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Nétanyahou "liar" - Obama-Sarkozy secret chat

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posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by Godofgamblers

Hey! Dont run your mouth matey. Having a dislike of the Israeli leadership is not the same thing as anti semitism. My grandfathers fought against such thinking in the past, and I dont stand for it either.

However, my support of the right of every man and woman has the right to live free of mortal judgement based on creed , colour, faith or politics. However, that means that I dont have any compunction about calling foul when I see it, and I see it where the Israeli leadership is concerned.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by Chrysalis

Originally posted by Godofgamblers
Nice to see the anti-semite crowd out in full force to support the dictator in chief.

Saying one guy is a liar does not equal saying a whole nation is full of liars.

But since you seem to be so pro at Israeli politics, maybe you'll be the one explaining us how the influence of extreme orthodox jews and their funding of some politicians dictates their stance on some subjects ...

Who are these extreme orthodox jews funding politicians? Who are the politicians taking the funds? And finally what is the Jews stance on WHAT subject?
You have to give me specifics otherwise your just fueling more hatred of jews for the lunatics with ambiguous tales of bribery from the rich jew who is supposed to be in total control of everything and secretly installs people in high places to do their bidding.
It's insanity like that which lead to people by the millions to be murdered for their wealth. You don't like jews because they have money, you hate and ENVY them because they are smarter than you and have become prosperous. You fall into a world where others who are equally unstably like minded despise them for their accomplishments, and if had an opportunity you'd love to see them all driven into gas chambers and furnaces, because somehow that would make everything fair when their wealth is confiscated.
It's happened before and what's worse is the obvious growing support in THIS day and age for the completion of the Master Plan.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by Dagar

Originally posted by Godofgamblers
Nice to see the anti-semite crowd out in full force to support the dictator in chief.

The appropriateness of the 'anti-semite' label depends entirely on whether people dislike Nétanyahou because he's Jewish, or because he's a dangerous idiot?

I think most of his disparagers would fall into the second category

RAises hand for the dangerous megalomania infused psychopath option, leave the religious BS out as we all know thats a farce at top levels. At the end of the day these "leaders" on both sides have agendas that include wanting the mass population to be dumb, depressed, sick and most importantly at war. Its been a sad, perpetual cycle for thousands of years.....the gambler in me wants to bet on the Big Ben NWO card as being the next spark for war, maybe spring?

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 12:08 PM
This is so great.

I wonder how many people are now working overtime to try to clean this mess up...

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by ipleadthe5th

Obama is the leader of the most powerful country in the world..
If he speaks to Nétanyahou everyday then It's because he wants to..

The US is not the most powerful country in the world. Israel is.

There's a reason America's THAAD, Aegis, Phalanx, Patriot, Directed Energy missile defense systems are protecting Israel right now instead of Washington DC.

Israel calls the shots.

America has never killed Israelis......Israel has killed Americans...Military and Civilian.

U.S.S. Liberty. Not Forgotten

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 12:35 PM
I think its very important someone says this, but there is a clear and fine line between being "anti-isralei" and "anti-semetic"

We should not tolerate hate for a group of people based on their race or religion. Hating someone based on character though, is what we should start doing.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by Chrysalis
reply to post by ipleadthe5th

Obama says he "has to" , that's a bit different, it implies he rather not, but that's how diplomacy goes.
We kinda know how the US politics have to bow down to Israel.

I'm not Jewish, but I feel for them and can only imagine what it must be like to be a tiny country surrounded by countries that have declared they will stop at nothing to "vanquish them from the face of the earth"

With that being said, I think this just shows how these two so-called "world leaders" are just big gossiping cry-babies.

Look up Netanyahou's bio, I'm sorry but that guy is a bad ass, and I wish we had a leader which was more like him. He's actually been in battle, he's actually had to account for his actions, and he has seen first hand things that would make Obama and Sarkozy wet their fine Italian pants.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by truthinfact
I think its very important someone says this, but there is a clear and fine line between being "anti-isralei" and "anti-semetic"

We should not tolerate hate for a group of people based on their race or religion. Hating someone based on character though, is what we should start doing.

Why should hate be tolerated in any form.

I do not feel that hate is ever an appropriate form of expression, hate breeds racist and bigoted behavior.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by ipleadthe5th

Israel is that burdening welfare system that has not been reformed yet and NuttNYahoooo! is constantly crying about his entitlements.

I had to say it. Just could not help myself.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by mileysubet

Of course you are right, hate is the most counter productive thing we can do for our souls... Im just saying though, most people hate people based on stuff they cannot control (race sexual orientation religion appearance ) When really it would make more sense to judge someone based on the content of their character. The intent of their will..

All hate really is, is just ignorance fueled by blindness

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 12:56 PM
Just goes to show how the so called leaders are in distrust with eachother.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 12:58 PM
Since when is it a crime to hate Netanyahu? Its not like they were discussing how they dislike Israel, which is a crime...

I say to hell with all of them and let God sort it out.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by Godofgamblers
You don't like jews because they have money, you hate and ENVY them because they are smarter than you and have become prosperous. You fall into a world where others who are equally unstably like minded despise them for their accomplishments, and if had an opportunity you'd love to see them all driven into gas chambers and furnaces, because somehow that would make everything fair when their wealth is confiscated.
It's happened before and what's worse is the obvious growing support in THIS day and age for the completion of the Master Plan.

I think it would very nice if we for once could dispense with this old "guilt trip". If you *have* to mention this you should probably have continued to educate us on the right of the jewish people to persecute the Palestinians in much the same way the jews were persecuted during the WWII.

After all it is now the jewish people who steal Palestine bit by bit. It is the jewish people who claim that it is their right.

It was world leaders "guilt trip" that made them steal someone elses country and hand it over to the jewish people. It is something else that now allows the jewish people to make their own version of genocide and persecution.

And it is off course the fact that if the good old US doesn't back the jewish people then they loose votes. If they back the persecuted (Palestinians) then they loose votes as well.

Perhaps we should remember that one of the reasons we now have an "arab problem" is because of our headless backing of those who oppress the very same arabs that are now a problem.

edit on 8.11.2011 by HolgerTheDane because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by BIGPoJo
Since when is it a crime to hate Netanyahu? Its not like they were discussing how they dislike Israel, which is a crime...

I say to hell with all of them and let God sort it out.

Why is it a crime to dislike Israel? Because of their just and fair politics?

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 01:16 PM
Sorry if this has already been said, didn't read all the pages, but, in my mind this was another stunt.

The media is run by the PTB. This was done to create an action or opinion.

Maybe just an easy out now for Isreal to back down a bit from Iran?

Maybe to keep someone in check?

Probably lots of scenarios here. I just don't think it was accidental, the media picking up this conversation.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by HolgerTheDane

To be fair to Israel the nation, which is made up of the people of Israel who are not in thier own right evil, it is the LEADERS of the nation that are the problem. The entire political structure of Israel should be smashed to the ground and rebuilt with fresh minds, not the stagnant , corrupt, and outright dangerous bunch of scumbags currently running the place.

The nation itself, and the people within Israel are just as mixed up as the rest of us, but it is those they give power who have dragged the nations reputation down to the low ebb at which we find it today.

The same could be said of many nations, and many leaderships.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 01:20 PM
Obama wanted the job. He ASKED for it. If he can't handle it, The stress, repsonsibility, or is unable to even make the simplest of decisions, then he should just QUIT!

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by TrueBrit

The funny thing is that the two Israelis I know are very nice people. We have had lots of great conversations. When it comes to their rights towards the palestinians, they see nothing wrong.

They regard the palestinians as terrorists. They think the settlements should continue. After all it is their God given rights that they exercise.

Nice people - but fuelling the conflict.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 01:40 PM
While everyone was wondering if they would be able to listen in to locker rooms on the NFLs linebackers new helmet microphones...
They forgot about more important microphones.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by antonia
reply to post by Chrysalis

Yea, he promised to stop the settlements and then turned around and bulldozed Palestinian houses. Sarkozy and Obama are lying buttheads themselves, but I agree with their assessment of B.B. The guy is a jerk, Americans lap that crap up though because if they don't they believe Jesus will smite them with a curse for going against his
chosen people.

And why is Jesus a racist.,....Hm....?

Yeshua ha Meshiach is no liar and he is under no illusions about his people rejecting him. Why do you think he gave the task to Shaul of Tarsus to create a gentile nation for him? In the Old Testament the Israelites were the chosen people, but that task has been given to the gentiles in the New Testament (New Covenant). The jews were originally tasked with bringing the messiah to the world and they rejected it, so he gave it to us instead. Now it is our task to bring his light to the world and through us his people.

I digress and return to the OP. This stinks of a setup. I refuse to believe that politicians who are trained to expect every mic to be live would let something like this slip. This seems like an attempt from Obama to deflect the worlds anger at the U.S. by being Israel's sole ally when everyone else is ready to crucify some jews. Pretty much any nation trying to survive will use whatever country they can, by whatever means necessary in order to survive and Israel is no different, they too will use anyone and any nation they can to survive so yes, they too have a parasitic nature. Any government has a parasitic nature, thats the purpose of governments in the first place. They will use the U.S. until we are no longer useful to them and then they will throw us under the bus, just like they used Mubarak of Egypt and Ghaddafi of Libya. Those rulers were allowed to rule and survive until they became a liability to Israel and it was then that they were thrown under the bus. It's not just Israel doing it either, literally every nation's government does the same stuff and this sh*t has been going on for thousands of years.

"Die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain"- The Joker

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