Welcome to Fantastic Foetus Farms!
This is our Show Room East, please, take a walk around and browse, and when you are ready to speak to a sales associate, just see our secretary,
Midge." A soft, pleasant voice informed the couple upon entering the building. To both sides of them, were wall wells, each filled with globes of
various colors and designs. Inside each globe, floated a human fetus. The man put his arm around the woman, and he gently guided her towards the left
row, and the voice once again piped in from the speakers.
"This is our current selection of male fetii. When you see a fetus you would like to purchase, please alert our secretary, Midge, for further
"Aww, look, Joe, he has hair already! So adorable!" gushed the woman. The man smiled, and they continued browsing.
"Let's go look at the girls, now, Joe!"
"Now, Margaret, we discussed this before we even got here. The only way I am agreeing to purchase a fetus for you is if I got to select gender. That
was my only stipulation, God knows I will be working until I am eighty to pay for this!" Joe reminded the woman.
"I know, I know! But while we are here, I promised Karron I would look at their selection of females. I promised, Joe."
"All right, you go ahead, I will keep browsing for our own purchase. Make it fast, Karron's husband can afford to take her browsing if getting a
female is so important to her."
The woman scurried to the female side of the showroom, and Joe turned back to the males. He was startled when the voice activated again.
"Today only, must make room for our new models, we are running a fifty percent discount when fetti are purchased in multiples of two or larger. Please
see our secretary Midge for assistance with this Fantastic Offer!"
"Joe! Did you hear that??"
He glanced across the aisle at the woman, who was beaming adoringly at one of the female fetii.
"Yeah, I heard...."
He thought about it.
Well, it would certainly keep her busy while he slaved away at the nine to five every day. And they planned on obtaining a female model eventually,
why not cut the cost in half and go ahead and get them both now, take advantage of this offer. Joe was a lot of things, and of course financially
conservative was one of those things. He loved a good deal.
"All purchases made with in today's visit to our Show Room East will include basic womb globe packages, at no extra charge. Any upgrades will be
discounted by ten percent. For assistance with today's purchase, please see our secretary, Midge."
"Joe, can we please get a girl too, oh I found the one I want, Joe, she is precious!!"
"All right Margaret, you win. Now, let me see which angel you have in mind for us!"
The couple exited the store with two fetii, the boy Joe had chosen, and the girl his wife had chosen. He had upgraded to the twin womb package for the
fetii, and he put a ten percent down payment on the purchase. In less than an hour, the happy couple had become a perfect family.
It was the year 2199, approximately thirty years after the global nuclear meltdown had rendered most of the humans on the planet sterile.
The ones who had managed to survive with their fertility intact?
Well, now, they had permanent tenure with Fantastic Foetus Farms Inc, supplying the world with new babies, one fertile ovary and one fertile sperm at
a time.
edit on Mon, 31 Oct 2011 23:20:16 -0500 by hotbakedtater because: (no reason given)