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Didn't see a Q+A or terms and conditions for this forum/ some questions

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posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 11:51 AM
First of all is there a Q+A or terms and conditions for this forum? Directions to find please. Specific questions. If submission is published do I retain any rights? Second is about the size limitations and finally some advice is needed for moving a document from abiword, open office, or Microsoft word. Thought it might be fun to write a somewhat longer story on some topics I find interesting. Easier to move around and edit on another program.------------Thanks.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by wonhunlo
If you scroll down to the bottom of your screen, you should see Terms & Conditions under the HELP header on the right.

As to retaining rights on anything you post: no.

17) Rights In Posted Materials:
By posting on this message board, you relinquish all exclusive copyrights to any materials you Post and furthermore, you grant TAN non-exclusive, non-revocable worldwide, royalty-free rights to copy, distribute, display, reproduce, modify, adapt, create derivative works, and publicly perform the materials in perpetuity in all forms. This license applies to all works of authorship including, but not limited to, written materials (e.g., text), audio, audio-visual materials, graphics, and images (including, but not limited to, graphics and images used as avatars). You also grant all third parties the right to copy, distribute, display, reproduces, and publicly perform the materials you post under the terms of the Creative Commons License. TAN has the authority to decide to display your postings or not, and you grant TAN the right to modify your posts, remove offensive material, modify your post title to accurately reflect content, remove vulgar comments, remove insults, or delete any other content deemed inappropriate, all at our discretion.

I'd suggest checking the ATS Freshman's Forum on the FORUMS tab under Information & General Topics for most anything else you want to know about. As to size limitations...for video uploads, post length, or what exactly? Posts are limited to 5000 characters, I'm not sure about video or other uploads offhand.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by wonhunlo

What Praetorius said for sure. About the only thing in the T&C's which does not count in the writing forums is facts, simply because fiction is such a huge part of creative literature.

Everything you wanted to know is answered in the T&C's.

My advice to you, if you want complete control over your own writing, is to work directly with a publisher or go through the many methods of self-publication and never type anything which would be publicly available online.

As a painter, I know images of my work that are on the web will be used in many ways by people with computer access around the globe. I've found a painting of mine featured on, believe it or not, a website dedicated to migraine headaches.
It was properly attributed back to the source, so I can't complain and am grateful for the free advertising. The actual painting, though, is still mine.

This would not be the same for writers. The words you type on a piece of paper are in your possession and a deal could be made with a publisher should they wish to invest in printing it up. What you type online anywhere is 'out there' in the same way as if you'd made 10 million copies and dropped them from airplanes over the worlds major cities.

In the T&C's, this website does spell out exactly how anything you post here is to be treated:

6) Use Of Content; Copyright. All content created by Users of TAN website are governed by an "Attribution - NonCommercial - NoDerivs 3.0 Unported" Creative Commons Deed (hereinafter "Creative Commons License"). Users can share, distribute, copy, and transmit the work Users find on TAN websites provided Users provide proper attribution that includes the name of the Website User, the name of the Website, and a link to the content thread. These usage rights do not apply to any commercial use of the content found on TAN websites, and such use is strictly prohibited without prior written authorization from TAN. These usage rights also do not apply to derivative works, and such use is strictly prohibited without prior written authorization from TAN. Each post of each thread contains a "copyright" link that clearly specifies the method in which the material may be shared, distributed, modified, or used.

You will not copy, distribute, display, or publicly perform material from the Websites to Post on other websites or quote in offline research in a manner that does not comply with the Creative Commons License that specifies the author's member name as a member of, includes The Above Network, LLC and the member as owners of the content, provides the title of the thread, and a full URL to the board thread.

It should be noted that not everyone will abide by rules. Copyright infringement and plagiarism is rampant throughout the web and, if you wrote the next great novel online, don't be surprised when you go past a bookstore and see your title and story published by someone you never met in your life and who lives somewhere east of Prague. Time to call the lawyers and be sure to bring a wheelbarrow full of coin to the appointment.

If you decide to post a story online, it should only be for the enjoyment you get out of it. If you're serious about making a living from writing, seperate what you deem worthy for the publisher alone and never even let your best friends read it.

Best of luck to you.

edit on 3/11/11 by masqua because: (no reason given)

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