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What does 9/11 Commission Staffer Doug MacEachin Really Think Happened before 9/11?

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posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 01:40 AM

What does 9/11 Commission Staffer Doug MacEachin Really Think Happened before 9/11?

www.boilingfrogspost .com

Sorting Through Murky Circumstances, Mystery Opponents & So-Called Supporters

By Kevin Fenton

In his recent book The Black Banners, former FBI agent Ali Soufan portrays a key 9/11 Commission staff member, Doug MacEachin, as believing the CIA deliberately withheld information from the FBI in January 2001. This is in contrast with the Commission’s final report, which states that the CIA failed to pass on intelligence to the FBI on multiple occasions, but puts it down to honest failings.

MacEachin was one of the best-known of the Commission’s staffers before its formation. He was a
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 01:40 AM
According to former FBI agent and author Ali Soufan one of the 9/11 commisson staffers Doug MacEachin believes the CIA mislead the commission and FBI,although from what I have read it seems certain supervisors within the bureau simply did not want to know.Much like the Commissioners themselves.The more I hear and read about that summit in Malaysia the more suspicious I get about it.The CIA just let these guys slip through their fingers in Thailand and they end up in the US? This was not just a simple mistake like some people would have you believe.

www.boilingfrogspost .com
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 02:09 AM
reply to post by mike dangerously

If there is ANY truth to the truthers call that 911 was inside job, it would have to be found in these stories that former agents will begin to reveal down the road in their books about it. Good book seller by the way. I have a simpler question about it. Some of the hitchhikers were on red flag lists and yet seemed to be allowed to travel in and out of the country at will, including riding the pre planned flights several times back and forth form NY to LA and nobody stopped them then either. Hmmm....

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 03:57 AM
reply to post by intrptr
Intrptr,I have been talking about this for months.This is the kind of evidence and testimony they claim they wanna see but,I have not heard a peep from anyone on this.Yes,the hijackers were on the no fly list but were able to travel freely about the country and I have yet to hear a good explanation other than it was a mistake.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 06:43 AM

Originally posted by mike dangerously
reply to post by intrptr
Intrptr,I have been talking about this for months.This is the kind of evidence and testimony they claim they wanna see but,I have not heard a peep from anyone on this.Yes,the hijackers were on the no fly list but were able to travel freely about the country and I have yet to hear a good explanation other than it was a mistake.

I don't think the "truth" movement was ever intended to uncover any truth. In fact, I'm pretty sure it was manipulated so that when actual truths about 9/11 came out, no one would believe them.

If something like this had merit and came out by itself people would pay attention. But after years of hearing how the planes were holograms, planes were missiles, etc. people are just tired of hearing anything on the matter...

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by intrptr
reply to post by mike dangerously

If there is ANY truth to the truthers call that 911 was inside job, it would have to be found in these stories that former agents will begin to reveal down the road in their books about it. Good book seller by the way. I have a simpler question about it. Some of the hitchhikers were on red flag lists and yet seemed to be allowed to travel in and out of the country at will, including riding the pre planned flights several times back and forth form NY to LA and nobody stopped them then either. Hmmm....

This is the link to the No Fly List. I checked to see if I am on it, and whew, thank goodness I am not.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by WarminIndy

This is the link to the No Fly List. I checked to see if I am on it, and whew, thank goodness I am not.

Thanks for the link. I'm not on it either. Damn... ( some people think I'm a terrible person.)

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by intrptr
reply to post by mike dangerously

If there is ANY truth to the truthers call that 911 was inside job, it would have to be found in these stories that former agents will begin to reveal down the road in their books about it. Good book seller by the way. I have a simpler question about it. Some of the hitchhikers were on red flag lists and yet seemed to be allowed to travel in and out of the country at will, including riding the pre planned flights several times back and forth form NY to LA and nobody stopped them then either. Hmmm....

Thatr's becuase the no-fly list didn't exist until after 9/11, and specifically becuase of 9/11. Before then, information sharing between security agencies (and even within the agencies themselves) was close to nonexistant so airport personnel had no way to access any list of terrorist suspects. All they had were police reports of people who already committed their crimes

The problems of the lack of inter-department communications was already addressed in the 9/11 commission report years ago.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

All they had were police reports of people who already committed their crimes

So.. there was no kind of even watch list before 9/11? I find that hard to believe. Especially after (94?) wtc bombing. There have always been lists of people that should not even be allowed into the country, let alone free travel within and out. This is part of the problem of denial about the watchers who also answer in kind and help to generate that background of white noise that diffuses the issues. Of course, I would love to believe I am wrong on this and so many other questions I have that are still unresolved. Maybe in this one instance it would help me to more believe what the commission has to say (about anything) if a document could be displayed that actually showed the "watch only" list of these men in question. You know, "the keep an eye on these guys list" before 9/11? Any link will do.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by boncho

I don't think the "truth" movement was ever intended to uncover any truth. In fact, I'm pretty sure it was manipulated so that when actual truths about 9/11 came out, no one would believe them.

Yah, good point. There are a few remaining questions in my mind about that event that I would like to research but am also frustrated by all the "white noise" clouding the internet. If the OP would allow such off topic discussions about things like Bush remaining at the school for so long after being told, (giving press conferences even), the order to send F16's "out to sea", closure of twin towers for "inspection" only days prior to the event, the hunt for WMD in order to justify invasions, etc,etc. Got any more?

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by mike dangerously

You probably know but for anyone that doesn't check out the Jeddah consulate

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by intrptr
reply to post by GoodOlDave

All they had were police reports of people who already committed their crimes

So.. there was no kind of even watch list before 9/11? I find that hard to believe. Especially after (94?) wtc bombing. There have always been lists of people that should not even be allowed into the country, let alone free travel within and out.

That's right, there was. The State Department's terrorist TIPOFF list was created in 1987 and had some 100,000 names on it at the time. The glaring flaw was that it was developed as an in-house database, and because airports used private security agencies at the time the information wasn't shared with them. Before 9/11 the push was to crack down on drug smuggling, not terrorism.

The 9/11 Commission specifically mentioned this as being a gross deficiency that needed to be corrected. The result was the database was transferred to the FBI's Terrorist Threat Integration Center and airport security was taken over by the TSA, both of which are under the direction of Homeland Security.

This is part of the problem of denial about the watchers who also answer in kind and help to generate that background of white noise that diffuses the issues. Of course, I would love to believe I am wrong on this and so many other questions I have that are still unresolved. Maybe in this one instance it would help me to more believe what the commission has to say (about anything) if a document could be displayed that actually showed the "watch only" list of these men in question. You know, "the keep an eye on these guys list" before 9/11? Any link will do.

I can't give you any links to what the lists looked like before 9/11 because the FBI's Terrorist Threat Integration Center took over the database in 2003. Before 2003 the TSA didn't even exist. Perhaps this graphic will help:

Airport Security before and after 9/11
edit on 8-11-2011 by GoodOlDave because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Thanks for your replies. You help to remind me of where were at with your rundown. If I were a Terrorist nowadays, I would look elsewhere than seeking to use aircraft as a means of travel or weapons. Today security is so tight that they are frisking children, removing shoes(?) and X-raying everything. Lots of luck. There are many chinks in Americas armor. We can't hope to plug them all. Borders, drug and sex slave trades all reveal how easy it is to smuggle tons of stuff and people in and out. Biding their time, people that want to do us harm have only to wait for some avenue to develop. Personally I think the next time it will be some form of plague brought in by "suicides" infected with any number of diseases.

And we won't see it coming then either.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Yah dave, same old crap. Did you read it? Even the first paragraph?

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by intrptr

As you can see, there is still a lot of bumbling idiocy in many levels of the govt. I think you would agree that our "leaders" are not as bright as we hope to believe, and stupidity still reigns supreme on many levels.

This all goes back to my belief regarding 9/11 (and I'm sure Dave's too) that the true cover up regarding 9/11 is the criminal neglect and gross incompetence of the agencies tasked with our security. Let's be honest, would you be willing to admit that due to your negligence, 3,000 Americans were murdered and a number of buildings were destroyed? I sure as hell wouldn't. I think that this is the actual "belief" shared by many that when asked " Do you believe we were told the whole truth regarding 9/11?" Not "Do you believe the WTCs were brought down with thermites, explosives, no planes, some planes, missiles, death rays, etc etc etc?"

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by GenRadek

...that the true cover up regarding 9/11 is the criminal neglect and gross incompetence of the agencies tasked with our security. Let's be honest, would you be willing to admit that due to your negligence, 3,000 Americans were murdered and a number of buildings were destroyed? I sure as hell wouldn't. I think that this is the actual "belief" shared by many that when asked " Do you believe we were told the whole truth regarding 9/11?" Not "Do you believe the WTCs were brought down with thermites, explosives, no planes, some planes, missiles, death rays, etc etc etc?"

Thats the issue alright. Whether our professional investigative smartest best equipped agencies in the world were blind or blind eyed in protecting us from harm. Its not any one thing, but the addition of many issues surrounding the time before, during and after that make some people wonder if Americans have the whole story. And I am not talking about the mechanics of the attack or collapse at ALL, period. I watched it happen.

And the forth coming honesty of all the agencies involved? History will show that there are always whistle blowers from within and conversely, there are huge cover ups that still set precedence . Like The Manhattan Project, Nazi Death Camps or Assassination of JFK. Secrets have been kept and blown wide open over the years. I lean towards the secrets idiom on this one. Who you gonna call? 911? Time will tell...

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by intrptr
The more I learn the more I doubt that it was "incompetence." Too many things were in motion to just chalk up to coincidence and inter-agency rivalries.

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