I thought that this would be a wonderful subject, and I have learned alot from it. I think that besides our personalities, we can also tell alot about
someones appearance. Not their clothing, but their shape, size, length, etc,.
I will present a book that I have read, though it was written in the early 1920's, and some of the references are a bit dated, the basic premise of
the book is fascinating. There may be a bit that seem offensive, but all in all at the time it was written it was not.
I have been using these techniques, and I am still working on them, but I have pretty much approached people that have some of these characteristics,
including those I live with and have found it much easier to deal with people.
This book and technique is not for everyone. I am not debating the book, or trying to explain why the book was written, or if the techniques will work
for you. What I did want to do was present it to ATS members as a learning tool, to help with understanding some around us.
I have been watching television more differently also. The difference between when this book was written and the outside appearance basis if it, make
it harder for many, because we have medical procedures that are used to change someones physical attributes more then before. Like plastic surgery,
and liposuction.
All in all its a great read. I have also been able to analyze myself, and even reevaluated some of my past relationships/friendships that didn't work
out, and at the end I noticed that we (based on the book) were never meant to be compatible in the first place.
I will now add some quotes from the book, and then the book. This is a downloadable PDF.
Modern science has proved that the fundamental traits of every individual are indelibly stamped in the shape of his body, head, face and
hands—an X-ray by which you can read the characteristics of any person on sight.
The most essential thing in the world to any individual is to understand himself. The next is to understand the other fellow. For life is largely a
problem of running your own car as it was built to be run, plus getting along with the other drivers on the highway.
From this book you are going to learn which type of car you are and the main reasons why you have not been getting the maximum of service out of
yourself. Also you are going to learn the makes of other human cars, and how to get the maximum of co-operation out of them. This co-operation is
vital to happiness and success. We come in contact with our fellowman in all the activities of our lives and what we get out of life depends, to an
astounding degree, on our relations with him.
I hope that you enjoy this book as much as I have. I have learned alot from it, and have made my
own evaluations.
This book is meant to be used as you like. It is recommended to help understand others around you, including yourself, and how to succeed, by finding
out the "realities" of those around you. For instance you are looking to do better at work. You find out the "personality" of your boss, and treat
him the way that no one else knows he/she likes to be treated.
I have been reluctant to share this book, but I feel that there are some out there that would like to learn a bit about your fellow woman/man.
Peace, NRE.