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7600 Secret Sterilizations in North Carolina revealed

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posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 10:02 AM
This is unbelievable! Not only were they sterilizing young women, but according to this report some boys were castrated and it further states they targeted those they deemed homosexual. Wow, how sick!

The Winston-Salem Journal obtained and examined thousands of these documents. It found that:
• More than 2,000 people ages 18 and younger were sterilized in many questionable cases, including a10-year-old who was castrated. Children were sterilized over the objections of their parents, and the consent process was often a sham.
North Carolina's eugenics law, passed in 1929 and rewritten in 1933, allowed sterilizations for three reasons — epilepsy, sickness and feeblemindedness. But the board almost routinely violated the spirit, if not the letter, of the law by passing judgment on many other things, from promiscuity to homosexuality.


posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by itsallmaya

Absolutely. Abso-frigging-lutely. If doctors screw up now and veer off the path, you don't think they wouldn't do it back then? And who decided what level of feeblemindedness was unacceptible? Not much doubt they did it on the most gullible and that was probably the feeblemindedness they were meaning. We are all God's creatures and are born with unalienable rights.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 05:06 PM
They sure changed their mind from back then. Look at all the breaks single mothers get. It seems more like they want soo many people around, that knifefights ensue over one open position for a minimum wage job.

The world as you know it is a direct consequence of the big dying during the plague. In the aftermath the bottom class was able to negotiate better working conditions, more rights, because there just weren enough working hands to go around.

Now population is hitting 7 billion.

The elites want to reduce the world population to 500.000.000? Far from it, they want a surplus of worker bees, so whatever job is avaiable is taken, no matter how bad the pay is or how dangerous and you do a good job, or you will be replaced by one of the many unemployeds standing in line.

Know your history.

With so many free tenant farmers, laborers, and craftsmen killed off, those who survived began to demand lower farmland rents, higher wages, and higher prices for their handmade goods. Serfs, also reduced in large numbers, demanded reductions of feudal duties they owed to their manor lords. Most manor lords were forced to give in to the demands of their serfs, free tenants, and laborers. In towns, craftsmen demanded higher prices for their goods. All these changes drastically cut the income of the land-owning lords.

500.000.000 ? They will never allow that.
edit on 9-11-2011 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by Cassius666

On the contrary. They definitely will allow a reduction in population to at least a billion people left. The world as we know it now is only the result of the programming inserted into the populace slowly through the younger generations and allowing that to propagate.

The attempts they make on the reductions are somewhat experimental in the grand scheme of things. They play the game according to the rules of the paradigm experienced by the populace at the time.

Right now they need all the gold, money and oil. The way they are playing the game now is they use a larger population of people to get them those resources, pay off the helpers and it'll be game over once all that is under their control. It is currently acceptable to deem dissenters as crazy, politicians as mistake makers and corporations as just greedy--and the people believe that and that alone.

This is how they usurp the power and you really can give credit to the idea of setting goals to get what you want!

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by Viking9019
I just hope that they were the right people to know.....people who aren't fit to reproduce.

Nope, they didn't target politicians.

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 09:44 AM

N.C. to recommend money for sterilization victims

A task force is planning to recommend how much North Carolina should pay victims of forced sterilization, which would make it the only state in the country to offer compensation for eugenics program victims.

Members of the Eugenics Compensation Task Force are expected to settle on a figure Tuesday to recommend to the Legislature, along with deciding who will be eligible for the money.

Figures of $20,000 to $50,000 per person have been discussed.

North Carolina sterilized more than 7,600 people between 1929 and 1974. The state has so far verified 48 victims, but thinks there are hundreds more still alive.

North Carolina is one of about a half dozen states to apologize for past eugenics programs, but it is alone in trying to compensate them.

Well, I guess it's all you can expect at this point is monetary compensation. It truly is a shame though since I'm sure that many of those who were sterilized would've wanted a child of their own, which is priceless.

I hope the victims are able to get past this and can heal.

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