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Port of Oakland Now Shut Down!

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posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 03:22 AM
In theory, the closing of the port could also be a good thing. As the companies shipping things in maybe be pissed off, the 99% could be the employing the same "problem, reaction solution" the TPTB have been using. This is all optimistic thinking of course. But think about it for one second. The companies want the problems that OWS is causing to go away (reaction). OWS now has some bidding power to the upper reaches of corporate amerika. So present demands and once followed though the solution could be obtained. Hopefully with all these companies understanding that it could happen again if they press their luck again.

Again, this is in an ideal world. But most likely marshal law is coming

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 07:20 AM

Originally posted by MegasAlexandros
reply to post by watcher3339

I'm not sure. Do you believe the military would fire at its own people? I know if the government hired mercenaries and private contractors they would, but I don't believe our regular soldiers would.

Absolutely NOT. Our military will never point a weapon at it's own people unless those people are corrupt and trying to make them point their weapons at their own people.

As far as shutting down the port, good for them. It is similar to the Tea Party which I am sure pissed off a lot of Colonists. The British were sent to squash the rebellion and a bunch of hicks from the mountains had to show up and kill their asses. We all know it escalated from there and there were more battles, but the end result was REVOLUTION.

It is happening NOW! Either get on-board or get run over. I have no sympathy for those who sit on their tail and defend the current sham because they are spineless cowards. I will not allow myself to be influenced by their smear campaign. Of course some things the protesters do will hurt everyone, but don't you think everyone is hurt when we pay trillions of dollars to banks that are too big to fail? Maybe when we stop attacking innocent nations and killing women and children we can pull ourselves out of this atrocious worldwide crime spree.

A lot of the people who are against this movement are working for defense contractors. They are no better than the warmongers they work for. They are trying to protect their murderous income. They are hypocrites. No soup for you.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by whiskeycowboy
reply to post by MegasAlexandros

Good point about the "made in China", ill give you that one. However with boston, they only threw over tea, not completely shut down the port, which would prevent all sorts of products (medicines, food, tools, cars, etc) from enter or leaving, which harms everyone, not just a small portion of people, ie* tea drinkers...

only in a perfect world, we could hope for made in America, purchased in America.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by MegasAlexandros
reply to post by watcher3339

I'm not sure. Do you believe the military would fire at its own people? I know if the government hired mercenaries and private contractors they would, but I don't believe our regular soldiers would.

As far as I can tell OWS now has the Marines on their side. I suspect one military branch being on the side of the OWS would mean that other military branches would not fire on another.

But I could be wrong.

Harm None

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 10:07 AM
This is becoming simply crazy. What is even more offensive is those here who are cheering on the riots and the fires being set by these "peaceful" OWS protesters. Honestly, the madness has begun. Any good that could have come out of this is going down in flames.

BTW, I visited our local OWS in Portland Oregon, all I found was a mess, hundreds of tents destroying two parks, defacing war monuments, and yes the strong smell of both pot and pee.

Cudos to the OWS, you have managed to crap up our streets, smoke a ton of weed, and turn off most people who would have probably sided with you due to your lack of respect for your fellow citizens who have had to put their lives on hold while we tip toe around your mess each day on our day to work.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 12:38 PM
No cohesive message?!?!!? Are you kidding me? The OWS movement is sick and tired of being sick and tired. They are tired of the 1% greed machine that is funneling funds from the middle class and below to the top 1%. They are anti-greed. They are upset that the 1% privatized profit but socialized the bailout. The 99% bailed out the 1% without our consent and now that their method of greed has been threatened, they are training the masses by convincing them there is no cohesiveness to the movement.

To sum it up in one sentence..

We have had enough of corporate greed!

If you don't agree then just look at your expenditures. Why does it cost so much for the middle class and below to live? The government takes 1/3rd of my check and the profiteers take the rest. They will always pump up prices of food, gas, and housing to ensure that even the highest paid middle class cannot have enough money to get out of debt, invest, and get ahead. Fact.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 12:44 PM
This is stupid and childish: they are only (mostly) harming the people they claim to be representing. Workers on the port, and those of us (99%) that require the goods coming thru that port.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by Rockstrongo37
This is becoming simply crazy. What is even more offensive is those here who are cheering on the riots and the fires being set by these "peaceful" OWS protesters. Honestly, the madness has begun. Any good that could have come out of this is going down in flames.

BTW, I visited our local OWS in Portland Oregon, all I found was a mess, hundreds of tents destroying two parks, defacing war monuments, and yes the strong smell of both pot and pee.

Cudos to the OWS, you have managed to crap up our streets, smoke a ton of weed, and turn off most people who would have probably sided with you due to your lack of respect for your fellow citizens who have had to put their lives on hold while we tip toe around your mess each day on our day to work.

Well, it's hard to comprehend on this site who exactly populated the port. This thread is congratulating the home run of the protesters for taking the port, and there is another thread saying some Bad Boys came and hit the ball through Old Man Portland's window.
Sounds like my dad- my older sister could do no wrong, so it must be someone else who put that pot in her purse.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by MegasAlexandros

I fully believe the military will fire on civilians I'm saying that as a veteran. I've had numerous 17-26 year olds tell me they are joining the military, not for love of country or the GI bill but to "# people up" . I served from 1998-2004 and I think a large chunk of people in the service will treat us just like the Afghani's Iraqi's and shortly the Iranian people. If any one hasn't noticed many Veterans have been becoming police the last decade or so and violence has risen.

I think they'll fire and then fight amongst themselves afterward.
edit on 3-11-2011 by Silverado292 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 01:22 PM
Just another perspective for those with eyes to see and ears to hear. Dallasgoldbug.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by Chai_An
Just another perspective for those with eyes to see and ears to hear. Dallasgoldbug.

Where did this come from? Can you sum up the vid in a few lines, or link to a bigger story, plz?

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by SquirrelNutz

Originally posted by Chai_An
Just another perspective for those with eyes to see and ears to hear. Dallasgoldbug.

Where did this come from? Can you sum up the vid in a few lines, or link to a bigger story, plz?

This gentleman has been analyzing videos of events such as OWS and finding actors all linked to Pima County Sheriff Department and well-known families such as the Strongs and Greenbergs heading such events. Apparently this man have facial recognition software and can analyze facial points to identify individuals. He has found the same actors in more than one major event, so if all is true and he shows you how it can be then it shines a very negative light on many of the nations headline events. Events such as the Casey Anthony case, OWS, the underwear bomber case, even Columbine school shootings. His videos are fascinating as well as thought provoking. If you get a chance check this person out he's offering another viewpoint on national events.
edit on 3-11-2011 by Chai_An because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by SquirrelNutz
This is stupid and childish: they are only (mostly) harming the people they claim to be representing. Workers on the port, and those of us (99%) that require the goods coming thru that port.

To all who say they are harming the people they represent......have you ever heard of human shields? It is when governments (normally dictatorships) use innocent civilians to shield government and military installations from attacks by enemy forces by placing them (civilians) around the installations they want to protect so that when they are attacked the dictatorships can scream bloody murder and say " see, they are killing civilians and not soldiers".

Well in this case, the economy is setup so that innocent civilians get hurt first before the greedy corporation do by the people losing their jobs, homes and belongings before corporations go bankrupt. Unfortunately that is what is happening right now. Banks and corporations got bailed out with taxpayer's trillions and what happened? They used that money to make more money, and have not created jobs or increased the amount of loans to small businesses (or else there would be more jobs). At the end of the day, they pocketed the money.

If the administration were to bail out the people with stimulus checks (significantly) the people would pay off mortgages, cars, bills in general and either invest or save whatever was left. The corporations get their bailout from the bottom up in the form of people paying off their debts and renewed investment. Why isn't this done? (and don't say inflation because corporations have already received trillions with no appreciable or tolerable rise in inflation). I'll tell you why....the super rich would not be able to steal everything the people have if everything the people have is all payed off.

edit on 3-11-2011 by Mr. D because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 08:03 AM

Originally posted by Chai_An

Originally posted by SquirrelNutz

Originally posted by Chai_An
Just another perspective for those with eyes to see and ears to hear. Dallasgoldbug.

Where did this come from? Can you sum up the vid in a few lines, or link to a bigger story, plz?

This gentleman has been analyzing videos of events such as OWS and finding actors all linked to Pima County Sheriff Department and well-known families such as the Strongs and Greenbergs heading such events. Apparently this man have facial recognition software and can analyze facial points to identify individuals. He has found the same actors in more than one major event, so if all is true and he shows you how it can be then it shines a very negative light on many of the nations headline events. Events such as the Casey Anthony case, OWS, the underwear bomber case, even Columbine school shootings. His videos are fascinating as well as thought provoking. If you get a chance check this person out he's offering another viewpoint on national events.
edit on 3-11-2011 by Chai_An because: (no reason given)

Holy crap. Wow! I mean, not totally shocking that this goes on, but that someone else actually put the research in to expose it.

Any links to discussions here on ATS that you can share?

(and, thank you)

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by SquirrelNutz

Originally posted by Chai_An

Originally posted by SquirrelNutz

Originally posted by Chai_An
Just another perspective for those with eyes to see and ears to hear. Dallasgoldbug.

Where did this come from? Can you sum up the vid in a few lines, or link to a bigger story, plz?

This gentleman has been analyzing videos of events such as OWS and finding actors all linked to Pima County Sheriff Department and well-known families such as the Strongs and Greenbergs heading such events. Apparently this man have facial recognition software and can analyze facial points to identify individuals. He has found the same actors in more than one major event, so if all is true and he shows you how it can be then it shines a very negative light on many of the nations headline events. Events such as the Casey Anthony case, OWS, the underwear bomber case, even Columbine school shootings. His videos are fascinating as well as thought provoking. If you get a chance check this person out he's offering another viewpoint on national events.
edit on 3-11-2011 by Chai_An because: (no reason given)

Holy crap. Wow! I mean, not totally shocking that this goes on, but that someone else actually put the research in to expose it.

Any links to discussions here on ATS that you can share?

(and, thank you)

The guy's site is
Is the youngest Arizona victim alive...
Document online about preparedness drill
There are others just put in the site search box and the links will come up.
edit on 4-11-2011 by Chai_An because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by Rockstrongo37
This is becoming simply crazy. What is even more offensive is those here who are cheering on the riots and the fires being set by these "peaceful" OWS protesters. Honestly, the madness has begun. Any good that could have come out of this is going down in flames.

Violence begets violence.
When you have protesters accosted by armed police, when all they are doing is excercising their constitutional right to speak, the situation will ususally result in like-action.
People do not like to be pushed around. period. escpecially when protected byt he constitution.

Remember: a Badge does not equal the law.

BTW, I visited our local OWS in Portland Oregon, all I found was a mess, hundreds of tents destroying two parks, defacing war monuments, and yes the strong smell of both pot and pee.

Destroying? so there will no longer be parks after they leave?
what will they be holes in the groun?

As far as the "pot and Pee" comment, again, where is any of this illegal?
This is portland oregon. They have laws that allow protesting, peeing and pot.
Im sorry if their legal actions offends you but it is their right pee, protest and smoke MMJ if they so choose.

The far right seems to never actually BE right.

Cudos to the OWS, you have managed to crap up our streets, smoke a ton of weed, and turn off most people who would have probably sided with you due to your lack of respect for your fellow citizens who have had to put their lives on hold while we tip toe around your mess each day on our day to work.

Yup Kudos!
They have the balls to excercise their rights as guaranteed in the constitution.
Says alot more about their integrity than those who get offended for someone excercising their constitutional rights.

You know, if it weren't for people like them, you would not even be able to post your opinion on this matter.

These people are standing up for YOUR rights, yet you bash them.
got a better idea? we are all ears.

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