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Facebook Keeps Taking Down My Facebook Posts about the NWO!

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posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 05:43 PM
You know. I had heard that sometimes FB has a problem with posts just disappearing. I had this problem not long ago.... For the first time since I opened my account there...

Come to think of it. They were in support of OWS at the time... Though my opinions about that have changed a bit....

Only thing is, they were back the next day....

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by MRuss

Facebook is CIA operated and monitored, does that shed a little light on why your quotes keep being removed? Aparently, not sure if this next part is factual, but aparently Facebook (a.k.a CIA) even continue to monitor the user's online browsing even after the user has logged out of Facebook. I can not prove this last part though.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by kiwitina948


It's factually pretty intense, with the revelation of the cell tracking data from last years hackin conferences it all is becoming clear the data stranglehold they have.
edit on 31-10-2011 by GhettoRice because: Addition

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 06:49 PM
OP. i posted your quote from D Rock. as my status...let it be known to the world

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 07:07 PM
Zuckerburg is just the poster boy for facebook...Everyone (almost) glances over the whole -----------------------------------------> Co-founder title...

this vid explains it better than most. And of course the satire vid posted on page one is used to discredit..

please take the 4 minutes and watch, I actually beg of you...

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by MRuss

Don't post such crazy, illogical nonsense is my solution. None of it is real.

That or just stop using Facebook.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 11:06 PM
Happened to me as well. I thought it was a temporary glitch, and haven't tried anything new. I did however have some friends of mine from the 70's get up with me after all this time. To me, that's priceless. I hate facebook, but like used chewing gum I'm stuck there.

The idea about posting screenshots is also priceless...thanks! Let's see how they deal with that...

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by rebeldog

that is insane...everything always comes back to the cia. if the cia is trying to take over the world our miliatary doesnt stand a chance against them

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 12:20 AM

correct me if I am wrong, but,

facebook is free because 'they' own it and 'you' use it

so what if they can't handle the truth?

did you 'really' think FB is a place that protects anybody's rights? Or cares?


they sell your details to the highest bidder

welcome to the matrix, neo

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 12:27 AM
Maybe they're just eliminatng lunacy, maybe they are a dark froce on the earth about to ruin your life and make you pay for your rotton childhood... or maybe it's just to eliminate lunacy

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 12:29 AM
You do realise if you go on there and send them an email it gets changed don't you have done this once before and it was able to be posted later on in the day. If every does this to the vids they are having dramas with they wont be blocked.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 12:30 AM
I haven't had any issues with specific content and I post some pretty controversial stuff, but I tend to do it in personalized ways.

That said, one complaint I would have about FB is that they change how the site works about every week or so screwing up all my settings repeatedly.

I've assumed for years the NSA can track anything or anyone they want for years, which is why this perhaps doesn't bother me. Eschelon, if memory serves.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 01:18 AM

Originally posted by Ginga
I'll take your word on it, but if that is the case that FB is auto deleting NWO quotes why do they allow anti-NWO groups and pages to stay up?

True, but that is one inactive NWO page.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 01:59 AM
i pm'd this to the OP just thought i'd put it here for others to see as well.

i may be wrong, but i am assuming you are copying and pasting these nwo quotes to FB. FB has a thing where if you just paste something and hit enter (or click it) it wont actually post your post, i think its to help fight spam bots and such. I had a problem with this when i was trying to post quotes, if you paste what you want, then hit space bar or any other key (space is your best choice) then hit/click enter, it should show up.
1.paste your quote.
2. hit the space bar key after pasting. (after last letter in the pasted text)
3.then hit/click enter
if this doesnt help you out, sorry.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 02:19 AM
reply to post by MRuss

Oh yah buddy...i have left comments on my page and putting it nicely, no i didn't get the vaseline..Facebook is the AntiChrist LOL Had the same issues. i didn't go all out putting the NWO and Rockefeller in the same sentence, but if you fragment your paragraph and gently use key words you can get away with it...the worm that finds the apple..

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 02:33 AM
Nah man...

I do the same, i use facebook to stay in touch, meanwhile i post moving videos and stuff the friends im connected with don't and wouldn't know without me. Although not always of great interest to them i suppose by the amount of likes... it's their choice to be ignorant.


-"Lol @ facebook's option for 'Enable Secure Browsing' - To help prevent hackers...

Yeah sure, thats why the Terms and Conditions allows Facebook to archive all - anything and everything for the gain of the corporation...

Basically they are the 'hackers'.

False sence of security?

Anything you message, Chat - Inbox, is archived, any Numbers you exchange, details about your life, house, family, occupations, views, beliefs, orientation... etc!

Thats more than most hackers can retrieve from your PC - Unless you idiotically create files with your lifes information in. Aha"


2hours of eye opening police tyranny, fearmongering and brutality - Maybe filmed in Toronto Canada, but those 'officers' work for the same people UK and US police do.

Disgusting, Corporate greedy f**kers


Occupy The #s!"


your money somewhere safe. f*ck the banks =)'

-Hell - even this is still on there...


Damn F***ing Right!

F****ing Mainstream Media sucks donkey c**k - This is how truthful it should be! f***ing corporate c**ts

None removed, although maybe now they will be dun Dunnn DUUUNN ahaha

I've got quotes that would sit very uneasy as well, but they dont touch nothing, probably just have me on a list somewhere haha.


posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 02:35 AM

Originally posted by TinkerHaus
I deleted my FB long ago for similar reasons..

They must be scanning for word combinations or something to do it so quickly.

Protest FB by boycotting it. FB is the biggest psyop in the world and a massive spying tool that WE USE WILLINGLY.

Delete it, you'll feel better within a couple days. =]

Or, better yet - FIGHT THE SYSTEM!!!

Take a screenshot of your quotes. Post the image. Good luck auto-filtering that, Facebook.
edit on 31-10-2011 by TinkerHaus because: (no reason given)

Yes, but how did you delete it?? Do you just mean deactivate? They can still track the websites you go to even when you're logged off, so I assume they can do it even when you're profile is 'deactivated'. But deactivated isn't deleted.. I've heard you can permanently delete it, but I don't know how.. anybody?

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 03:45 AM
reply to post by MRuss

I have also came across this problem before, until a friend messaged me and asked me why I was posting the same thing over and over. After he told me that, I swapped from Chrome to Firefox and checked it. My posts still weren't showing up for me. So I then went to the classic internet explorer. Same thing. After that I cleaned my cache, wiped all my temp. files, the works. Still I couldn't see them, but my friend could.

I never did figure out the problem, but the next morning when I logged into my facebook account. It thanked me for re-activating my account even though I never deactivated it.
Later on that day, I went to my friends house and checked my facebook page from there, under my friends account. All of those posts he said was spammed all over last night were all gone. Now my friend is as confused as I was.

I've also had many, many other times where I post things and they just disappear within a minute after posting. But it doesn't seem to be random. It only does it to particular posts, like when I share breaking news that was blacked out in the MSM.

Now like another poster said in this thread, most people simply don't care about status updates like those. When I share extremely incredible information on there, it gets ignored, but when I post something stupid like, "heading to work" it gets tons of likes and comments.

If it weren't for friends or family, I would have never made a facebook account. Remember back in the day when it was all IRC and e-mails. Ah, the good ole days.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 04:02 AM
reply to post by GhettoRice

the point is there are a lot of users so they cant surveil anything to any sort of an end. dont be paranoid,

If youre not doing anything wrong (breaking the law) youve no reason not to use facebook.

I use facebook because even if Obama himself knew everything about me, and rothschild was masturbating over my photos,

It wouldnt affect me, til the day I die, at all.
edit on 1-11-2011 by Lagrimas because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-11-2011 by Lagrimas because: mistakes grammar

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 04:59 AM
I'm always posting little facts about life, the world, religion, government conspiracies, illuminati, meditation, etc. stuff. At other times, I would reply to a wall post referring or clearing saying something about stuff life that, it would send, but when I go back to look, it wouldn't be there.
Yesterday, my profile and my entire Facebutt was unviewable and unaccessible for the entire day. I would have a password recovery email sent to my email, and it it never appeared in my inbox, and I tried multiple times.
I was finally able to log into Facebook today, and everything seems normal. I think they know when it's type, said and heard.
Anyways, it's better to speak up in person, and to show that you have faith, and believe in something higher than what we were raised and chosen to live by. It makes a difference little by little by people who speak up, and in form of communication.

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