posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by pigwithoutawig
First off, they must have politicians for the focus group because they have absolutely retarded interpretations. On the more major issue, this seems
like a plan to reassure the general population (a term used in prisons) that money in the form of "cash" will still be available 20 years from now. I
have had an increasingly inordinate number of web site hits using the search terms, amero, amero currency, cashless currency, electronic money, etc.
on my web site (and it's only briefly mentioned). Funny thing, most of the hits/views are coming from the US.
What better way to divert an already apprehensive populace than to make longer lasting cash and at the same time legitimize spending money on money,
when we have no money to spend.
Two other things come to mind on these new bills, plastic would be a more durable and waterproof transport mechanism for RFIDs and other insertable
antenna array devices making you easier to track. The other thing is that it's plastic, if you coat the plastic in very fine powdered metal (so you
can still see through it) you get an air gap or plastic layer capacitor using multiple bills with a tuneable Q based on the resonant frequency of the
capacitor. Using a low power, medium range frequency exciter, the government (or anyone) could turn a few bills or stacks of bills into a weapon. An
EMP wave of the right frequency and duration could probably vaporize money in that situation. Talk about money burning a hole in your pocket, eh?
Cheers - Dave
edit on 11/6.2011 by bobs_uruncle because: (no reason given)