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Paganism, Witchcraft and Occult Knowledge

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posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 05:24 AM
reply to post by radpetey

Thanks for the warning. I wasn't going to join up with anything, just get an understanding.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 05:35 AM

Originally posted by coyotepoet
I agree, I think at some point in one's path it is "required reading" so to speak. Realizing that the universe (that is, The All) is layered and holographic, an understanding of Occult/esoteric knowledge gives you deeper insight into the true nature of things. This is seen in other belief systems as well (see the correspondences below) and only by synthesizing all of them can we have a broader and deeper understanding of the whole.

Holographic Correspondences within belief systems:

Water sits in the West and is represented by the triad of Buddhism, Taoism (including Janism and the like), and Hinduism (including Sikhs and the like)

Fire sits in the South and is represented by the Triad of Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Islam, and Christianity (including all sects and divisions)

Air sits in the East and is represented by New Age and other spirit based belief systems

finally, and to the point,

Earth sits in the North and is represented by Paganism, Shamanism, and other earth-based belief systems like Animism.

One must walk the full circle to have a true knowledge of the whole because any one perspective on the wheel is limited to its own position and is insufficient in and of itself for those whose path it is to understand the whole.

Very good response! The elementals. I was just researching that. Water = Emotion, Air = Intellect, Earth = Sensation and Fire = Life Force. Of course the fifth elemental Spirit or Ether.

Also your comments about the North, South, East and West reminds me of the Medicine Wheel used by the natives of North America and South America.

This is one of three videos, but it is a good series.

Could not Embed
edit on 3-11-2011 by blazenresearcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 05:40 AM
reply to post by LoneGunMan

I understand, thanks for the wisdom. I don't plan to practice any of the teachings. I just want to get an understanding to acquire a more complete picture.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 05:43 AM
reply to post by radpetey

This is so amusing. Always someone has to suggest that their way is better. So if we choose not to follow your path we are all doomed. Personally I would rather be doomed with people I consider peers. Then in your heaven under your god being stuck.

A priest stands on top of a building and prays to god. And with his prayer lightning comes from the sky and destroys his enemies.
A Warlock, witch, wizard,shaman, Does the same thing and he is considered evil??? The Gun is not evil. The person using it is. Magick is simply a tool. When used properly it can benefit many. But just like with anything else it can be used for bad things. Priests used to condemn regular people to death, After torturing them and forcing them to say they were witches.. They were evil men, But the religion isn't. It gives people hope and offers a guide for all to live a better life. Same with Paganism "And it harm none so mote it be"

I say live your life and be at peace. When you die I hope your get everything that you believe in. We all have a road map that will get us where we are going. My map might lead me through the forests and your might lead you through a river. In the end we all reach the same destination. I would hope that along the way you used your time to appreciate the beauty all around you, Help others when you can, and forgive yourself even when someone else won't.. Til then be well


posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 05:43 AM
reply to post by blazenresearcher

I agree, however my findings did not lead to spiritual enlightenment. I was raised christian but threw that away as a teen and became agnostic and focused on spirituality. This lead me to some hermetic meditation techniques and I had the most AMAZING experiences and feelings while meditating. Picked up a book about heremtic understanding of the world, which isnt that different from science. Started some chakra work. Then I started to mess around with the tarot a little bit and wanted to understand it more. So I picked up a book by Mouni Sadhu and learned a lot about the how the tarot works and the background of it which interesting enough relates back to kabbalah tree of life.

So after this I decided to become somewhat of a wiccan, did some minor rituals to Diana because...well I cant remember now, lol. But anywho, one day it just stopped making sense to me. All of it. Not meditation, because we understand what happens in the brain with meditation. But I just felt like there was no real proof for any of this stuff, I saw proof because I wanted to believe. And then I ended up an atheist. Albeit a very "spiritually" enlightened one. Lol. Following the road may not lead to where you think it might. However, I would not trade what I learned about other belief systems for anything.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 06:01 AM
reply to post by LittleBirdSaid

Thank you LBS, very insightful and helpful response. Research all, join what I would like to do.

I agree with your assessment on witchcraft and the Wiccan culture. They and their beliefs have been maligned. Your take on Shamanism is very interesting. As many know, it is best to know the dark to see the light more clearly.

Your comments about your friend that has found "Jesus" is also very interesting. It appears you possess a keen awareness and understanding.

Best to you on your journey...namaste.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by blazenresearcher
On the path to spiritual enlightenment, there are areas that you cross. To achieve a higher spiritual understanding requires knowing and understanding some of the same, laws of the Craft, Pagan beliefs as well as Alchemy. I don't believe you can side step it.

I personally like to learn as much as I can on a wide variety of subjects, time permitting. I would like to hear others thoughts on the subject and if they researched thoroughly in these areas to provide insight.

I have came across this train of thought before.
For me it just provided more truth to my personal beliefs that god is real and jesus reached perfection.
I found that when you take a look at ones that have practiced these arts the fruits of their labor are sour.
However i don't find that to be the case with true alchemy.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by ImmortalThought
reply to post by coyotepoet

Where did you hear this?

Bhuddism is not something from the West. It would come from the East. Not that I know this formula really makes any sense. You could find a "shaman" in almost every culture east, west, north, south they just use another title.

The answer that coyotepoet gave you is wonderful in itself as they put the pieces together on their own to form a much older understanding. This symbol was used to teach those same lessons in ancient Gnosticism. Maybe it will help you to understand what they mean.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 09:56 AM
Explore all your options, find the path that stirs your soul, and remain open minded.

I began my search as an atheist, progressed to neopaganism and branched out into eastern mystiscm, and Christianity. I studied ceremonial magick, shamanism, Kabbalah, Shinto, and the end, for me, I always go back to paganism because it works for me. However, I have found wonderful things in all spiritual paths.

The only concern I will voice is about ceremonial careful, as others have already mentioned on this thread, this kind of energy work is only for highly skilled, properly trained practitioners. Negative energy does exist and it takes a very skilled person to handle it successfully.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by Agarta

Agarta...very interesting. It is definitely a shape that I've seen, I don't know the true meaning of it, but you could place it anywhere on the tree of life and it would fit. It is very similar to Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man.


posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by Mijamija

Thank you all for your comments and experiences, I have enjoyed the stories!

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by blazenresearcher

It is definitely a shape that I've seen, I don't know the true meaning of it, but you could place it anywhere on the tree of life and it would fit. It is very similar to Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man.

Likewise you could take either of those and place them on the Flower of Life and they would fit. "True meaning" is somewhat elusive because it depends on what level of understanding you are referencing. However, look at the image again and think 3-D shape. It is a tetrahedron.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 06:53 AM
reply to post by coyotepoet

Amazing, I originally wrote tetrahedron in my first comment and then I erased it. Your comment makes sense too regarding the level of understanding. Thanks for the enlightenment.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 04:30 PM

You are right in that it has its basic meanings and its deeper meanings. It represents the whole as one, all connected to each other, the Elements, the Spiritual senses, the basics(thus its shape being the first building block in Sacred Geometry. ie fractile geometry), it also represents the 4 major religions(Judaism, Christianity, Muslim, and Paganism) showing that truth is found in all, not one. The list goes on and on when lessons are learned and applied.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by Agarta

You are right in that it has its basic meanings and its deeper meanings. It represents the whole as one, all connected to each other, the Elements, the Spiritual senses, the basics(thus its shape being the first building block in Sacred Geometry. ie fractile geometry), it also represents the 4 major religions(Judaism, Christianity, Muslim, and Paganism) showing that truth is found in all, not one. The list goes on and on when lessons are learned and applied.

Nice, I like it!

In essence it is the key that unites us!

I had to add.....Let's UNLOCK our POTENTIAL!

edit on 4-11-2011 by blazenresearcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 06:31 PM
I have personally found as a teenager learning of Christianity and then joining a christian community where we all practiced what Jesus taught about sharing and caring. I left some 5 years later as individual politics and egos had got in the way. I left and became dissillusioned and was an Agnostic for the next 14 years. I then woke up some 6 years ago and studied all religions and no-religions and different paths to spirituality even exo-political ones of the Wingmakers etc. I now have finally found that Gnosticism is my individually prefered way(Tao) and as some of you have said some feel drawn to different paths but like the Tree of Life the branches might go in all directions but they always lead back to source...

edit on 4-11-2011 by Epsillion70 because: spell check

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by Epsillion70
I have personally found as a teenager learning of Christianity and then joining a christian community where we all practiced what Jesus taught about sharing and caring. I left some 5 years later as individual politics and egos had got in the way. I left and became dissillusioned and was an Agnostic for the next 14 years. I then woke up some 6 years ago and studied all religions and no-religions and different paths to spirituality even exo-political ones of the Wingmakers etc. I now have finally found that Gnosticism is my individually prefered way(Tao) and as some of you have said some feel drawn to different paths but like the Tree of Life the branches might go in all directions but they always lead back to source...

edit on 4-11-2011 by Epsillion70 because: spell check

You are a treasure...first of all, I love your avatar.

The one thing that resonates with me within your post reminds me of a story that I heard. We are all from different religions and we are climbing the path of enlightenment. Enlightenment is a Mountain....The goal is to reach the top. At the bottom/base there are many paths to choose and we all begin the climb....we choose different paths and during the climb we may look over and think...they are on the wrong path....I am on the only true path to the truth and spiritual enlightenment.

However, as you climb and climb, your paths get closer and closer together, as your thoughts get closer and closer together, until you reach the summit where all is one!

Lesson for the day in peace, love, trust and humanity.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 07:34 PM
When on the path to enlightenment you can get caught up in many practices that seem to give you kinds of powers or an edge over other people. These things are called Siddhis in sanskrit, and someone on the path to enlightenment will undoubtably come accross them.

Esoterik practices are a good way to learn Siddhis, be careful however, since Siddhis can distract you and lead you away from Ultimate Wisdom and therefore hinder you in your path to attaining enlightenment.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 07:55 PM
The True lessons are of releasing fear and doubt, knowing self and the Worlds around you, and working toward Ascension in every belief system. The paths to get there are vastly different, the words used to teach the lessons are vastly different and the tools and symbols are vastly different but the lessons and understandings if TRUE are exactly the same regardless of the path,language,tools, or symbols. These lessons and Understandings are actually what unite all beings of all walks of life, not what name you call a higher power or even accepting a higher power for that matter.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by fedeykin

Thank you...I will remember that!

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