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THE Question: Does No One really Know, or is Someone Hiding the Truth?

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posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 08:49 PM
It has struck me that this is the fundamental question. Either no one on earth truly knows where we came from and we are simply left to our own devices, OR...

Somebody knows exactly and is keeping it from us.

Isn't that the big conspiracy? TPTB, or whatever you want to call them, have they figured out that nobody really knows anything for sure and can thus create religion, etc. to manipulate the masses to their will?

Or do TPTB have documentation and perhaps even communication with our creator/creators that would blow the lid off of everything we know?

It seems to me that most of us live somewhere in the middle, where we think we might know something but are not quite sure (hence the moniker). A bible here, a pyramid there. Clues pointing to something else. Something bigger than us. Bigger than what we know. But still, do we really know anything? Does anybody?

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 08:55 PM
I think that probably every other sentient race in the universe asks themselves the same thing :

Where do we come from and what's our purpose...

Some may claim the truth but no one can know the truth.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by notquitesure

Well I've heard a lot of stories about interdenominational portals, sacrifice, numerology, possessions, constellations, satanism concerning TPTB. Some could call themselves illuminated but I bet it's far from the truth.

I guess,
some want to work for good others for bad.

I could say I live towards evolution of science, intelligence, arts and spirit.
I don't know if it's the official goal, but I like it.

edit on 6-11-2011 by User8911 because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-11-2011 by User8911 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 09:01 PM
You work, eat, sleep, pay taxes, and then you die.....whats the use

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 09:04 PM
What's are purpose? Ha take a good flippin look at the world you'll see our purpose, to the rest of those ? Good question. Hazzuh

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 09:14 PM
reply to post by notquitesure

We don't know one millionth of 1% of anything...--Thomas Edison

See signature for second line.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by notquitesure

I think it's a bit of both actually. There are those who know much more than they're telling, but that doesn't mean they know it all. They just know more than we do.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by notquitesure

regardless of what ever that truth might be,we are still in the not knowing and believing what ever we want to believe wether that be your own toughts or some one elses.until further notice i choose to believe what i believe and care less what they know or dont.wether they know or not they are still using it as a control devise.that in it self speaks volumes and makes me less interested in the silly game.and yet information is food for the brain, or is it?it does have a strong influence on us. almost like solitary,wether we want it or not it will have a influence on us.makes me wonder how influenced i am with the silly ideas put say the least,alot just doesnt make sence to us but from a controllers vew point then it all makes sence.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by notquitesure

Hello friend. That is an awesome question. It is the deepest question that anyone can ever ask themselves. "Where did we come from?"

There are only two possibilities - creation or evolution. Everyone agrees with that. Both beginnings start from absolutely nothing - out of nothing God created the universe or out of nothing there was an explosion that generated the universe. So those two hypothesis don't really help us that much in uncovering any answers. So we need to then move on to discovering evidence that can support either (or both) of these theories. That is all logical, right.

This is where most people give up. They only investigate the theory that they favour, or the only put in a medial effort - not really caring for the question in the first place. If you are serious friend about discovering the truth in answer to your question, then THOROUGHLY investigate BOTH sides of the equation.

The other point to remember in your studies is that BOTH theories start from there being NOTHING. So that means that we are not launching from a logical platform to begin with. It is not logical to accept that something comes out of nothing - yet both creation and evolution find their origin in nothingness. I point this out so that you will have a more accepting frame of mind should your studies lead you into the illogical - which I myself am confident that they will.

My last point is to only base your findings on FACTS, not guestures or opinions. That is important.

Happy hunting friend. If you really want to know the truth, you will find it. Ask and you will receive, knock and you will be answered, seek and you shall find.

PS........ There is only ONE truth. Truth stands the test of time and holds upright to ALL scrutiny.

Be Blessed.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 09:38 PM
I am pretty sure we know where we came from. Given the fact that the evidence points to evolution over millions of years from lower life forms, I would say there isn't much of a mystery. Of course, the big mystery lies in whether one believes the entire process of evolution was initiated by God, aliens, etc...

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 09:40 PM
i guess, and thats my believe, mankind is not capable to ever see the full picture, and its just a question of intelligence at which point your view of the world breaks down on something spiritual.

furthermore i think people who tell, knowing the truth, have found a specific way coping with the final answer.
but from what i witnessed how these people often ignore given facts being figured by science let me conclude that their overall masterplan in everything is nothing than hot air.

If your spiritual view on things serves you well... be it so... but i won't be too much engaged in trying to modify others in following your belief's, cause this is what i think is the major problem with religions like the muslim.
They offer a solution, but you need to be their slave.

i'm a free individual, capable of thinking on my own, and i can live with having no true answer on specific questions, cause they don't keep me off living a great life, which includes respecting other people.

edit on 6-11-2011 by TMJ1972 because: typo

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by notquitesure
It has struck me that this is the fundamental question. Either no one on earth truly knows where we came from and we are simply left to our own devices, OR...

Somebody knows exactly and is keeping it from us.

Isn't that the big conspiracy? TPTB, or whatever you want to call them, have they figured out that nobody really knows anything for sure and can thus create religion, etc. to manipulate the masses to their will?

Or do TPTB have documentation and perhaps even communication with our creator/creators that would blow the lid off of everything we know?

It seems to me that most of us live somewhere in the middle, where we think we might know something but are not quite sure (hence the moniker). A bible here, a pyramid there. Clues pointing to something else. Something bigger than us. Bigger than what we know. But still, do we really know anything? Does anybody?

Most often, the truth hides in plain sight. Truth also resides in the depths. If you look at the ocean, what do you see? You might look out from the shore and say that the surface and the waves are the ocean. You would be wrong to assume that what you see on top is what is contained within. You would be correct to say that you can see an ocean, but what comprises the ocean tells the true story.

Light represents what we see from the surface and waves of a narrow band that we can sense. Light is the primary means of learning where we are. We have our own map of the territory, but where did the territory come from? Do you make the territory? No. Rule yourself out. Do you make your hair grow? Nope. Do you make the earth turn or the sun shine? No. Do you activate your eyes to see the light or tune them to the correct frequencies? No. The answer to your origin is not you. You are the beneficiary only. You think and you move. That's it. Nothing more. What you do by your thought and movement makes your world. Apart from the vehicle you are given, you cannot do any of it. The origin of the world, then, is outside you.

What is the universe? We know space, time, matter and energy. We know that light is a duality of particle and wave. We also know we have consciousness. Our bodies are particle and wave and this substance is then animated by consciousness. Science allows us to verify this.

Where do we find this information?

Genesis 1:

In the Beginning (Time), God created the heavens (Space) and the earth (Matter). Let there be light (Energy).

John 1

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

Genesis 1:27

27 So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.

God created us in an image of light and energy. He spoke existence into being from His Word (Wave). The Father is light and the Son is Word. The Holy Spirit is consciousness. God is one God. He is a trinity to us. We are one person and are in the image of the trinity as a projection of light, both particle and wave. Consciousness animates our substance and gives the vehicle movement and thought.

Read the rest of the Bible and our origin and purpose is clear. Genesis chapter 1 is the creation of the image by God. Genesis 2 is the rendering of the image by the Son. First the image is constructed by pattern and then it is rendered by the Son into reality. Two creation accounts are only seen clearly when we know the correct perspective.

Our purpose is to follow God's lead. Divide the light from the darkness and cling to the light by loving others. God is one of the others to be loved. We either light the fire we burn by in life or we are the light on the path for others. We make the choice by thinking and moving the vehicle we are given.

An Article on my Blog

edit on 6-11-2011 by SuperiorEd because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by 1king2rulethemall

My question is not really so much "where did I come from" as it is "does anybody on this planet have any factual evidence that would tell me where I come from."

I accept that even that starts me down a rabbit hole. If I discover that the Vatican has been guarding secrets for 6,000 years that indicate that we are an alien slave race created from a combination of alien and chimpanzee DNA, then where did the aliens come from? What about the chimps?

But at least it's a start. I've been asking questions and studying various theories for about 30 years now I guess. I don't feel any closer to the truth about this question. I have feelings, and maybe those feelings are the universe talking to me. But I yearn for something I can get my arms around.

I do appreciate your reply, and maybe you are right. Maybe my journey will be rewarded. The thing is, I'm not an unhappy person. And I wouldn't consider myself particularly unwise, all in all. But I readily admit and recognize that I have a lot more to uncover than I know. And that drives me forward. The crazy thing is, I would almost say that I am at peace with not knowing. There is just that bit of restlessness because I would hate to not know if it is out there to get at.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by notquitesure

Look at it this way. If SETI were to suddenly announce that there was an alien signal coming from say Phobos, then there would begin such a scramble by all capable "powers that be" to mobilize a fleet of competing mission craft to go there and orbit and land and explore and if possible, capture and bring back whatever life form there was. The end result would be a lot of misfired, and derelict crashed scattered debris of orbiters, landers, thruster packs, parachutes and nuclear batteries everywhere. Do you think maybe they thought ahead of this human competitive spirit and decided to low key their presence instead? To observe and maybe hide a forward base somewhere within reach?
Personally, I am wondering just what the hell all the missions to all the planets and moons in our solar system are really all about? I mean, how many times do we have to go back and look at the same patch of real estate, unless our leadership is looking for something more than microbes and water? Dunno...

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 01:28 AM
There’s no doubt at all about where we came from. The big question is how.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by notquitesure

Have you ever experienced forgetting something that you once knew well?

Everyone really knows.

That knowledge has been hidden from us.

I am convinced that this is the case. Really, it could be no other way.

Some have remembered crucial parts of the story. Their reports are publicly available but have been vehemently discredited by the Powers That Be.
Otherwise, your best current sources are channeled data from various ETs and "higher beings." The PTB assume that no one will take this data seriously. It is incomplete, but far from totally inaccurate.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 06:08 AM

Originally posted by notquitesure
It has struck me that this is the fundamental question. Either no one on earth truly knows where we came from and we are simply left to our own devices, OR...

Somebody knows exactly and is keeping it from us.

Isn't that the big conspiracy? TPTB, or whatever you want to call them, have they figured out that nobody really knows anything for sure and can thus create religion, etc. to manipulate the masses to their will?

Or do TPTB have documentation and perhaps even communication with our creator/creators that would blow the lid off of everything we know?

It seems to me that most of us live somewhere in the middle, where we think we might know something but are not quite sure (hence the moniker). A bible here, a pyramid there. Clues pointing to something else. Something bigger than us. Bigger than what we know. But still, do we really know anything? Does anybody?

Star & Flag 4 U....

It has struck me that this is the fundamental question. Either no one on earth truly knows where we came from and we are simply left to our own devices, OR...

Somebody knows exactly and is keeping it from us.

Have you ever considered, that it may be yourself, that is keeping this knowledge from yourself?

Isn't that the big conspiracy? TPTB, or whatever you want to call them, have they figured out that nobody really knows anything for sure and can thus create religion, etc. to manipulate the masses to their will?

Is it all a Conspiracy ???
Or is it just the way it is intended to be? For reasons or purpose, you are just not aware of.... yet.

Or do TPTB have documentation and perhaps even communication with our creator/creators that would blow the lid off of everything we know?

The answer to this, can be found in the "Real SELF" (NOT the Human primate) but a “Partition" of LIFE itself....

It seems to me that most of us live somewhere in the middle,

Now you are getting warmer.... LOL.

You observe (experience) From the CENTER Location, of your "True Mind"... Looking as though OUTWARD from yourself in every direction... Giving you the experience, as though in a 3D universe... LOL.

This would indicate you are viewing from the CENTER of your “True Mind” or "Awareness"...

So there are 2 parts to your "Awareness" (LIFE) ???

An "INNER" & and "OUTWARD" or "OUTER".

If you are Looking Outward then you are observing from the CENTER of your Real SELF (a “Partition" of LIFE)

If this is the case ??? Like all things that exist, they have both an “INNER” and an “OUTER

When you think about it, the Absolute CENTER of anything has NO Size or Shape.... being Non-Dimensional.

Wheras the “OUTER” has Form.... even if it is, only Conceptual in nature...

When you discover Your OUTERTrue Mind” which does in fact exist, by the mere fact you are experiencing from the CENTER of your “True Mind” (a “Partition” of LIFE or “Awareness”)

where we think we might know something but are not quite sure (hence the moniker). A bible here, a pyramid there. Clues pointing to something else. Something bigger than us. Bigger than what we know. But still, do we really know anything? Does anybody?

You are about to find out yourself....

Keep looking for the answers and don't follow others, including myself.... LOL.
edit on 7-11-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 07:13 AM
reply to post by notquitesure

I would submit that since there was is no video tape or film of the events which you question; there is plenty of room for all sorts of theory and spectulation.

Seriously, I do not think anyone has enough deffinate "first hand " information to be able to give a deffinative answer.

I'd suggest each person who asks this question would take it upon themselves to decide what best fits into their own faith system and allow others the respect to do the same.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller

Have you ever considered, that it may be yourself, that is keeping this knowledge from yourself?

I appreciate this response. Certainly makes me think and I believe it will help me as I continue to explore this subject.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 03:28 PM

My question is not really so much "where did I come from" as it is "does anybody on this planet have any factual evidence that would tell me where I come from."
reply to post by notquitesure

Yes there is much factual evidence that would tell you where you come from - and I do mean evidence not conjecture. The real question is " are you prepared for the true answer"? The rabbit hole is very deep.
If you found the answer to your question - regardless of what that answer may be - are you willing to accept it beyond doubt and adjust your reasoning and approach to life accordingly? Many people aren't. Many people don't want to know the real truth.

There is just that bit of restlessness because I would hate to not know if it is out there to get at.

This shows that deep down in your very depths, you know that there is more to what you know now. Your conscience is telling you that you need to dig deeper friend - until that restlessness disappears. A still, small voice is urging you to keep searching. When you find the truth, that restlessness will be replaced by absolute joy and happiness. Then you will truely know that you have found the truth.

Keep on trucking friend. Joy and peace are worth the effort.

Be Blessed.

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