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Now what a story this is! ..what a doctor said infront of an abortion

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posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000

Originally posted by BO XIAN

Exactly. We now have the technologies to take completely deserted areas and make them lush and green again. We have the technology to terraform these areas and bring new life to them and make them hospitable yet it does not happen because why? Certain "people" would have us believe that it is harming the environment and the natural habitats of certain species, so the governments.of the world have possessed these areas and forbid them to be changed. The earth is not by any means running out of room for people to live on, just the Illuminati want us to see it that way.


When folks decree that


THEN they can get on the idiotic bandwagon saying that the snail darter is more important than 200,000 humans.

And idiocies like wishing earth was 'cleansed' of ALL humans!

As The Bible says, in the END TIMES, individuals would cease to worship God Almighty and begin to worship creation itself . . . more than ever.

Frances Schaeffer was correct in HOW SHOULD WE THEN LIVE--film series and book . . . noting that when God is dethroned,

Nature begins to be capitalized and take the place of God.

And the clueless guilty of such persist in thinking THAT'S scientific and rational!

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by Leahn


There are suffering hungry poor.

Not because there's no choice but because demonized satan worshipers running the global government have long

CHOSEN to FORCE such suffering on hundreds of millions.

They have no clue about their reaping from such sowing.

They have the insanity to think that when they sow cacti, they'll reap mangoes.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by Maslo

The quality of life of millions has NOTHING to do with the earth's capacity to support a huge population.

IT has strictly to do with the satanic globalists determination to reduce the population down to 200 million in order to have fewer, less threatening slaves.

And, the critters have convinced the globalist idiots that the earth and mankind will be destroyed, otherwise.

Or else, that's a huge disinformation farce of a ploy that even the globalists no longer believe.

Their master loves death and suffering.

The exotic technologies abound that could make deserts bloom; transportation be non-polluting; heating and air conditioning cost 50 cents/year etc. etc. etc.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by heineken

lets cut it out and grow up. you pay for your abortions, and i will pay for mine.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by Super64PR
Does this mean, that when people practice safe sex for example... I kill millions of 'half' babies?

Until the 'baby' is more than organised cells, I don't believe it constitutes as a full human lifeform. When you wash your face, you're killing millions of germs. Those too are only organised cells. But you don't worry about that I'm sure.

And if you are a guy- every time you masturbate you kill MILLIONs of 'babies'. And if you are on the pill or IUD you kill ONE 'baby' a month. And if you have used invitro fertilization to get pregnant you have probably killed at least a DOZEN 'babies' throughout the process.

It is estimated that the average woman spontaneously aborts 20 to 50 zygotes (fertilized eggs up to 6 weeks in age) in her lifetime. These happen due to multiple reasons- but it is an entirely natural process. I am sure if God thought all those fertilized cell clusters were 'babies' that this would not happen so often or so easily.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 01:34 AM

Originally posted by BO XIAN

When folks decree that


THEN they can get on the idiotic bandwagon saying that the snail darter is more important than 200,000 humans.

And idiocies like wishing earth was 'cleansed' of ALL humans!

As The Bible says, in the END TIMES, individuals would cease to worship God Almighty and begin to worship creation itself . . . more than ever.

Frances Schaeffer was correct in HOW SHOULD WE THEN LIVE--film series and book . . . noting that when God is dethroned,

Nature begins to be capitalized and take the place of God.

And the clueless guilty of such persist in thinking THAT'S scientific and rational!

Apparently you haven't read your Bible much. Man was given the Earth and creatures to care for from the beginning. And at the end of the Bible - in Revelations - God promises to "Destroy those who destroy the Earth." (Revelation 11:18).

It is the Alpha and Omega of the Bible. Genesis (Tells man to name the animals and take care of the earth) and Revelations (Gods promise to destroy those who destroy the Earth).

If you DO believe in the Bible -whose side you are on? The polluters and destroyers of the Earth or those silly tree huggers? I can guess which side God is on. I know what side I have been on my entire life.

200,000 People did not 'die' for a snail darter - they were just told they could not come in and destroy more of nature for their God=Mammon. So who is YOUR God, exactly?

And - next time you say "the Bible says", you better be sure of it - AND - at least quote the passage. I am calling BS on your statement.

The vine has dried up, And the fig tree has withered; The pomegranate tree, The palm tree also, And the apple tree–All the trees of the field are withered; Surely joy has withered away from the sons of men (Joel 1:12).
edit on 12-11-2011 by Stratus9 because: tyrannosaurus rex

edit on 12-11-2011 by Stratus9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 02:05 AM

Originally posted by captaintyinknots

Originally posted by Kyobosha

Originally posted by captaintyinknots

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by captaintyinknots

Well, if you are willing to discuss "late-term" abortions, then it isn't really an issue of women's rights is it?

Earlier in the thread I said this:

I definitely think there are only one narrow exception, the mother's life that should make 3rd trimester abortions legal. All others should be banned. I think 2nd trimester abortions should be only with some extenuating circumstance, but maybe a little more broad area for the Doctor's to choose from.

For 1st trimester abortions, I still don't like it, but if we implement some kind of mandatory counseling or education, and both parents are represented in the decision making when possible, and everyone is in agreement, then I wouldn't be totally against it.

But, I don't believe this is an issue of women's rights over their own body, unless their health is involved. I believe all parties should be represented. Go back to page 2 of this thread, and there is a good discussion about it.
edit on 9-11-2011 by getreadyalready because: (no reason given)

MI disagree. Science has given us parameters as to the different developmental stages.

Science may have given us the different developmental stages but that is not grounds to enable abortion in the stages. Science is not the ultimate authority (nor am I). The majority doesn't make it right either nor should it give ultimate authority.
if the majority is not the authority, who should be?

You can only say the majority has authority because it is convenient for you now. If a situation ever arose where a majority decided against you I don't think you'd be saying the same thing. Like I said before just because a majority decided, it doesn't mean its always right.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 05:42 AM

Originally posted by discharged77

Originally posted by MrWendal
I do not care if people believe life begins at conception or not. I do not care if people think Abortion is murder. Fact is... it is my pregnancy, my body, my baby, my life so STFU and mind your own business. Unless you (the pro lifer) are going to financially and emotionally support the mother and the baby, then you have absolutely no say in the decision she makes. End of story.
LOL. What a load of crap, just because its "your body" does not make it OK. You will have to answer to the maker and i would not want to be you.

THANK YOU!!! You are 1000% correct, one day I will have to answer to my why is that any of your business at all?? Maybe your time would be better spent figuring out how you are going to explain to your maker why you judge everyone else when he tells you in his best selling book, "Judge not lest ye be judged" or "Let he without sin cast the first stone".

Of course it is very convenient how people forget those parts of the book isn't it?

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 07:35 AM
reply to post by MrWendal

Well said. That's exactly why I wouldn't even bother arguing this issue with anyone.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by Stratus9

Originally posted by Super64PR
Does this mean, that when people practice safe sex for example... I kill millions of 'half' babies?

Until the 'baby' is more than organised cells, I don't believe it constitutes as a full human lifeform. When you wash your face, you're killing millions of germs. Those too are only organised cells. But you don't worry about that I'm sure.

And if you are a guy- every time you masturbate you kill MILLIONs of 'babies'. And if you are on the pill or IUD you kill ONE 'baby' a month. And if you have used invitro fertilization to get pregnant you have probably killed at least a DOZEN 'babies' throughout the process.

It is estimated that the average woman spontaneously aborts 20 to 50 zygotes (fertilized eggs up to 6 weeks in age) in her lifetime. These happen due to multiple reasons- but it is an entirely natural process. I am sure if God thought all those fertilized cell clusters were 'babies' that this would not happen so often or so easily.

AH, but these are natural processes and there is no concious choice in the matter. When you abort a baby you have made the concious decision to terminate that life (we call it murder). In other words you take on the persona of God and declare who lives and who dies without having his divinity and that my friend is blasphemy. It is not the unforgiveable blasphemy but it really pisses God off because he fashions the spirit that goes into that body. Yes mankind was given free will, the freedom to choose right from wrong and those who abort are choosing to do wrong.

These babies did not ask to be concieved, they had no choice in the matter. Once the parents passions and lusts took over the dice was cast and people who commit abortion are destroying that life. This is the nature of man, God gave us the power to create and instead we destroy. Now you know why Christ will return, because if he doesnt mankind will destroy itself because we have a destructive nature that was imbedded into us by satan.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by Stratus9

Originally posted by BO XIAN

When folks decree that


THEN they can get on the idiotic bandwagon saying that the snail darter is more important than 200,000 humans.

And idiocies like wishing earth was 'cleansed' of ALL humans!

As The Bible says, in the END TIMES, individuals would cease to worship God Almighty and begin to worship creation itself . . . more than ever.

Frances Schaeffer was correct in HOW SHOULD WE THEN LIVE--film series and book . . . noting that when God is dethroned,

Nature begins to be capitalized and take the place of God.

And the clueless guilty of such persist in thinking THAT'S scientific and rational!

Apparently you haven't read your Bible much. Man was given the Earth and creatures to care for from the beginning. And at the end of the Bible - in Revelations - God promises to "Destroy those who destroy the Earth." (Revelation 11:18).

It is the Alpha and Omega of the Bible. Genesis (Tells man to name the animals and take care of the earth) and Revelations (Gods promise to destroy those who destroy the Earth).

If you DO believe in the Bible -whose side you are on? The polluters and destroyers of the Earth or those silly tree huggers? I can guess which side God is on. I know what side I have been on my entire life.

200,000 People did not 'die' for a snail darter - they were just told they could not come in and destroy more of nature for their God=Mammon. So who is YOUR God, exactly?

And - next time you say "the Bible says", you better be sure of it - AND - at least quote the passage. I am calling BS on your statement.

The vine has dried up, And the fig tree has withered; The pomegranate tree, The palm tree also, And the apple tree–All the trees of the field are withered; Surely joy has withered away from the sons of men (Joel 1:12).
edit on 12-11-2011 by Stratus9 because: tyrannosaurus rex

edit on 12-11-2011 by Stratus9 because: (no reason given)

The people who destroy the earth are those who do not give back to it and replenish it. People like oil corporations wh spill millions of gallons of oil into earths oceans and kill off sea life (BP Gulf oil spill 2010). Corporations who strip mine the earth for coal and salt. Greedy people who destroy it for money, for seflish greed and they are apathetic about it. In other words they serve the destroyer, in many ways.

However man can co-exist with the animals and the earth, if humanity turns from its destructive ways, but it will not which is the entire reason Christ must return.

You can read the bible all you want but you do not percieve. You see but do not see. Without the guidance of the Holy Spirit you will not understand anything you read. The bible was intended to be read so that a child can understand it. I say to you, that without the help of the Ruach ha Kodesh you will have no clue what you are reading because he allows you to read those passages through the eyes of a child, see not with your eyes, but with your heart, through the eyes of innocence. This is how the Holy Spirit enables you to understand what you read in the bible he allows you to read it through the eyes of a child.

The whole reason God made all of creation was for Man. Man was created to be his companion with which he could walk with and talk with in the cool of the day. He made man because he wanted to create a being that would love him of his own free will, the messengers (angels) were already created to serve him and do his bidding. He made man because he wanted a friend and it made Lucifer jealous to see man walk with God and love him and not fear him. Until the fall the adama and eve knew no fear.

Like 18:16 But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 08:51 AM
The Bible about killing babies:

Psalm 137:9
Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock!

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 12:59 PM
Although I don't agree with abortion fully I think a 1 year old baby and a fetus are very different. I guess the question comes down to when does the soul/spirit enter the fetus. From some channeled info I have read that when the baby is in the moms belly the spirit sometimes wont enter till the very end when the baby is about to be born. Also, from what I have read, this is usually the case but if a soul choose it can experiencing being in its moms belly for the whole pregnancy, its just this is not usually to beneficial to the soul and might be considered a' waste of time'. And yes I do find channeled information to be relable (I will not be replying to bashful comments about my opinion, I don't come here to argue).

To me there is no debate that the soul is much more active inside the body of a 1 year old baby than a fetus/developing baby.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 01:08 PM
With the overpopulation in this world, the dismal treatment of children already born, and the dismal quality of breeding stock that is multiplying like vermin, it seems to me that abortion is a plausible, if not laudable alternative. In fact, as a package deal, there should be the offer of either temp or permanent sterilization of the woman in question. More often than not she will choose a temp method of say, 5 years or so until she is more mature and ready to handle the burden of another child. If any ask if I have been 'fixed' then yes, I have been!

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by marg6043

Hey, that's true.

If we kill all the women on the planet, that way we'll prevent the murder of unborn foetuses, problem solved.

What really gets my goat about those that presume to care enough about the right to life of a fetus that is still in the womb, is i don't hear much from the same direction when living, breathing children are slaughtered by our bombs and munitions? Don't they have a right to life too?

Or does it depend on where they live and what colour their skin is?

Where are the thousands of religious fanatics that won't abide by the law and allow a woman to make her own choices without harassment from them when hundreds of thousands of children and their parents are being ripped to shreds in wars of our own making, with bombs and bullets that we produce?

They're nice and cosy down at the safe abortion centre that's where, waving their placards and wailing at how unfair it all is...well, i'm sure if their is a genuine sentiment about protecting the life of innocents, there is MANY more innocent children already born that require that wailing and help...but then again, it's not just down the road is it, and it's a bit dangerous what with all the bombs and bullets flying around eh?


Principles are one thing, and another entirely when they involve putting oneself in a war zone to act on them.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by volafox

and the dismal quality of breeding stock that is multiplying like vermin...

Blimey, eugenics much?

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by marg6043

HA... Women might not need men to get pregnant but they sure as hell need us to pay child support etc etc other miscellaneous B.S.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by Maslo
The Bible about killing babies:

Psalm 137:9
Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock!

That psalm was referring to the babylonian invasion and exile of the jews and youre taking that verse out of context.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by MrWendal

THANK YOU!!! You are 1000% correct, one day I will have to answer to my why is that any of your business at all?? Maybe your time would be better spent figuring out how you are going to explain to your maker why you judge everyone else when he tells you in his best selling book, "Judge not lest ye be judged" or "Let he without sin cast the first stone".

Of course it is very convenient how people forget those parts of the book isn't it?

Sure, you have the right to choose whatever you want. Free will is one of God's greatest gifts. It is also convenient when people take verses out of context.

I want to understand what your reasoning is exactly; I am only looking at this from a logical standpoint. It is your body, your life, your decision, I got it. Everyone has the right to live, the right to their body, the right to their choice. Does the fetus not have these rights yet because it is still dependent or because your rights are more important? I'm not being condescending or trying to condemn/judge. I want to understand your reasoning.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000

Originally posted by Maslo
The Bible about killing babies:

Psalm 137:9
Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock!

That psalm was referring to the babylonian invasion and exile of the jews and youre taking that verse out of context.

So lonewolf, you're saying it's even more ok, biblically sanctioned even, if they are not christian babies? Huh. pretty consistent I guess.

Over all I find this thread very disturbing, and I really think the "lifers" discredit themselves with their lack of clear policy to put forward. Recently proposed state legislation has left important exceptions out of the proposed laws. A previously mentioned and summarily dismissed exception such as RAPE although rare, these circumstances are not to be ignored as "statistically irrelevant", because for those going through them they are not.

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