posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 03:21 AM
Well i was at CNN looking for some stories on greece i couldnt ask for a better one to show what kind of level of Propaganda is CNN and the
mainstream playing with its readers and viewers.
CNN cliams that they went to speak with some actual greeks and italians about the situation in there countries but guess what? the article was for
Pro Euro rather then been against the Euro, here read it for yourselves.
I will bold out the important lines.
"We need agreement between the politicians because we need to stay in the euro," says the father, Achilles Rinas. "We need to show the Europeans
that we support the euro because we really believe in it and it's our only way out of the crisis."
That's a view the majority share, but there's increasing chatter about what a return to the drachma might mean.
Really now? thats what the majority of greeks share? sorry but i call that Propaganda at Its Finest, atleast when greece had there drachma they were
stronger then they are now.
And this is also another pro Euro propaganda comment by CNN says a fisherman? let me guess an unknown fisherman who supports the Euro.
"We need to show the Europeans that we support the euro," says a fisherman
In the article there is a video showng three young adults apparently to me they look like Italian Americans rather then the actual Italians you will
notice how at the start of the video the reporter asks them about the euro and two of the supposed Italians actual support the euro?
Italian youth discuss future of the euro
Alot of greeks that i have spoken with in greece when i was in greece back in 2008 they have stated they hate the Euro, they dont support it i guess
CNN was speaking with the government employees and there families for there opinions it seems.
What you make of this Why is CNN supporting the Euro?
edit on 6-11-2011 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)