that believes or has been made to believe that this is good is making a
Balance is expected of us at this point, im talking, last chance kind of stuff, im talking...
No offense ladies, but the amount of you that are habitually having sex with all kinds of random people unprotected might I add, picking up tons of
nasty diseases, infecting further people without a #ing care and not telling the guys you're boning, playing dudes left and right, and coming off as
either pathological liars, or borderline, non-caring fools, is becoming unbearably insane. Ssssssssnakes anyone?
We all know of the men out there that cannot control themselves and lack ability to apply their basic concepts of integrity to their physical
interactions with OTHER HUMAN BEINGS. When one acts a fool like this, especially without protection, you are not only hastening almost certain mental
anguish for at least your partner, but you are then risking severe physical repercussion which in my honest opinion, should be punishable by law.
Someone can hit you with a car and get jail time, yet your f-ed up in the head partner can go and give you some disease without you being at all
aware, due to THEIR screw up, and walk their merry way out as they go spread more of that crap.
I know these men, and you know what? They feel REMORSE. They often, if not always, tell the TRUTH. Some don't, I recognize that, but those that i
know, actually have a spine.
However, the women i know? You want to know what a startling percentage of them emulate?
Pure, unadulterated, lying.
I don't care if you think you're a witch or think you're a Queen, you will not be exempt from infinite knowing what the # is up. And when the time
comes, boy oh boy oh boy, you sincerely