posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by outsidethesquare
@ outsidethesquare: Iam not preparing for any one thing in particular,as i have heard and read over time that we may suffer a pole shift in 2012, a
massive solar flare that may wipe out all electronics on earth, an asteroid or comet impact that may cause a near extinction level event,the
possibility of the yellowstone supervolcano eruption, the thing that worries me the most,even more over that what i have mentioned,is another
terrorist attack this time it will be radiological,chemical,or biological now, myself being "ex-military" i have a fairly good idea how they may do
this,one is a terrorist group would acquire a semi truck and a sea/land shipping container with the trailer cut a few more vents than they normaly
have and load it with let's say,V.X. agent, starting in seattle moving east to massachussetts via interstate 90 "cropdusting" from the time it
takes for many people to develop symptoms and die and local authorities to figure out what is happening they will be 50-100 miles east,not to mention
the difficulty locating the source.Another theory is terrorists may purchase an ex fire engine,ambulance,police car, they would make sure it was less
than 5 to10 years old to aviod suspicion,re equip the vehicle with the proper modern LED lights and sirens,add some other misc equipment.Using a fire
engine or ambulance would be beneficial to them as some of them may come fully equipped,they would remove the water tank and internal working of the
pump then load a large yield nuclear weapon in the space left and they would put one in the back of the ambulance and have it painted and decaled to
look identical to washington dc apparatus,fdny aparatus, los angeles,san francisco ect.they may even have multiple units that they could place more
than one in certain cities and close to restricted govmt facilities. i know terrorist will hit us again and it may be worse than 9/11 and they will
use N.B.C. weapons to achieve massive body counts,trying to bring us to our knees so that when we are all still reeling from thier blows they will hit
us again trying to decapitate us.