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Judge William Adams beats daughter for using the Internet

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posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 01:13 AM
As a parent of a 10-year old boy, I would NEVER beat him to get my point across. WTF is wrong with some parents out there? Disobey me and catch a beat down. Yeah.. that'll teach em! Seriously.. the logic of some people is unfu$&@ing believable.

My dad used to scream and yell and mentally abuse my sister. I thought THAT was bad. Explain to me what the hell you are teaching a child by beating them like that? That your big and tough and if they don't want to get a beating they better listen to you? How about instead of beating them like they were garbage, you try and teach them to respect your rules? I mean jesus...

And im sorry for all of you who caught beatings when you were kids. That doesn't make it right. And to the one person who says its none of our business. Your right.. to a point. After a certain point it IS peoples business. Or do you just enjoy seeing the stories of kids being locked in boxes and closets and starved to death? Or the 9-month old with a fractured skull who gets killed because daddy decided to beat him one too many times.

Humanity makes me sick sometimes.

Oh ps- if the big bad judge catches a beat down now from this, or worse... hey.. its not OUR business what someone else does.. right?

edit on 2-11-2011 by DerekJR321 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 01:13 AM

Originally posted by sarra1833
reply to post by SonicInfinity

I don't condone what he did, coming back for another go at it and them tag teaming her with the belt BUT on the same level, what if the dad or mom get severely injured or killed by some 'wanting to do right but mental in the head' person/people? What IF the girl IS actually a severely bad child and ....

just saying. You don't know how the entire life has been. Dad just may be in the right.

Not going back a second time but you don't know how far his rope's been stretched. This is a hard one to talk about cuz there's always two sides to a story. Besides, on youtube it says it happened in 04. yet she just put it up yesterday?

something is kinda fishy right now. I Hope to GOD someone didn't make it up and posted it just to get him into trouble and it's not even him.

what im saying is, someone could kill that man - and turn out it's for a fabricated bs thing. I'm scared now that the entire net knows. I'm really scared.
edit on 2-11-2011 by sarra1833 because: (no reason given)

THANK YOU! your first post on this page is on point......Its not bad to hit your kids , it just the way you do it and the limit of things.... If you mess up, you getting a belt, its simple as that... you live and you learn to become a better person...

And to what you say about if the girl is a real problem... You are right with that......... People dont know what kind of teen she is.... She could do some dumb shh out in the world and put her parents in danger for her action, she could be the type of girl who thinks she has everything figured out and will fuk over her parents in the process just cause they want to correct her behavior. Kids these days will shhht on everyone who gets in their way with their little agenda that they think they it all figured out... I even had first hand experience with that with my niece...

She was a good kid but my sister spoiled her a little too much and wasnt tough on her like my parents are with her. she respects my parents more than her own mother, She even tried fukin over my sister with the system along with child services when my niece become a good ass liar that everyone believe her innocent face and voice... but lets see if she tries that with my parents and my parents are old fashion.

So who is not to say this girl is a problem child? no one knows her or her family on here to even speculate on things.

Remember, you need to be really strict with your kids or else they will turn on you and make you the child and they the adults.... this is why so much kids are so disrespectful to their parents and to society... Kids are more out of control these days then 20-30+ years, why? because parents arent being strict.. Now if you people want your kids to start disrespecting you and make you go through pain because you choice just to "punish" them by taking away their little entertainment, guess again...... what you think will be their other entertainment? liquor?smoking?partying? hanging out ? being up late?being out late? not coming home at all?... the choice is yours

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 01:14 AM
It's called "karma". It's called "what goes around comes around".

Maybe she has held onto that video for seven years because she was afraid. Maybe she FINALLY found the courage she needed to share it.

I had to deal with my brother molesting me for YEARS. Well into my teenage years. I was close to my mom. I was close to my sisters. But I believed my brother when he told me that he would kill the entire family if I told anyone. You get a submissive nature and victim mentality because you don't know how to stop it and you are scared to try. For me, my brother was the big bad wolf and every monster I ever feared that could be hiding in the closet or under the bed.

I was twenty five before I finally admitted it. I told it to my husband. Now the whole family knows and my brother has been gone for over fifteen years. I was out of the house and away at college when I was eighteen and I STILL didn't have the courage to tell or speak up.

When you are abused, whether it's physical, mental, or sexual, something happens inside of you that you can't control. You feel like you were incapable of stopping the abuse so you will also be incapable of handling the fallout from it. You don't want your issues to become someone else's. That's why you can't tell, you can't act on it, and you can't do ANYTHING about it until you are stronger and believe in yourself.

If an argument with this monster is what gave Hillary the strength to share her abuse with the world and expose her sperm donor for the horror that he is ... more power to her. I say, "Good going, girl. From one survivor to another --- ya' done good, kid."

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 01:19 AM
She also shared this video to show that it is HER in the video and photos of how she was disabled with cystic fibrosis. She is a pianist now. She appears to be a REALLY bad child. Yeah, right.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 01:20 AM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
reply to post by Epirus

Not my kids, not my responsibility.

It is my responsibility to hold the mob back from trying to strip parents of their rights to parent.

Who are you to say what is right for someone else's family?

Not allowing people to beat their kids is not striping any parental rights. Children have the right not to be beaten, or do you not conceder children people with rights. They did not choose to be born to idiots that don’t know how to raise and discipline children. Violence is never the right choice, ever. If people would spend more time giving their children love and attention this would not be an issue. I have never needed to resort to beating my children and if you met them you would consider them to be calm, loving people. The answer is always love and there is no love in violence. I’m sorry you and many others don’t understand this. I do not want this parent to loose any of his rights but I do want to protect the rights of his child. If this was her husband would you defend the husband the same as a father?
edit on 2-11-2011 by sacgamer25 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 01:21 AM

Originally posted by Nobama
reply to post by MilzGatez

I'm against child abuse but this?This isn't a big of a deal, a little ass whipping is what is needed

This was a little ass whipping? I wish I could beat the hell out of this Judge and anyone else who thinks he was only doing right.

Yes that is a little ass whipping....its with a belt....... he wasnt hitting her with a stick, or a wire like old fashion parents will grab. Now if he started with the belt then moved on to the fist then to other objects, or locking her up in a little room, not giving her food.... now thats abuse ...... but this? has nothing compare to others cases with a parent that really abuse their kids..

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

its assault muzzle. plain and simple. spanking your child can be considered assault in all 50 states. Leaves a red mark? little bruise? ya thats prison time and loss of custody. I have no pity no should there be any excuse for beating a child. so because she's a child, he has the right to beat his property? you are so mislead. You can't beat people with your hand, or a belt. its assault. check the code. its simple. nor can you strike a child. Any DA with balls bigger than peas would put this asshole behind bars.

+2 more 
posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 01:35 AM
That was not a spanking. A spanking is what happens when you strike a child on the butt. His blows were hitting her on the back, outer thighs, and legs. He hit her in the hands, too --- the same hands that were so damaged at birth. He threatened to belt her in the face as well.

It cannot be rationalized. It cannot be reasoned. It can not be justified. He BEAT her and to suggest otherwise is foolish, imho.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 01:37 AM

Originally posted by MilzGatez

Originally posted by outandopen
reply to post by MilzGatez

Deranged. My Dad beat me too...I hate him, but he doesn't know it. Just like your boys hate you but are too conditioned to say so.

if you dont put a little fear in your kids , they will grow up disobeying you and disrespecting you all the time...... and if they do that to you, imagine with someone else that could actually kill or hurt them

That statement is exactly what’s wrong with this world. Yes put a little fear into people that will fix it. Why do we still have wars? I know, we don’t have enough fear so we need to have some more wars. Why are the children still bad? I know, they don’t have enough fear, lets beat them some more. It is not violence or the threat of violence that ever solves the problem. This mentality only leads to more violence. Love is the answer. It is possible to teach through love what cannot be taught through violence. If you teach through love the result is love. If you teach through violence the result is violence. Why can’t you and many others understand this? The proof is everywhere.

My kids love me. It is through love that I gained their respect. It is through love that they will not to disobey and disrespect me. And when they do, because we all do, I love them even more. That way they learn how much they hurt our loving relationship. They strive to keep our loving relationship strong because what pleases me pleases them.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by MilzGatez
Yes that is a little ass whipping....its with a belt....... he wasnt hitting her with a stick, or a wire like old fashion parents will grab. Now if he started with the belt then moved on to the fist then to other objects, or locking her up in a little room, not giving her food.... now thats abuse ...... but this? has nothing compare to others cases with a parent that really abuse their kids..

No level of terror is appropriate.
No level of abuse is appropriate.

You are not supposed to harm your children.
I am sorry it happened to you, but it was wrong to you, and it is wrong for anyone else.

When will we have a society that does not resort to violence to solve it's problems?

When parents stop teaching their children that violence is a justified way to force your will on others.

When will we enter the Kingdom of Heaven?

When parents act like angels welcoming a new soul into heaven.

When will we realize all of this?

When we realize that we are just children ourselves, with more time in service.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 01:46 AM
Bad parenting is bad.

The girl is OBVIOUSLY asking for help if she's willing to risk filming her beatings. She's crying out to us and some posters can only utter "It's none of our business". Pathetic.

This girl's so-called "father" is going to beat her with a belt and berate her with threats of more physical violence ... all over some "compooter games"?! Absurd.

It's a wonder our criminal justice system doesn't punish non-violent crimes with physical punishment.

Also to the poster who's perpetuating the ludicrous idea that "were" hypocrites because "we" support the bombing of children in foreign countries ... actually, I got nothing. I don't have anything to treat stupid that powerful.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by sacgamer25

Originally posted by MilzGatez

Originally posted by outandopen
reply to post by MilzGatez

Deranged. My Dad beat me too...I hate him, but he doesn't know it. Just like your boys hate you but are too conditioned to say so.

if you dont put a little fear in your kids , they will grow up disobeying you and disrespecting you all the time...... and if they do that to you, imagine with someone else that could actually kill or hurt them

That statement is exactly what’s wrong with this world. Yes put a little fear into people that will fix it. Why do we still have wars? I know, we don’t have enough fear so we need to have some more wars. Why are the children still bad? I know, they don’t have enough fear, lets beat them some more. It is not violence or the threat of violence that ever solves the problem. This mentality only leads to more violence. Love is the answer. It is possible to teach through love what cannot be taught through violence. If you teach through love the result is love. If you teach through violence the result is violence. Why can’t you and many others understand this? The proof is everywhere.

My kids love me. It is through love that I gained their respect. It is through love that they will not to disobey and disrespect me. And when they do, because we all do, I love them even more. That way they learn how much they hurt our loving relationship. They strive to keep our loving relationship strong because what pleases me pleases them.

Well we talking about parenting and not wars, everything else doesnt matter at all. What happen isnt called violence. Its just a parent whipping his daughter ass with a belt. I understand she has a condition but she has to be straighten out and i disagree how the father handle it and he did over reacted but the child condition comes to play but if she didnt have a condition and misbehave , whats wrong with an ass whipping with a belt?..

You could love your kids but its also our surrounding environment and cultures. of course you need to love your kids but also at the same time you need to be strict and show them they cant do whatever they want when they want or else chances are they will start disobeying you and putting you in harms way, anything is possible.

But also, you are lucky enough to have kids that actually obey you and do right by you so you handle them differently but there are also kids that are just bad ass hell and you cant treat them the same way you treat your kids.. they need that TOUGH LOVE..... and what happened in that video if the girl didnt have that condition is TOUGH LOVE. Im not really talking about that video but in general, as I stated before the father was wrong for handling it that way with her.

There's a different between ABUSE and TOUGH LOVE..... Tough love is sometime needed to make them better people and stronger people so they can stand up for what they believe in and take # from nobody who is trying to destroy them.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:34 AM
A message to you, William Adams,

I hope and trust that you are no longer a judge.

What I do know is that you are a child abuser.

You should go to prison, and if you do not, I blame your country's law enforcers.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:59 AM

Originally posted by IAMIAM

Originally posted by MilzGatez
Yes that is a little ass whipping....its with a belt....... he wasnt hitting her with a stick, or a wire like old fashion parents will grab. Now if he started with the belt then moved on to the fist then to other objects, or locking her up in a little room, not giving her food.... now thats abuse ...... but this? has nothing compare to others cases with a parent that really abuse their kids..

No level of terror is appropriate.
No level of abuse is appropriate.

You are not supposed to harm your children.
I am sorry it happened to you, but it was wrong to you, and it is wrong for anyone else.

When will we have a society that does not resort to violence to solve it's problems?

When parents stop teaching their children that violence is a justified way to force your will on others.

When will we enter the Kingdom of Heaven?

When parents act like angels welcoming a new soul into heaven.

When will we realize all of this?

When we realize that we are just children ourselves, with more time in service.

With Love,

Your Brother

Well the terror and abuse you're talking about isnt parenting, is it now?

Lets stay on the subject of parenting, the outside problems doesnt have anything to do what happens in the household.

Dont be sorry for me brother. See, I'm Hispanic, I'm close to 30 and my parents are old fashion....... they handle it the way it was handle 50+ years ago in their country and they arent the only ones and not only hispanics but also others, it all depends on our cultures and our environment and if you carrying on tradition , every culture do their parenting in different ways, what you may call "abuse" like in that video is just another parents whipping their kids ass which is considered normal, but now if he started punching her,kicking her, whipping her more and more and harder with that belt or with anything else and going to the face, now thats abuse no matter where you from or how you grew up or with your parents are old fashion or not. There's is a limit.

For example, from my experience... if you're in a hispanic or black community, even if you a White, Indian, Chinese person living in a mix community, If you grow up in that community and that community has been around longer than you were here on earth, A belt to the ass,legs a few times, less than 8. will be consider normal and just an ass whipping and the reason for getting it is because you misbehave in one way or another. It wouldnt be a problem.... now if that parent started hitting her child any given time during the day for no reason at all and just like to beat on her child when the child isnt doing anything wrong and physically punching and hitting her child with heavy object, thats ABUSE and not normal, and People in that community will take action against that bad abusive parent.

This is why I see the video different than you. I live in New York, and we have pure communities with old generation people that came from their country to here and they bought their tradition,for example Washington Heights (The ghetto) its FULLLLLLLLLL of Dominicans but also there's white and others there nowadays but back in the 80's was mostly Dominicans and Hispanics. I got my ass beating like that and so did a lot of kids in my community and I'm a sane educated well mannered individual that doesn't get into trouble and dont like trouble or drama...I dont like violence at all and I'm a victim of violence by the hands of some few individuals, so I know what abuse really feels like but not by the hands of my parents, They just made me be a better person, I have a lot of manner and a lot of respect for others and I only want love and peace..

We all got different views on things and my view on this is that this is not abuse, none at all.

but what shown in the video due to that girls condition was wrong and the father over reacted like i stated before

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 03:00 AM
reply to post by MilzGatez

No offence but I can't stand that expression, "Tough love."

To me it seems to be used most often as a copout for people who don't want to put in the effort raising their kids properly. It isn't "love."

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 03:01 AM

Originally posted by muzzleflash

How about I come into all of your houses and tell you how to live?

they already do

its part of living in society.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 03:06 AM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
It doesn't matter really.

Its not your business what people do to their kids. None.
They created them, it's their call.

I agree the punishment is a bit over the top, and I personally do not use weapons when punishing my children. I do not hit the face or vulnerable organs either.

But I have kids of my own and I totally understand whats going on here.

Over the top? Yes for sure.

Our business? Nope not at all.

Why don't we go after this judge for corruption issues like how they imprison innocents just to keep the $$$ flowing or other actual crimes like that?

This is being torn out of context and it's just another way the Nazi Parent - Police can justify their agenda to strip parents of any rights and allow the government to control all of our parenting decisions.

Yeah okay but you're actually a lunatic and you're wrong, both morally and legally.

Saying parent have rights to beat their children is only one step beyond saying a man has a right to beat his wife

Should be ashamed of yourself, despicable

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 03:08 AM
Can someone please tell me that man is no longer a judge?

Otherwise, let everyone beat their kids.

If that man remains a judge, America, you have to get rid of him.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 03:10 AM

Originally posted by Partygirl
reply to post by MilzGatez

No offence but I can't stand that expression, "Tough love."

To me it seems to be used most often as a copout for people who don't want to put in the effort raising their kids properly. It isn't "love."

maybe the Tough love has a different meaning to you.

the tough love im talking about is not in any form of abuse.
not all tough love is the same and isnt handle the same.....

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 03:11 AM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
Why isn't anyone talking about the Child Abuse the Govt commits when it bombs nations to rubble arbitrarily over lies? Oh yeah, because everything the govt does is justified.

Because it would be completely off topic?

Why do you think government actions are relevant here. Your entire argument seems to be that people are hypocrites, despite having no evidence for it. You seem to assume everyone supports government foreign policy

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