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Cambodian Dog Gives Birth to Kitten...

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posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 10:53 PM
I don't know about anyone else, but I wanna see this thing...

That's the only link I've found so far...

posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 11:07 PM
YA me 2!!!!



(ok I will calm down)....but...I REALLY wanna SEE this .....

posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 11:09 PM
Man, no pics. I doubt it's true anyway. It's probably a deformed puppy.

posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 11:09 PM
i dont believe it.

if it was true, dont you think the government would want that kitten for study, to see if it is a new race

posted on Sep, 2 2004 @ 03:51 PM
i'll believe it when i see a picture...


posted on Sep, 2 2004 @ 03:56 PM
I'm with Notoohappy on this one. It's a deformed puppy. Canines and Felines are way too far apart genetically to reproduce together.

posted on Sep, 2 2004 @ 03:59 PM
Yaaaaaa. Riiiiiiiiight. I'll buy that for a dollar.

posted on Sep, 2 2004 @ 04:03 PM
I think this smells like bunk. A human has never had a chimpanzee baby and we are far closer to chimps then dogs are too cats. I dont think its in possible out side a genetic lab.

posted on Sep, 2 2004 @ 04:28 PM
Would it be a called Cog or Dat? I wonder............

posted on Sep, 6 2004 @ 06:48 PM
if it was true, it wouldn't be on ananova...

posted on Sep, 6 2004 @ 08:16 PM
have you ever seen a woman mate with a chipanzee or a man mating with a female chimpanzee? you wouldnt have any proof...

posted on Sep, 6 2004 @ 11:08 PM

Originally posted by NotTooHappy
It's probably a deformed puppy.

Everytime I see your name I get ready to laugh histerically.

As for the article, *shakes head and walks thinking how far people go to be famous and to be in newspapers*

posted on Sep, 6 2004 @ 11:10 PM
A couple of years ago, on our local news station here in Central Illinois, they reported a cat, and a rabbit mating together, and they called it's offspring a cabbit.

posted on Sep, 6 2004 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by NotTooHappy
Man, no pics. I doubt it's true anyway. It's probably a deformed puppy.
I think your spot on I would want prove by DNA before I believed it.

posted on Sep, 6 2004 @ 11:44 PM

Phnom Penh - The Cambodian owner of a dog, which he claimed had miraculously given birth to a kitten, confirmed that the kitten had died four days after it was born.

He denied reports published in some local news-papers and sourced to his neighbours that its canine mother had contributed to the death by biting the strange offspring.

Kitten 'born to a dog' dies

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 09:33 PM
You know, guys, there's an even simpler explainaion: Someone took a kitten and placed it next to a dog and announced that the dog had given birth to a kitten.

I worked around animal shelters and there ARE some dogs (and cats) who seem to be sort of "universal mothers" and will nurse and take care of any motherless creature, no matter what species it is. There have been dogs that raised rabbits and a lot of cats (I've seen this) that helped raise puppies and some dogs that have helped raise kittens.

There is a known case of a lioness who adopts antelopes in Africa. She treates them well and protects them, in fact.

I think it's just someone who wanted attention/money (or who found one of those "universal mother" type dogs who took in an abandoned kitten.)

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 10:07 PM
Bryd, I am trying to sound like a Jacka$$, but is it possible that those universal mothers could nurse human babies too?

Maybe Tarzan was based on some fact and not all fiction.

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 10:20 PM
Well it wouldn't be the first time some dirty dog was out getting himself some pu... ah nevermind.

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 01:24 AM
Aurh,aurh, aye, I would like to see it meself. Where ar the blasted pictures? My parrot must of ate it.
Set sail first mate and get that blasted parrot out of the rum. Bonvoyage, matey, this was a funnybone for this old seadog.

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by CookieMonster000
have you ever seen a woman mate with a chipanzee or a man mating with a female chimpanzee? you wouldnt have any proof...

Well someone tried to sell me this deck of cards once...

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