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Tomorrow is our America's last chance for change! Please read.

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posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 01:26 PM
As Primary election day is less than a day away, I must make this plea to everyone who's willing to listen. This is our last and final chance to make the necessary changes needed to start this country moving in a forward direction, as opposed to the last 11 years of regression. Ron Paul is who I speak of, but you probably knew that already. Ron Paul is like the guy in disaster movie warning everyone of imminent disaster, only to fall on deaf ears, until it's too late, and said disaster happens anyway. We cannot afford not even one more term of the same old same old politics that has gotten us where we are today.

I know the usual Paul bashers will be here in droves shortly, so for them I have a challenge. Bring something to the table that shows he is just another politician with only his intrests at heart. I don't believe you will find anything, but good luck. Ron Paul has been fighting for your constitutional rights for decades. So please don't reply with the usual one liners like: He'll never get elected, he's just another politician, he's just another puppet, etc..

We have a chance tomorrow, a real chance to change this country for the better. To right the wrongs of previous administrations. To bring our Constitutional liberties back to the people, instead of 4 more years of loosing our rights. Washington, much like an old growth forrest, needs to burn in order for the seeds of liberty to rise from the ashes. And I beleive Ron Paul is the spark needed for ignition.

While I understand that sweeping changes in Washington will be difficult, I also understand that these changes are absolutely necessary and ARE coming. My question is, would you rather Mr. Paul made these changes at POTUS or these changes be made out of because of an emergency (dollar collapse, stock market crash, country goes bankrupt, etc.) where haphazzard bills are thrown together over night, barely proof read, ink still wet, rushed through congress to avoid a catastrophy?

This is our last chance folks, as I see it the next election won't matter. The country will be bankrupt. Or worse, invaded or blown off the map. So please, get to the polls tomorrow and vote for Ron Paul. Plant a seed of hope for this country, so that it may flourish once again as the greatest nation on earth. Our kid's lives depend on this election. So please, choose wisely.

edit on 7-11-2011 by imawlinn because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 01:37 PM
Our last chance?

Dont you mean americas last chance?

We dont all live there.

GL tho.

I think most people that dont live there dont give a sh!t, yous talk to much.
edit on 7-11-2011 by CharterZZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 01:40 PM
I think a lot of the folk who think Ron Paul is the same ol', same ol' politician are folk who've been fooled before.

I think that most of those who are behind Ron Paul haven't been fooled before...not for a long while anyway.

I knew what Clinton, Bush, and Obama were and refused to vote. And a slew of others before them.

Now comes a real Constitution loving American: Ron Paul. He's consistent. He can't be bought. He will fight for true change. The world just might look up to us and respect us again if we give him a chance.

The U.S. is sick and needs help. Is there a Doctor in the house? Indeed there is: Dr. Ron Paul.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 01:40 PM
I have to agree it is our last chance to change course but the way it looks is that the majority of people will side with one of the other candidates because of knee jerk reactions to the statements of Ron Paul. They don't get his message that the policies of both of the "Parties" in this country are bought and paid for.

We need somebody who wont promise change but deliver on it. I don't have to much hope that he will get the nomination because of obvious machinations behind the scenes. but at least we can see what percentage of Republicans believe that something different must be tried.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by CharterZZ

Sorry, I should have specified America's last chance.
ETA: Edited title
edit on 7-11-2011 by imawlinn because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by imawlinn

Yea m8 i didnt mean to be rude, but americans seem to think, well ill not go any further.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by CharterZZ
Our last chance?

Dont you mean americas last chance?

We dont all live there.

GL tho.

I think most people that dont live there dont give a sh!t, yous talk to much.
edit on 7-11-2011 by CharterZZ because: (no reason given)

If you haven't noticed, the US impacts the world! Right or Wrong it is a fact. The world should be concerned with the election in the US. If you are a goat farmer in Afghanistan, you still need to know whether we will have an aggressive McCain, or a puppet Perry, or a Laissez-Fairre Paul.

I don't agree with the majority of Foreign Policy, and I hope Paul gets in and changes it drastically, but for now, if you live outside the US, it is only a matter of time before the war machine is at your door, or the economy in your country is held hostage.

It is foolish to pretend the US doesn't impact you in some way.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 01:52 PM
You posted virtuallly the identical thread this morning. And I'll repeat what I said in that thread:

As a write-in Ron Paul voter in the last election I applaud your gumption. The problem, however, is in people's obsession with the President. Despite what many people think, the President has very limited power when it comes to making any serious policy changes. That should be pretty evident when you view this Presidency. Congress --- and the political machine that controls it --- is what actually controls the direction of the country. It's also important to recognize that it's not what they say in their carefully crafted sound-bites that matters. It's what is going on behind closed-doors. Until we clean these tools out of Congress nothing can change. Unfortunately, the system has done a superb job of conditioning people into the two-party polar war (my party is better than your party).

Think back to the recent mid-term elections. Remember the 'big Republican mandate'? How they were taking over Congress and were going to put everything right? Where did that get us? Nowhere. The whole thing is an enormous sham. What we need is a mass Occupy the Election and drive every incumbent clown out of office. We need to stop electing millionaires thinking that they are going to benevolently represent the 'interests of The People'. That absurd notion is like putting the Yankees in charge of the Red Sox' roster moves.

The recent upsurge in 'People Power' is encouraging but 'The System' is designed to polarize us so that nothing changes. Ron Paul? Sure, a start. But he will be frozen-out from the get-go. No one is going to do crap until we flush the lot of them and start a political war against professional politicians, special interests and the companies that use them.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 01:53 PM
Why tomorrow? What happens tomorrow?

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by jtma508

As a write-in Ron Paul voter in the last election I applaud your gumption. The problem, however, is in people's obsession with the President. Despite what many people think, the President has very limited power when it comes to making any serious policy changes.

That is because our Presidents have been conditioned for weakness. They could do more.

Also, if Paul is elected, he will surely be buoyed up by major Tea Party support in the House and Congress, and a Republican majority, and an obvious grass-roots feeling that endorses his policy. Its a big IF, but IF he were elected, it would be political suicide to play politics and hamper his efforts at reform. IF the voters really can unite and send a message like electing Ron Paul, then everyone else in government will have to take notice and get on board with it, or they will be out the door.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by CharterZZ
Our last chance?

Dont you mean americas last chance?

We dont all live there.

GL tho.

I think most people that dont live there dont give a sh!t, yous talk to much.
edit on 7-11-2011 by CharterZZ because: (no reason given)

Actually yes... if you do not think that America and who is in charge of America does not effect the ENTIRE WORLD then you must be living in another planet besides Earth... Although if you are not in America you have no say over this it does and will affect you in many ways.
edit on 7-11-2011 by dc4lifeskater because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by CharterZZ
reply to post by imawlinn

Yea m8 i didnt mean to be rude, but americans seem to think, well ill not go any further.

Contradicting post, not going any further would have been not to post this pseudo-insult at all which indicates you do want to go further and get responses.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by imawlinn

As Primary election day is less than a day away
We have a chance tomorrow, a real chance to change this country for the better.

What? You do know that tomorrow is not "primary election day"...right?

I'd hate to say you are mis-informed about the election process without hearing an I will just patiently wait for one.

edit on 7-11-2011 by OutKast Searcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by jtma508

Ya I did, but the mods moved it to another forum and it vanished from the new topics. It was being received well then not a single tesponse after the move. So i reposted

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 02:28 PM
America will have a Hitler type leader, most likely the racist from Texas. He makes George Bush look like a priest. The world forgets things in 50 year cycles, we are due for another Hitler. The elections are fixed, Ron Paul has no chance, even if 90% of us vote for him.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by imawlinn

Why do people on this site constantly try to get people to vote for this guy? I don't think he is the answer. He wants to end Medicare and Social Security both of which 50 million people depend on.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by dreamseeker
reply to post by imawlinn

Why do people on this site constantly try to get people to vote for this guy? I don't think he is the answer. He wants to end Medicare and Social Security both of which 50 million people depend on.

Dr. Pau DOES NOT WANT TO END Medicare and Social Security.

Please do your research before posting falsehoods.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by robyn

Well, he does want to provide an alternative to Social Security and slowly phase it out. Which is completely appropriate, because it was never intended to be a retirement "benefit," it was always intended to be a bit of a safety net, but never a sole source of income.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I's just that I've provided the links documenting the inaccuracies of the "he wants to abolish...." posts so often that I'm a bit sick of it. Thanks for pointing out the truth.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by robyn

Oh Ya, I'd love to do a quick debunking of the popular myths:

"Ron Paul won't support Israel."
Yes he will, he will support it by stopping the US interference, letting Israel handle its business as it sees appropriate, and then standing by as an ally if Israel is attacked.

"Ron Paul is Pro-Life, or the opposite, Ron Paul is Pro-Choice."
He is neither as a political talking point. He believes the Federal Govt has no say-so whatsoever. He is Pro-State's Rights, and letting them make the final decision. On a personal level he is pro-life with a few obvious exceptions, but he does not support any legislation in either direction. No Federal law whatsoever.

"Ron Paul wants to end SS / Medicare."
No, he wants to provide fiscally conservative alternatives and begin phasing them out. The Federal Govt has no role in providing retirement income, we already have welfare programs for those that have special needs, but SS was never intended to be a sole source of retirement income.

"Ron Paul is an isolationist."
No, he is Laissez-Fairre in his stances. An isolationist doesn't believe in active trade and diplomacy. Ron Paul advocates both, he just doesn't want to dictate the policies of foreign governments with force and/or sanctions. He is a fan of both trade and diplomacy.

"Ron Paul wants to let Iran have a Nuclear Weapon."
No, he understands why they want one, but he doesn't believe they are any real threat of obtaining it. He doesn't understand why we have cut off all diplomacy with Iran, and we have opened the door for China and Russia to foster that relationship. He doesn't understand why we are not selling Gasoline to Iran when they desperately need it, and it is a trade agreement that would help the US economy and help the plight of the Iranian people, and end some of their need and dependence for Nuclear Power. He doesn't understand why we would sanction them heavily, and drive them to other sources such as Nuclear and then punish them for looking into those sources. Besides, with his view on Israel, there won't be much need for us to worry about their Nuke capability, Israel can take care of that issue if the US gets out of their way.

Most of the above responses are my own take on things, but the Wiki Page is also very factual and informative.

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