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Denver police spill protesters' blood (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

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posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 12:45 AM

The authorities had earlier allowed activists to put out some tables with food and to use sleeping bags in the Civic Center, but erecting tents was strictly prohibited. Protesters were ordered to clear the site of the offending tents and when they refused to do so, riot police moved in to force them to leave.

Seems like a pretty clear cut case of lawbreaking to me. The parks in the Denver have (and have had for many years) strict "No Camping" Laws. The protesters where warned to remove the tents, although they where allowing the use of sleeping bags which seems lenient to me. They [protesters] failed to remove prescribed tents....and it looks as if (pure conjecture on my part) they where attempting to block the LEOS from removing them peacefully, and now they have battle wounds to show for their stupidity.
edit on 1-11-2011 by mileysubet because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 12:45 AM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Hey.. rather than the summary can you give use the source please?
Also, that is not how law enforcement is supposed to work. This isn't war.
You don't go and crack someone's head because their friend did something you didn't like. You arrest the guilty party.

That said, I think they should protest in the building. I think they should protest anywhere they want.
As long as they are peaceful once they are there, they should go in, sit down and stay.

Yikes.. You got me.. as one who has thumped on others about sources...I should know better.
Here are a few to view better what happened that day.

Pictures and one version...

A different take on that afternoon

Another side of the State Capitol Bldg part of the event

A final source where even the police admit, the trouble was from some..not all of the camp.

Now, it's up to those who were there and personally witnessed it to really weigh in on which side did how much pushing and escalating. However, it's impossible to sit here and say that it was entirely one sided and the Police just stormed in and stomped the stuffing out of the camp because the mood just struck 'em to go get the protesters. There is one very real back story to camp raid....and it's FAIR to at least acknowledge the fact that more than just that end result played into the events of the 29th. Wouldn't you agree?

I'd also note..the first link and photo series showing the cop down..and still being crowded by protesters indicates a real miracle happened to prevent at least a couple from being shot with more than rubber. It takes TWO sides to fight...and the protesters can just go limp and 100% passive at ANY time. Continued use of force upon passive OWS members would be wildly favorable in coverage to OWS..unlike this melee.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by kellerphoenix

Then you need to have your ears checked.
That or you just don't want to know what the point of the protests are.
It's ok, you guys can stand by and do nothing, real Americans will do the heavy lifting for you.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 12:54 AM
Just saw this picture and found it to a very haunting image:

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 01:00 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

And yeah, looks like that cop on the ground has his hand on his gun (maybe even it's out?) That cop is the same one in the picture above arresting someone in the middle of the group of cops.

All I have read is the cops opened fire with "non lethal" weapons when the began to march towards/up the capital steps. I don't really see a problem with that because in my opinion it's symbolic: have a problem with the government take it to the capitol.

I am not a fanatical protester, but I do support OWS. That said, I am surprised people haven't gotten violent sooner. They have been treating these protesters like they were ultra violent since the start. The protesters actions are just catching up with the police's all time response. I don't think the protesters have done anything appalling or that really hurts the movement. I think someone will be killed by these police.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
For all the people who were wondering when these protests would begin to focus.
This is exactly what I said they would focus and exactly how I said it would happen.

I have stated several times that with all the confusion in the NY protests it would remain unfocused with all different groups vying to lead it. Meanwhile the smaller REAL OWS protests would begin picking up a legit message.

They are finally calling out the government:

the major focus of this day’s protestors was concern about growing corruption in the federal government.

Hey now that's something i can agree with.
edit on 11/1/2011 by JackBauer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 01:12 AM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

To a point, you're as correct as I believe I am. I think it really varies by location, Police agency and OWS camp. Some are non-confrontational to a fault and extreme, and some are just busting for a fight. The same, in almost the same terms can be said about police in different situations as this whole thing progresses. Remember Albany and the New York State Police? Not all cops are hard, and not all departments are willing to go hard.

I think ALL the police were initially direct and quick when they had not yet understood this wasn't a local group of looneys camping a park, but an extension of a global movement. After that realization was made (earlier days after Zuccotti park really became known) I think the differences in both sides from one place to another start becoming apparent.

Nashville and St Louis are locations I'd point to as peaceful to an extreme. They do exist..they just aren't the ones leading the movement and inspiring by example.

Orlando, Seattle and the first Denver raid are good examples of where police have been following orders to break camp and disperse people.....(no one is happy, I get it) but put in the effort to not hurt anyone and not make a fight beyond what the situation already represented. Boston on the 11th, Oakland and a couple others represent cops with quite the little power trip .....or political leaders ordering it. Either way... You get what I mean.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 01:44 AM

Originally posted by agentblue

Originally posted by JiggyPotamus

I am not saying that the actions of the police were justified, but many of them are just doing their jobs.

Isn't that what the Nazis said during the Neuremburg trials...............

I don't see why the people can't occupy a public building that their tax dollars fund to keep up and running. Does anybody see the irony of this last statement I just made?

No where near in similarity!!

The nazi's said they were *just doing there job* hitler already indoctrinated them (with mein kompf)
the other ones who did not comply
they would send the gastapo over to the nazi soldiers house and threaten to kill
them if they did not fight..

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by JackBauer

That's what we have been trying to get across to most of the people forever.
Most of the OWS protests are about this. The pictures I posted in the other thread of the one in my hometown, the main focus there is government corruption. We are educating people that without the government Wall St. couldn't get away with what they do. It's a two way street.

The MSM wants everyone to think they don't know what they are talking about, luckily we have small news papers that actually get the message out because they talk to the protesters.

If everyone knew what this is all really about they would be out there protesting too.
From another small town protest (my home town):

a member of the Occupy Ashland KY group, said the goal of the movement is to both show solidarity with those gathered on Wall Street and to make people more aware of problems in society, including banking cartels, big companies that control things such as the food and pharmaceutical industries and the media. “It’s time to wake people up,” he said. “It’s time to shock people a little bit. It’s time to bring forth a little bit of the reality that the majority of us refuse to see because we’re too busy watching ‘Glee,’ too busy tuning in on ‘American Idol,’ waiting for the new iPhone to come out.” Hurst said he knows people who are participating in the occupation in New York City, and he thinks there’s confusion over the purpose behind their actions. “Those people are not protesting Wall Street, they’re protesting the Federal Reserve’s control of the U.S. economy,” he said.

This was front page of the Daily Indie with a circulation of about 20,000 (actual subscriptions).
The occupy movement there has since made the front page I think 2 more times. So people in this city do know about it and do know what they are there for (especially since they set up on Judd Plaza, named after the Judds who are from Ashland lol, in the heart of downtown).

Don't buy what the MSM is selling you, get the real scoop from the source.

edit on 1-11-2011 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 02:26 AM

Originally posted by kellerphoenix
reply to post by StarPeace

I agree! These people have more time than brains. I have asked many times what they hope to accomplish and I never have received an intelligent answer. In my opinion the police have been too tolerant.

Here's an intelligent answer:

This system is broken. It doesn't work. We need a new system. The goal is to bring about a new system.

That's all it is. Simple.

Oh and if your defence is something along the lines of "Well what system? You don't have anything so shut up" the point is to start dialogue that will eventually bring about a new system. They don't have all the answers and neither do I, but we need to start somewhere.
edit on 1-11-2011 by Cecilofs because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 02:38 AM

No where near in similarity!!

The nazi's said they were *just doing there job* hitler already indoctrinated them (with mein kompf)
the other ones who did not comply
they would send the gastapo over to the nazi soldiers house and threaten to kill
them if they did not fight..

Exactly the same thing. TV and your politicians have indoctrinated you. If you don't comply, they can send Homeland Security over to your house and throw you in Guantanamo with no trial or charge for as long as they want. They can murder any citizen they want. They just haven't started excercising those rights on a large scale, but it won't be long IMO.

You even have a "Secret Service", how much more obvious do you need it to be?

So yeah, Police "just doing their job" are gonna find themselves in a tight spot if this progresses much further.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 04:14 AM
They're serving an order on the London protestors to get their tents removed - in less than 48 hrs from now. Meanwhile the Archbishop of Canterbury said the protesters, who are opposed to "corporate greed", had raised "urgent issues".

BBC News

So, listening to the radio this morning, the Archbishop's point (re the protestors having raised urgent issues) was put to our Home Secretary, Theresa May. With the clumsy evasiveness of a politician she avoided answering the Archbishop's point completely saying yes there are 'urgent issues' and proceeded to list a number of social problems affecting ordinary people - drug problems, broken families etc. etc. Her interview was on BBC Radio 5 live - it's too early to post the 'listen again' link (they're still on air) but it will be available later this morning.

BBC Radio 5 Live

If our government really want's to enrage people - being this obtuse is one way for them to go about it. There are extremely legitimate reasons for protesting - we have been defrauded - and in the UK not a one is under criminal investigation or facing charges - in fact their bonuses have been increased.
edit on 1-11-2011 by christina-66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 04:19 AM
It's ok if you don't like the system, but you must obey all the little rules the system has in place, to do it.
They're turning up the heat, as predicted, and this evil government wont stop there, oh hell no. It's just getting rolling. How dare you uppity Eaters think you have a say at all!!! (I'm sure they're thinking this)

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 04:30 AM
reply to post by mileysubet

I find the way that police woman is looking at the girl... to be a little disturbing. Is that what you mean? The first thing that came to my mind was .. oh hell.. that cop is looking at her like a glazed donut.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 05:18 AM
reply to post by daggyz

The police are not there to uphold the law they are a political tool. I have seen it many times at protests..

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 05:23 AM
reply to post by StarPeace

you show some extreme ignorance along with whoever gave you stars. You really think defenseless, unarmed, and unprotected people want police in riot gear to get violent with them? your cognitive abilities are disapointing.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 05:33 AM
The woman screaming in that video is an embarrassment to the Occupy Movement.

Don't get me wrong- I am completely for the protesters but taunting the Cops is NOT the answer.

It's funny how the whole crowd is chanting "The whole world's watching" and then you have this idiot woman swearing at the cops... while "the whole world is watching" !?

Retarded, and not well planned.

Just to add- The old man is repeatedly trying to annoy the police officer. I really don't like cops, but even I can understand how that officer would lose it. It's just plain irritating. Or maybe I just don't have patience.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 06:22 AM
reply to post by mileysubet

Notice both the woman in front and the woman in back are both being arrested by female cops. They started bringing in more female cops, because scenes like the picture below are bad press:

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by mileysubet

Notice both the woman in front and the woman in back are both being arrested by female cops. They started bringing in more female cops, because scenes like the picture below are bad press:

I am surprised they didn’t shoot her for having a pen.
This is blatant sexual assault, the male cop should be charged.
I remember footage from a G20 protest somewhere of a male cop smashing a young women protester in the jaw with a shield. It would of been like a king hit and you can easily tell many men would have been knocked out by the force he used. Luckily she walked away.
But I have seen many male cops bashing and sexually assaulting/ grappling women in protests. When is that ok? These people are peaceful, what more proof do you need that we don’t have freedom?

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 08:03 AM

Originally posted by SalientSkivvy
People should start wearing gas masks and body armour, or anything to protect yourself from the bullets...
Shields to protect yourself from the batons.. Stand tightly together, and they stand a greater chance.

you're absolutely right, if the people took more of a defensive stance against the police, and still kept it peaceful: I.E. > the body armor, helmets, shields, gas masks, and still kept it peaceful, it would definitely be a psychological strike to the cops.

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