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The authorities had earlier allowed activists to put out some tables with food and to use sleeping bags in the Civic Center, but erecting tents was strictly prohibited. Protesters were ordered to clear the site of the offending tents and when they refused to do so, riot police moved in to force them to leave.
Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by Wrabbit2000
Hey.. rather than the summary can you give use the source please?
Also, that is not how law enforcement is supposed to work. This isn't war.
You don't go and crack someone's head because their friend did something you didn't like. You arrest the guilty party.
That said, I think they should protest in the building. I think they should protest anywhere they want.
As long as they are peaceful once they are there, they should go in, sit down and stay.
Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
For all the people who were wondering when these protests would begin to focus.
This is exactly what I said they would focus and exactly how I said it would happen.
I have stated several times that with all the confusion in the NY protests it would remain unfocused with all different groups vying to lead it. Meanwhile the smaller REAL OWS protests would begin picking up a legit message.
They are finally calling out the government:
the major focus of this day’s protestors was concern about growing corruption in the federal government.
Originally posted by agentblue
Originally posted by JiggyPotamus
I am not saying that the actions of the police were justified, but many of them are just doing their jobs.
Isn't that what the Nazis said during the Neuremburg trials...............
I don't see why the people can't occupy a public building that their tax dollars fund to keep up and running. Does anybody see the irony of this last statement I just made?
a member of the Occupy Ashland KY group, said the goal of the movement is to both show solidarity with those gathered on Wall Street and to make people more aware of problems in society, including banking cartels, big companies that control things such as the food and pharmaceutical industries and the media. “It’s time to wake people up,” he said. “It’s time to shock people a little bit. It’s time to bring forth a little bit of the reality that the majority of us refuse to see because we’re too busy watching ‘Glee,’ too busy tuning in on ‘American Idol,’ waiting for the new iPhone to come out.” Hurst said he knows people who are participating in the occupation in New York City, and he thinks there’s confusion over the purpose behind their actions. “Those people are not protesting Wall Street, they’re protesting the Federal Reserve’s control of the U.S. economy,” he said.
Originally posted by kellerphoenix
reply to post by StarPeace
I agree! These people have more time than brains. I have asked many times what they hope to accomplish and I never have received an intelligent answer. In my opinion the police have been too tolerant.
No where near in similarity!!
The nazi's said they were *just doing there job* hitler already indoctrinated them (with mein kompf)
the other ones who did not comply
they would send the gastapo over to the nazi soldiers house and threaten to kill
them if they did not fight..
Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by mileysubet
Notice both the woman in front and the woman in back are both being arrested by female cops. They started bringing in more female cops, because scenes like the picture below are bad press:
Originally posted by SalientSkivvy
People should start wearing gas masks and body armour, or anything to protect yourself from the bullets...
Shields to protect yourself from the batons.. Stand tightly together, and they stand a greater chance.