posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 05:10 AM
This is how they are trying to get the public to accept a New World Order, you can bet your bottom dollar they will be using this in schools on
children. This is why child suicides are on the rise in a big way in the UK. This is no joke people, this is truely evil, it doesn't get much worse
than this.
"Influencing people‟s behaviour is nothing new to Government, which has often used tools such as legislation, regulation or taxation to achieve
desired policy outcomes. But many of the biggest policy challenges we are now facing – such as the increase in people with chronic health conditions
– will only be resolved if we are successful in persuading people to change their behaviour, their lifestyles or their existing habits. Fortunately,
over the last decade, our understanding of influences on behaviour has increased significantly and this points the way to new approaches and new
solutions." Sir Gus O‟Donnell & Sir Michael Bichard.
The vast majority of public policy aims to change or shape our behaviour. And
policy-makers have many ways of doing so. Most obviously, they can use “hard”
instruments such as legislation and regulation to compel us to act in certain ways.
These approaches are often very effective, but are costly and inappropriate in
many instances. So government often turns to less coercive, and sometimes very
effective, measures, such as incentives (e.g. excise duty) and information provision
(e.g. public health guidance) –
as well as sophisticated communications techniques. (NLP)