posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 08:31 PM
First create your text, keep in mind the type of effect you want to use. If you want to use the steps below it�s best to use a �thick� font. Also it�s
almost always best to create your text on another document and make it 3 times as big as you want the final text. Use the Free Transform tool to
resize the text while holding down the Shift key to maintain the aspect ratio after you have created the finished text. Then insert the text to the
finished image.
Select the text layer and press the �Add Layer Style� button.
Press �Blending Options�.
Now let�s choose the �stroke� function. This will add a color border around the text. Adjust the size and color to your liking.
Now to �Bevel and Emboss�. It will make the text look more 3-d like. Click it�s box and again adjust the �Depth�, �Size� and �Angle� until you are
Finally lets add a shadow to make it leap of the page. Press �drop shadow� and adjust the �opacity�, �angle�, �distance� and �size�.
That�s it, insert it into your image and use the �free Transform� tool while holding down the shift key to size it correctly.