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Quebec measles outbreak could spread, warns expert

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posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

I just quickly looked this up. I just googled antiviral herbs. We have to do what we can because we are the best chance any of us have. stay well.
* Elderberry - Elderberry has been used as an herbal remedy against colds, flus, and upper respiratory infections for nearly 3,000 years. Recent studies have shown that it is effective against all strains of the flu virus and can prevent the spread of viruses. While it is available in multiple forms, the most effective remedies are as lozenges or syrup.

* Green Tea - Studies of green tea have found that two catechins called epigallocatchin gallate (EGCG) and epicatechin gallate (ECG) were very effective in inhibiting replication of the influenza virus. Green tea is generally taken in tea form, although capsules are available as well. Green tea does contain caffeine, so those sensitive to caffeine should use it with caution.

* Licorice - Licorice is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial effective against yeast, fungi, bacteria and viruses. Science has identified eight constituents of licorice with antiviral properties as well as twenty-five with antifungal properties. Like echinacea, licorice can boost interferon production. Individuals with high blood pressure should avoid using licorice, however, as it can raise blood pressure, cause sodium retention, and promote potassium loss.

Green tea also contains fluoride so should be moderated if you live in a highly fluoridated area. I read that somewhere else though..

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by honestyblaze

These substances may well have these properties, but unless you know exactly how to dose yourself with them, they won't have the desired effect. The best course of action is to speak to someone who is qualified to talk about medicine, i.e. a doctor.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by FlyingSpaghettiMonster

I.e the Same dr that tried to prescribe hardcore psych meds for minor issues or the one who says I should get the flu shot every year and it's good to get the swine shot just in case too?

Yeah go see those doctors hey will take care of ya.

You will leave with more symPtoms than whn you first got there.

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 03:24 AM

Originally posted by Corruption Exposed
reply to post by FlyingSpaghettiMonster

I.e the Same dr that tried to prescribe hardcore psych meds for minor issues or the one who says I should get the flu shot every year and it's good to get the swine shot just in case too?

Yeah go see those doctors hey will take care of ya.

You will leave with more symPtoms than whn you first got there.

You're allowed to ask for a second opinion. I can't comment about your particular Doctor because I've never met them. My point is that unless you are far more educated and qualified in medicine and the workings of the human body, you can't possibly know how to use herbal medicines in the correct or effective manner, to replace conventional medicine. You need someone who knows what they're doing.

As for the flu shot, yes, you should get one every year, because the virus changes every year. Last year's shot will not necessarily protect you against this year's mutation of the virus. You might have to take both - are you in a high risk category for flu/swine flu? - but then again it seems H1N1 is actually replacing seasonal flu as the default virus. That's evolution happening right in front of us.
edit on 5-11-2011 by FlyingSpaghettiMonster because: more

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 04:02 AM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

Actually I've been watching the Quebec measles epidemic since summer along with the mumps outbreak in British Columbia.

I'm not entirely sure that Quebec is being entirely forthcoming on the number of cases. The article that you cited said 254 cases, but that was the January-June 2011 figures.

Jun 6, 2011
CBC News

Quebec public health officials are dealing with a growing measles outbreak in the province, with 254 reported cases since the beginning of 2011, according to the latest data.
CBC News: Quebec Measles Outbreak Worsens

Then by September 2011, it shot up to 700+ cases of measles in Quebec.

Sep 21, 2011

Quebec is in the midst of a resurgence of measles with 700 cases so far this year.
CJAD News: Measles Resurgence in Quebec

By October 2011, another source saying 747 cases.

Oct 20, 2011

As of October 12, 2011, 12 h, 747 cases of measles were reported to the Office to Monitor and watch (BSV) MSSS since 3 April 2011, at the moment there is a sustained local transmission.
Since the last update October 5, 2011, two new cases were reported. There are:

* 674 cases confirmés1
* 73 cases cliniques2

Portrait Epidemiological Outbreak of Measles: Google translation

By the end of October-- over 750 cases.

Oct 27, 2011

There are now more than 750 reported cases, most of them in the Mauricie region and central Quebec.
CBC News: Quebec Battling Biggest Measles Outbreak in 10 Years

Now the odd part is that either the Canadian government or the Canadian media (one or the other or both) isn't being entirely truthful about the number of cases of measles in those previously vaccinated, once or twice. For example, the Canadian government site stating the Epidemiological statistics in October states ...

It is estimated that 81% (604) patients were not considered protected (immune) or they had received no dose of vaccine, or they had no proof of vaccination or that they were not eligible for vaccination, or that the information was not known to the subject.

Portrait Epidemiological Outbreak of Measles: Google translation

BUT.. other Canadian media presents a different picture about how many cases of measles in certain regions are occuring in teens TWICE vaccinated.

Oct 19, 2011

It's generally assumed that the measles vaccine, when given in a two-dose schedule in early childhood, should protect against measles infection about 99 per cent of the time. So the discovery that 52 of the 98 teens who caught measles were fully vaccinated came as a shock to the researchers who conducted the investigation.

Cana dian Press: Measles Cases Among Vaccinated Quebec Kids Raises Questions About Vaccine Schedule

So in that particular region of Quebec, 53% of those catching measles were twice vaccinated teens (stat not including children w/ one vaccination nor adults twice vaccinated). Overall, Quebec has 95% of the population vaccinated for MMR, leaving only 5% of the population unvaccinated.

It has me wondering...
1. Were Canadians given a bad vaccine in the past? If so, which pharm company? Are they stuck with the vaccines provided by one company for MMR under socialized medicine? Or do they have multiple pharm company choices to choose a vaccine?
2. Is this some new strain of measles not covered under the standard vaccine?
3. Is there some alternate product on the market making the MMR vaccine useless? Perhaps some GMO food on the market? Some pesticide? Some additive to another vaccine like a flu vaccine? Could something else be causing those twice vaccinated to become susceptible to measles?

Any Canadians know any of these answers? I'd greatly appreciate any info if you have some. I'm not certain how things work in socialized medicine contracts with pharm companies and the region of Quebec.

edit on 6-11-2011 by MapMistress because: added underline

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 08:21 AM
When I was a child, in 1985, I received the MMR vaccine, I was one of the kids that had been vaccinated after my first birthday. In 1986 I got the measles while I was in preschool. I also had to get the shot a second time. The second time I got the shot my body did not react well to it. The site was bruised, itchy and I had a fever for a few days. I have been told by doctor that since I have had measles that I can not get it again. Is that true? I have not had measles since so I do not know.
I also wonder why, since I had measles - and supposedly you can not get it again, why did I need a second shot... I dont know.

In this 1986 report about that outbreak,, I find this statement kind of interesting:

There may be many reasons for this large increase; however, unvaccinated preschool-aged children and vaccine failures in school-aged children are two of the major ones.

vaccine failure - I wonder why and how often this happens.
I hear a lot about unvaccinated children, but not too much about vaccine failures - and I only really see about it because I look into my own experience with it.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 08:37 AM
[color=dodgerblue]I vaccinate my children.

I am required to be vaccinated against certain diseases for nursing school. (Had to get Hep A, MMR and a tDap)

Vaccines have eradicated diseases. (remember Polio?)

A growing number of parents are choosing not vaccinate, relying on 'herd immunity' to protect their children. The problem with that is that the number of vaccinated children is growing to a point that 'herd immunity' is no longer enough to protect them and diseases (like measles) are making a comeback.

Like I said. I vaccinate my kids. While I am less trusting of the newer vaccines, I am not afraid of the standard ones that I was also given as a child.

I even got *gasp* an H1N1 vaccine. And nothing happened.

edit on 6-11-2011 by daryllyn because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-11-2011 by daryllyn because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by MapMistress

Thanks for the awesome post. It had a lot of interesting points and information. Unfortunately I do not have all these answers I will update if I find any of this out. It seems you are very well informed on this matter.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by FlyingSpaghettiMonster
A strong immune system and things like vitamin C, garlic etc will help fight a cold, but because there are so many mutations of the virus, it's impossible to ward them all off.

One time, I felt a big cold coming during the night. I took 4 vitamin C's then went back to bed.
Never got the cold.

Been taking one vitamin C every time I sense a cold coming and till now it seems to work.
Call it luck, haven't caught a cold in well more then a year. I also live in Quebec, colds are rampant here.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by MapMistress

1. Were Canadians given a bad vaccine in the past? If so, which pharm company? Are they stuck with the vaccines provided by one company for MMR under socialized medicine? Or do they have multiple pharm company choices to choose a vaccine?

Can't answer about the past bad bad or not vaccines, all i can say is i had been shots with all the mandatory immunizations when i was young ( in the 1970 era ) and i never get any side effects or bad reactions from the vaccines.

But i had chickenpox, scarlet fever and measle... is being vaccinated was worth something ? and i can't tell from which company the shots come from.

As far as i know we don't have much choice because everything is free. They choose. My guess is 2-3 major pharma are supplying all meds here ( can be wrong feel free to correct me )

Is there some alternate product on the market making the MMR vaccine useless? Perhaps some GMO food on the market? Some pesticide? Some additive to another vaccine like a flu vaccine? Could something else be causing those twice vaccinated to become susceptible to measles?

I can't point out any noticeable change about food or else. Domestic use of chemical pesticides is banned, there is less pesticides today than in my time.

The only difference is you seem to say that today kids get two MMR shots compared to only one before.

Coming straight from my official medical record

have been vaccinated from 1974 to 1989 ( which was the last time i ever let them put this poison inside my body )


Primary immunizations :

BCG - at birth ( Bacillus Calmette-Guerin )
DPT sabin - 2 months ( DPT Diphteria, Pertussis, Tetanos )
DPT sabin - 4 months
DPT sabin - 6 months
MMR - 12 months ( Measles, Mumps, Rubella )

Booster doses and revaccination

DPT sabin - 15 to 18 months
DPT sabin - 5 to 6 years
BCG - 5 to 6 years
DT sabin - 15 to 18 years
BCG - 15 to 18 years

Date and age i got shots are recorded but nowhere in my official vaccination book the brand or maker of the vaccines are mentionned.

As you can see, there only one mandatory shots for MMR at the age of 12 months.

This is all the shots i had in my life, never got any vaccines since and i practically never get sick, have a strong health and im not a sport or diet fanatics.

edit on 7/11/2011 by B3lz3buth because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by B3lz3buth

@ B3lz3buth I am curious what your experience was like with scarlet fever. I have not before met another person who has had scarlet fever. When I had scarlet fever I was a teenager. I was bright red like a cooked lobster and very ill. The strep was bad and my throat came close to closing, I had to be rushed to the ER. It was the first and only time I have had to be given morphine. That pain was terrible.

I have had chicken pox and measles as a child. I'm now an adult, and few years ago I noticed these small patches of itchy blister things and it turns out that I get shingles -- from having chicken pox before.
The funny thing is, my mother asked me one day what the rashes were on my arm and I said to her basically - remember when I was a kid and you let me play with the children that had chicken pox because you thought it was a good idea.... I'm not mad at her about it though. It does make me a little angry that those "pox parties" still happen today. Does this happen in Canada?

I am not a Canadian, but this subject absolutely fascinates me. If you have never experienced these things I hope you never do!!

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by BlueBanshee

My case of scarlet fever was way less severe than yours, no need to ER, but it was a painfull experience, i have not so much memories about it but mom said it was the baddest child illness i ever got.


posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by B3lz3buth

Can't answer about the past bad bad or not vaccines, all i can say is i had been shots with all the mandatory immunizations when i was young ( in the 1970 era ) and i never get any side effects or bad reactions from the vaccines.

But i had chickenpox, scarlet fever and measle... is being vaccinated was worth something ? and i can't tell from which company the shots come from.

As far as i know we don't have much choice because everything is free. They choose. My guess is 2-3 major pharma are supplying all meds here ( can be wrong feel free to correct me )

Thanks for letting me know the info. So you got a MMR vaccine at 12 months old, but still caught the measles anyway? What age were you when you caught the measles?

I'm really thinking it's a bad vaccine in Canada for MMR in the past. It really looks more like that than anything else. Although the slight possibility still exist that some genetically modified food might be on the market that could inhibit immune systems...but if that were the case...which food? GMO corn? GMO wheat? That would be totally theoretical...and reaching far for an alternate cause...and I don't know what Canada has and hasn't banned with GMO.

So 90% probability of bad MMR vaccine in past, leaving those twice vaccinated susceptible to measles.

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