posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 12:33 PM
the Isreal "attacking " Iran threads are becoming tedious , and repetative .Filled with hype , but devoid of any logic or facts
so a simple question [ or three ]
1 - what with ?
2 where ?
3 why ?
4 how ?
Ok , 4 questions
but thier answers are critical to any military plan
to assist - i will answer my own questions [ addressing the Isreali strike on the Iraqui nulclear plant at Osirak ]
1 - the elite of the IAF ground attack assets
2 - the unfinished nuclear reactor at osirak
3 osirak was Iraq`s only nuclear facility at the time - and the kingpin of any iraqi hopes of independant nuclear weapons production , by destroying
it - they put iraq back to square one
4 by exploiting a window of oportunity when no hostile nation had any AWACs capacity in the area
so - given that Isreal lacks the logistics to mount multiple strikes against Iran - what precisley are they going to do ?