Both parties are desecrating the american democracy and committing crimes against humanity on behalf of american people.
Both parties are funded by the same mega corporations.
The same corporations that fund political campaigns
The same corporations that buy lobbyist
the same corporations that operate the united states government
The Primarys and Caucasus put on by these parties are part of an elaborate scam the deceives the public into voting for candidates that serve the
private interests of the mega corporations.
these parties have deliberately driven tens of millions of people into poverty
Voting for these parties is unethical, they have destroyed the american democracy
We are calling upon you to occupy the campaign offices of presidential headquarters in Des Moines Iowa on December 27th, and peacefully shut down the
first in the nation Iowa Caucuses on January 3rd.
Although I am not Anonymous,(although they say we all are) is disrupting an election a productive move?
And even if it is, what good would possibly come of it? Would they not just hold the election the next day? or move the Caucus to different
locations. I don't get it maybe, but at least someones trying to make a stand.