The goverment has indeed put aside land for the Native Americans and also special provisions such as education scholarships programs,Grants and even
tax-exemptions. These are great examples of a society redressing is past injustices.
All these things are a great help to the Native American people. This helps to offer opportunities to people, which they might not other wise have and
are a good and just thing. I can't imagine if these people were not allowed even these amends for past injustices. Every person that takes advantage
of these programs is proof of the good that can come from redressing past issues. Every Native American that uses these programs to go to college and
better themselves is a shining example of the good that comes from helping to right past wrongs.
These things might not heal all wounds but they are indeed the right thing to do and really do help people.
A recent example of redressing past injustices has to do with, The Japanese American Incarceration during World War 2. On February 19, 1942, after
Japan's attack at Pearl Harbor, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066. This event sent into motion one of the our country's
worst constitutional failures.
Under the authority of Executive Order 9066 over 120,000 Japanese Americans were Incarcerated in camps,Without regard for due process or basic
constitutional guarantees. This has a grave injustice to the Japanese American people.
In 1978 the (JACL) the Japanese American Citizens League started a campaign to redress these past misdeeds. Calling for restitution in the amount of
$25,000 per internee, an apology by Congress acknowledging the wrong, and funds to establish an educational trust fund.
We have to notice that even though the asked for money to make amends they also asked for a apology. The simple act of a apology by the goverment was
overlooked for thirty years. This also shows how important just saying that we were wrong could be and how important it is to the people affected.
In June 1983, the (CWRIC) Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians recommended as remedies an apology by Congress and the
president, monetary compensation of $20,000 to each surviving victim of the government's 1942 orders, and the creation of an educational trust fund.
In April 1988 and on August 10, 1988, President Ronald Reagan signed the bill authorizing redress payments for Japanese Americans.
I believe this was the right thing to do on the part of the goverment. I do think it would have been better if the goverment started these actions
instead of the JACL. That would have made a better example for the world to follow. I think we have to be proactive in dealing with the injustices we
commit instead of waiting decades or even centuries after the fact.
Abu-Garib is a great example if we punish the guilty and make amends now it will be a great example to the rest of the world. If we do it right now we
will not have to worry about the people of Iraq bringing this up many years down the road. Even now we can realize this was wrong it will not take
many years for us to see this and we should address the problem now.