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In Five Days the World Could End (As You Know It)

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posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 10:17 AM
I dont see what all the fuss is, it clearly states it's a test, what happend if something huge happend which could kill millions and people can't be told and evacuated because the alert system doesn't work because it was never tested?
edit on 7/11/2011 by DeyTookErJeobs because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 10:23 AM
faraday cage the planet! pedal generators! A lb. of shrooms, and a bible! I'm ready...

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by Patrik
The world ends every day according to "someone".

More appropriately, The world ends every day FOR 'someone'

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 11:11 AM
Luckily i live in Canada so im used to the cold, and just yesterday i caught 13 fish from a small lake, threw most of em back, but point is i wont starve and i wont freeze. I also have access to generators and farm fuel pumps. As do most people. Unfortunatley, depending on how long the actual outage lasts, anyone in need of medication or hospital care to stay alive will be the first to go.

But in the long run, NO one will die from internet deprevation, or lack of TV movies or games, sure a few people might go crazy ( extremeley weak minded individuals ) but i think theyll be too busy trying to find food and warmth to actually notice, and after a while well probably even be happy that our dependence on electronics has withered away.

P.S. if you reading this on a i-Phone right now, Your chances of survival is pretty slim, or atleast you are deffenitly the most dependent on gadgets and the internet IMO. Facebook cant provide your families with food lol.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by Burgo1010
more 11 11 11 CRAP ....
wake up earth is older than 2011 years ....
ffs this forum is heading more and more towards "above insanity"

I woke up earlier this year and there was no electricity, gee it turned out a transformer blew up, maybe the greys hit it with their ray gun ... lol

edit on 6/11/2011 by Burgo1010 because: (no reason given)

I'm willing to bet 11/11/11 passes without anything negative happening.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by DJMSN
reply to post by GeorgiaGirl

Your right but...we are a resourceful people and as long as people don't freak out and panic and no doubt some would I believe we could survive without all those things...remember its how we all got to this point as survivors with nothing but our ingenuity.

Yeah, our ancestors had this kind of knowledge and abilities. We simply don't. We were born (for the most part) in a world with electricity and had never been more than a few days without it. Most of those days without power were all planned out, like going camping with family.

I'm pretty aware that if power goes out for more than a month or so we will be in deep trouble. Especially for the city folks. What would you do if you live in a city with no edible food remaining? When all fruits and meat are rotten? The only viable meat source will be (...) yeah you know.

If you are on a farm or something like that, chances are that you will survive longer and can in fact live your full life. Leave alone the fact that city folks will one day get out to get food and guess what they will find?

So, without basing my life around this "maybe", I for sure am worried about a major CME.

Originally posted by DJMSN
reply to post by GeorgiaGirl

I am not too worried about a CME at this point as lots of things are shielded against it...does not mean it could not be bad but if people just work together you would be amazed at how much better it could be without all the crap we think we need

By the way, can you provide me a list of examples of devices shielded to survive this kind of catastrophe please? Since you seem to think that it wont affect us too much. I hope it wont be iPhones or gadgets. Provide me a list of USEFUL devices please.

Peace out.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Frack drilling fills the open cavaties with packed sand.

Right. Sometimes, and I don't know how they do it, that sand is returned to the surface. This sand is usually radioactive.

Wait. What?
Radioactive, like as in spewing excess neutrons?

Why should they want the sand back?
And why/how would it be subjected to enough primary radiation to become a secondary radiative?

This interests me greatly.

Also, sometimes fracing is done with water, or some chemical.

Yep...they almost always use some kind of liquid medium. But as far as I know, the structurally important stuff is whatever material they have mixed into the liquid ash juniper fibers, or limestone grit, or gravel dust. The liquid medium helps transport the solid material down into the deep well, and when the pressure is applied to widen the fractures in the rock down there, the solid material will wedge into the cracks and help keep them opened, so the fuel can flow to the pipe and up the well., and they can recycle the liquid.

BTW, I'm a Texan too, of the TallThinLanky tribe. Howdeh!

edit on 11/7/2011 by Tsurugi because: BBCode Fail

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by ShakaDoodle

I want this world to end as much as the next guy, I just want it to be fast like in knowing…I do not want to have to endure some post-apocalyptic Marshall law world and have to figure out how to feed and protect my daughter . As long as she is in my arms and its fast I do not care but geez the dots are connecting and its freaking me out!

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by ShakaDoodle

yep i agree thats why we built a new survival company in australia

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by Napalmvanity
reply to post by ShakaDoodle

I want this world to end as much as the next guy, I just want it to be fast like in knowing…I do not want to have to endure some post-apocalyptic Marshall law world and have to figure out how to feed and protect my daughter . As long as she is in my arms and its fast I do not care but geez the dots are connecting and its freaking me out!

I can't fathom this type of view point. There are a lot of crappy things in this world, but that doesn't mean I want to give up and throw it all away. There is also a lot of good in this world, that I do not want to throw away. And in my opinion, people wishing the world ends are not helping the situation, but are merely part of the problem.

How can you say you want your daughters world to end? Chances are she will experience pain, sadness and sorrow in her life. The world ending would certainly eliminate the possiblity of her feeling these negative feelings. But do you think she should also miss out on all the joy, love and beauty that can be obtained in our beuatiful world? I know you only want the best for your daughter, but I feel that this is rather selfish.

I generally try to keep a positive outlook on life, not just for me, but for those around me. I try to keep aware of my surroundings, which is why I don't see these dot's connecting like some do on here. If the proverbial excrement hit's the fan, I will do everything in my power to keep my loved ones safe. But that certainly doesn't include wishing our world will end, and I certainly don't see it happening anytime soon.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by Curious and Concerned

To go one step further, i don't just keep a positive outlook on life, i expect life.

Life is joy, pain, love, sorrow, hard work, great reward, laughing, sighing, crying, on and on. And i just simply expect it all the time.

Things happen. Times change. Days go by. And one foot always ends up in front of the other.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by Napalmvanity

Hey, quite an interesting avatar Napalmvanity!

Yeah, the more research I do, the more the dots connect unfortunately. I'm beginning to think that a lot of people delve into the doom and gloom posts because they feel like something is coming, but like you, they want whatever it is to be over quick. I can relate. Others of course, just want life to go on as normal and are understandably disturbed to see so much of this stuff. Wish there wasn't so much of it, but, I think better to know about it now and prepare than be sorry later.

It's fine with me if nothing comes of it - but, my feelings are telling me something else.

Anyway, try and have a nice day!

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by frenzy4444

Alright, you've got my curiosity going frenzy4444.

What does your survival company do, if you don't mind me asking?

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