posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 03:58 PM
yellow FELLOW ats family =]...
I am having problems with my cell phone connection (3g) and sometime the internet connection in my home/wireless or w.e.
this all started the day the ODD snow storm came in to my town (oct30).
i remember sitting in my car with a couple of buddies WHEN a transformer blew up right infront of us.
as soon as that happend iknew i wasntgonna have power in my house nor internet connection.
so i walked in my home around 12AM and my prediction came true. not only did the tv not wrk or the ATS WEBSITE(internet) or my xbox live =[, my phone
oddly stopped working
2 days pass and my internet cnnection at home is OK, not the best but its up and running , but my cell phone (sprnt service) is still acting up.
i sometime wont have 3g for about 6 hours then all a sudden my phone starts to work for about 10 mins and then the same thing NO 3G COVERAGE.
the same thing was happing to my twin bros phone and my older bros phone but now THERE PHONES WORK perfectly FINE.......
and mine still has had no service for the last 12 hours
this is pissing me of and all im tryna do is figure what could cause all this.
maybe a satelite? maybe the feds hacking my phone? i just dont understand why it wouldnt work correctly for about 5 days
edit on 2-11-2011 by
burntoast because: (no reason given)