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Britain On Alert For New Superflu

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posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 01:50 PM
I love the Daily Express. They've always got doom and gloom on their front pages. I wonder what tomorrows headline will be?

Also contagion is pants. Don't bother going to see that at the pictures, wait for the dvd. It's so boring!!!!!!

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by TruthxIsxInxThexMist

Britain On Alert For New Superflu

The alert comes after people started to fall victim to seasonal flu and the more virulent swine flu at the same time.

Such a rare incidence creates the risk of a lethal mutation, leading to an “ominous” super-flu virus for which humans have almost no immunity, said medical scientists.

Dr Peter Hotez, a world-renowned infectious disease expert, warned: “Highly infectious strains of the virus against which humans have little defence can spread from one continent to another within 24 hours.” He said the fact scientists had detected the rare double-flu infection highlighted the need
(visit the link for the full news article)

The Express, pumped full of steaming manure as usual. That is the worst piece of alarmist codswallop I've read in a long while. There's almost nothing factual in it, apart from the possibility that a mutation could occur.

Here's some of the distortions, exaggerations and outright cobblers employed:

"A new killer strain could spread to the UK within 24 hours". Theoretically true, but not likely. Even the expert on the subject stresses the double infection is rare. *Any* infection can spread between continents within 24 hours, because of....air travel.

"This comes as Britain’s winter flu season gets underway, amid fears it could be one of the worst outbreaks of the disease in years". No source for this statement quoted. None at all.

"Last year more than 600 people died from winter flu in the UK, with hospitals so overwhelmed they were forced to cancel routine ­operations". It's winter. Hospitals always get busy, with flu, yes, but also people breaking bones on un-gritted pavements. But the 600 figure is actually far less than was predicted, with swine flue taking over from seasonal flu strains as a killer of the elderly and infirm.

"Temperatures are set to plunge to “Siberian levels” within the next fortnight and a bitterly cold ­December with temperatures of minus 15C is on the cards". What's the source for this forecast? Who is quoted as saying "Siberian levels"?

And then, as always, a snippet of reality hidden in the middle of the panic:

"According to a report today in the American Journal of Tropical ­Medicine and Hygiene, the people with double infections in Cambodia recovered and the two flu strains did not combine into a new virus". Fancy that.

Viruses continually evolve, and there may be a time when a strong mutation leaves people vulnerable, but this kind of scaremongering does nothing to prepare us in any useful manner.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 02:20 PM
I won't be buying any flu vaccine, never have, never will.

People are too quick to panic and rush to the medical centres with a mere sneeze nowadays for preventative-this and curative-that, you only have to say the word 'germ' and they drop like flies.

A hot toddy and a warm bed is good relief from colds and flu - although it won't cure or prevent, but does anything?

Flu vaccines are nothing but a money-making racket if you ask me.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 03:01 PM
Superflu? In 2030 it will be Superswinekillermegadeathbirdradioactiveflu. Anyway I have not been ill in atleast 5 years, meditation, eat healthy and do not weaken my immune system with pharamcutical rubbish. Come get me Superflu.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by OwenGP185
Superflu? In 2030 it will be Superswinekillermegadeathbirdradioactiveflu. Anyway I have not been ill in atleast 5 years, meditation, eat healthy and do not weaken my immune system with pharamcutical rubbish. Come get me Superflu.

Actually, many of the deaths and serious cases of H1N1 have been in otherwise healthy adults outside of the usual risk groups, so don't get too cocky. Vaccines depend on predicting how the virus will mutate, year on year. When the new vaccine gets it right, it is effective at preventing infection. If you do get infected however, anti-viral medicine is your best hope to allow your own immune system to fight the disease. Don't abandon all medicine just because it's not 100% perfect all of the time. There's always more to learn.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by FlyingSpaghettiMonster

I would only go for medicine when I am on the verge of death or was in some kind of surgery, I actually believe the amount of medicines, vaccines etc just lowers the immune system needing extra drugs in order stabilise. Obviously I have no real knowledge to say that other than my opinion. So even though it can get non risk people I would rather gamble my life with nature than with pharmaceutical companies. I do not go completely against medicines it is just a last resort type thing, if it is a might help but still too late then so be it.

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