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What Would Really Happen If Ron Paul Were To Be Elected President?

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posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 09:12 AM
What Would Really Happen If Ron Paul Were To Be Elected President?

President Paul would immediately push for $1 trillion cut in federal spending (per year, not the $3 trillion that Democrats proposed over 10 years with half of that from increased taxes).

President Paul would have the authority as commander-and-chief towithdraw troops from overseas, within limits of treaty commitments which must be honored (US supplies defense for Saudi Arabia, many other nations). To the extent possible, the US would cease being the world's policeman and plunderer of foreign economies (Iraq, Libya). The US would cease being a war economy. President Paul would also push to eradicate foreign aid which essentially is bribery, often to foreign despots who the US quietly supports because they hold a strong hand over their masses.

With a groundswell of public support, President Ron Paul would push for a currency that has limited stretchability by backing it with gold. No more rubber money. The fortunes of Americans would cease being eroded by money printing practices at the Federal Reserve. If you missed Ron Paul's object lesson - he recently held up a pre-1964 silver dime (dimes today have no silver in them) and said it is worth ~$3.00 today, about the price of a gallon of gasoline. That means a gold-backed dollar could buy you a full tank of gas. Imagine that?

Let's recap – no income tax, the Federal government generates revenues by other means; no IRS forms to deal with; no need to send your kids off to phony wars in foreign theatres; no more cut off the top by the Federal Reserve; assurance there really is gold in Ft. Knox; gold-backed money like this nation once had before the banksters cut their own deal at Jekyll Island, South Carolina decades ago and Nixon took America off the gold standard; rising individual purchasing power as inflation is nixed (no need to ask the boss for a raise, your money will buy more), financial gains on your banked money instead of erosion of your wealth via inflation; your chance to own a home will greatly improve rather than the current situation where home ownership is now only a fading American pipe dream; and true reform of healthcare rather than manipulation by those with vested interests.

These are what a Ron Paul Presidency portends. This is Doctor Ron Paul's prescription for the re-installation of sanity in American politics. Entrenched forces and crony capitalism are destroying America. You can fight back. Let the public's voice be heard loud at the ballot box. Vote for Ron Paul so the 99% can have a real opportunity to become the 1%.

You can save your country, save your family, save your nation's future – vote Ron Paul for President.

This is a great article. To all of you who like Ron Paul but are sure he has no chance of winning. This is what you are giving up due to your apathy. Think about it, there is just so much that can be hidden in voter fraud and the publics outcry. Fight for this country. Don't give up. There is too much at stake.
edit on 1-11-2011 by VAPatriot because: fix link

edit on 1-11-2011 by VAPatriot because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-11-2011 by VAPatriot because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by VAPatriot
Ron Paul or bust.

No one else worth voting for, and the devil I know may honestly be better than the devil I don't know, what with the lack of seriously addressing any of my main issues otherwise and muddled offerings on the few they are willing to talk about.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 09:17 AM
People thought wonders would happen with the first black president.
We all know how that turned out.
Who knows what "REALLY" happens, you only know when it DOES happen.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 09:24 AM
The same thing that always happens, broken promises and more lies. Ron paul is just another self serving politician

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by Atzil321
The same thing that always happens, broken promises and more lies. Ron paul is just another self serving politician

Guess that would make you a PTB serving Troll

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by Required01

People thought wonders would happen with the first black president.
We all know how that turned out.
Who knows what "REALLY" happens, you only know when it DOES happen.

Yeah, a lot of people fell for that - and a good many of us didn't, and actually paid attention to Obama's record as a senator and shifting positions during the 2007/2008 election cycle. We're sorry everyone else didn't as well, the writing was on the wall for everyone to see. Obama didn't have anything close to Paul's record of consistency, integrity, or common sense to stand on.

reply to post by Atzil321

The same thing that always happens, broken promises and more lies. Ron paul is just another self serving politician

I always get a kick out of hearing this - and similar - claims, as Ron Paul has held all of his positions (other than moving away from typical libertarian views on border security & immigration due to our present situation) for multiple decades, has not taken advantage of any of the usual lobbyist, etc., perks of office, and has also always practiced what he preached (returning his remaining congressional budget to the US Treasury every year, not allowing his kids to take financial aid for school, not accepting medicaid from his patient and instead offering free or discounted services at his practice, etc.).

I haven't *yet* seen anyone be able to DEFEND their position that Ron Paul is "just another self-serving politician", however. Care to try?
edit on 11/1/2011 by Praetorius because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 09:33 AM
I'm a strong supporter of Ron Paul but even I know everything he says can't & will not be done. It's just not possible. Sure what he says sounds good but like I've said many time. The President of the United States is not & will not be the decision maker. He is there for face & that is it. Any major decisions can't be made by the President himself.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by Required01
People thought wonders would happen with the first black president.
We all know how that turned out.
Who knows what "REALLY" happens, you only know when it DOES happen.

I just don't understand why people would think anything wonderous would happen electing a black predident. Do black people have wonderous powers, is someone with no qualifications for the job wounderous? As we know, no.

Perhaps, It would be smarter to elect someone with knowledge, experiance and a solution to this country's problem.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 09:37 AM
sure would be a bunch of gubberment leeches that would be looking in china for jobs.
Ron Paul and the rest of CONgress would accept $39,000 per year (house and senate would be less) this is the average wage earner.
aww just think - no dpt of ed (or rather "special" ed- agenda driven top down crap).
no dpt of fill in the blank.
border protection.
troops come back - war (socalled - but not really war) will end.
no more supporting the rest of the world.
truly have free trade.
c'mon folks give this old guy a chance - he's been saying the same thing since'88-now that's consistency.

edit on 1-11-2011 by jibajaba because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 09:37 AM
The link in your OP is broken. It should be: What Would Really Happen If Ron Paul Were To Be Elected President?

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by HawkeyeNation
I'm a strong supporter of Ron Paul but even I know everything he says can't & will not be done. It's just not possible. Sure what he says sounds good but like I've said many time. The President of the United States is not & will not be the decision maker. He is there for face & that is it. Any major decisions can't be made by the President himself.

Well, that is not exaclty true. How many executive orders has Obama made? He has been sucsesfully circumventing Congress.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by Stryde

Thank you. It's fixed.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by Required01
People thought wonders would happen with the first black president.
We all know how that turned out.
Who knows what "REALLY" happens, you only know when it DOES happen.

It was blatantly obvious Obama was just another mouthpiece for the corporations and banks, the only difference was that he was a new 'brand' shoved in front of the consumer/voter to buy into. Ron Paul is nothing like Obama...i think America should vote for Paul, if nothing else because of his foreign policy stance, his stance on the military and on the Federal reserve. Even though i am not American you will find many people from all around the world desperately hoping the American people wise up and vote him in, the impact and domino effect it will have around the world will be unbelievable imo... and in a positive way i might add.
edit on 1-11-2011 by Solomons because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by HawkeyeNation
I'm a strong supporter of Ron Paul but even I know everything he says can't & will not be done. It's just not possible. Sure what he says sounds good but like I've said many time. The President of the United States is not & will not be the decision maker. He is there for face & that is it. Any major decisions can't be made by the President himself.

Paul has been honest about the limitations on what he can do by himself as well as the need to work with congress.

A few things, though - first off, I agree with him that his election would signal a sea change to congress and those in Washington that it's time to start paying attention to and playing ball with their constituents, as well as likely lead to the influx of a good number of liberty-minded freshman, which would help.

Additionally, there actually are quite a few things the president can do directly - as commander-in-chief, he's got pretty much direct control over ending the wars and actually getting the troops home so they can rest/refresh and actually be ready to DEFEND us, instead of scattered and burnt-out around the world engendering animosity and causing civilian collateral damage.

He can also refuse to fill cabinet vacancies and indirectly atrophy the bloated monstrosity that is our government, he can issue executive orders countermanding previous unconstitutional executive orders, and can pardon non-violent offenders and others caught up in federal government encroachments on states' rights.

He's got a lot more to say on these issues, but a good starting point is linked in my signature here, his "Plan for a Freedom President".

Take care.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 09:49 AM
I look at it from another angle. If he was elected, sure, much of what he want's to do may not be possible. But what it would mean is that people woke up to the fact that all of the other candidates lead us down the same path that got us where we are now. He would at least cast light on things that have remained out of the public light, like he has done with the Fed.

I don't think he's some kind of hero or savior that's gonna fix the country. But I think he has a lot of good ideas and perspective that has been lacking in the past/current leadership of this country. Just my opinion......

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 09:52 AM
What I dont understand is, why the hell does anyone like Herman Cain? Stupid Americans see his stupid stupid 999 plan and say "WOW thats great, another revenue stream and higher taxes... " I JUST DONT GET IT~!

Please for the love of god, give Ron Paul a chance to restore america, a real honest political leader, not a political pizza boy talking puppet/
edit on 1-11-2011 by sicksonezer0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by sicksonezer0
What I dont understand is, why the hell is everyone liking herman cain? Stupid americans see his stupid stupid 999 plan and say WOW thats great, another revenue stream and higher taxes... I JUST DONT GET IT~!

Please for the love of god, give Ron Paul a chance to restore america, a real honest political leader, not a political pizza boy.


"Oh, 9-9-9?":

I never thought that anyone would look at it... If America is looking for catchy, unworkable solutions to complicated problems, Herman Cain has the answer.

Cain on healthcare and terrorism:

How do we fix healthcare ? my 3-3-3 plan. Every time you get sick you get three pills, three days off, and three chicken-noodle soups!

How we fight terrorism ? my 5-5-5 plan. For every terrorist, America will send five planes, five soldiers, and five of those dogs that caught Osama bin Laden.

God bless SNL.
edit on 11/1/2011 by Praetorius because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 10:02 AM
Over here in the UK he gets absolutely no mention at all in the MSM, all we get to hear about is how great Herman Cain will be, really, i've read up on the guy and are people so sure. Sorry they do also mention Perry and Romney but never ever Ron Paul, as much as I think that would be great I think it wont happen.

What you have to check is, is he related to the British Royal Family and if so to what degree, then just hope whoever he goes up against is related by less, because pretty much all we see over here is the closer relation to the Brit royals the more chance of winning. Even obammy

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 10:03 AM
He might be the best candidate but he is just a politician and I don't agree with all his policies.

I find it embarassing when I read how people take what he says as if God himself has spoken. Come on!
Some of us are old enough to have seen many Presidents come and go, we remember their broken promises after we voted for them.

But I'm glad that people are sensible enough to support him, rather than somebody brainless like Palin

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by Atzil321
The same thing that always happens, broken promises and more lies. Ron paul is just another self serving politician

This from someone who has not seen Ron Paul's voting record. Ron Paul is not what you said. Look for yourself. Listen to the Debates, and Interviews. Ron Paul is the only one who is NOT a professional politician. And, Ron Paul is a Doctor, not a Lawyer.

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