posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 01:18 AM
Have you ever noticed why when you open windows they use the colours of Blue (Water), Red (Fire), Yellow (Air) & Green (Earth)? This represents
elements used in witchcraft. Media outlets use these colours.
Do you know how the name World Wide Web was known? It represents a spider which has created a web of knowledge & energy world wide.
Ever wondered why all physical systems are triangluar in shape? The Fire triangle of Fuel, Oxygen & Heat is every species on Earth where everything
has a leader at the top and sheep that follow! Kings & Queens, Presidents, Primeministers, Judges, Teachers, Bosses, Captains,ect, lead with the
public supporting on the bottom.
Ever thought why numbers are so important? They are universal and speak all langauges world wide through time of sunworship and finances made through
trade of goods from nation to nation which makes money originally started from Gold. Numbers are information to everything through the knowledge of
Benjamin Franklin was deeply versed in mystic mathematics. Try this on your calculator.
* Set down the number of month of your birth and connect to your day of birth. Example: Februrary 24. (224). Then multiply the number by 2, add 5,
multiply by 50, add your current age, subtract 365, & add 115. It will display the month and day of birth and current age!
Why are all species Male and Female to reproduce? Because the Sun is known as Male and The Earth is known as Female or Mother Nature giving life to
all like a female of any species does.