posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 06:10 PM
We do have a collective past. Do you not remember? Here is a little story...think of it as a story from the bible, but the
beginning...prior to Atlantis. We were a collective one....the Adams and the Eves.....Of course. The "Gods" came down from heaven and seeing the
beauty of the daughters,....well you know what might have occurred....if it didn't happen like that, then there were Virgin Births galore from
artificial insemination....either way...all hail the new born Demi-Gods....many are the names of Abraham, David...etc...all the lines.
That was against the Galactic law at that time, so hence the falling from grace. Humans did not fall from grace...the Gods did. That might have been
Lucifer and his group, but not sure on that one. So the Gods were stuck in 3D and Quarantined....well being the Gods and wasn't long
before they knew and had technologies to destroy the world...aka "the Ark of the Covenant" Caveat..."Remember this is a story that of which has
been gleened and translated from many stories"....LOL
Before you know it....Atlantis was born....Atlantis was more than a city but a whole civilization spread through the Atlantic...along with Lemuria.
Mu was the pacific civilization.
Life was good...creativity was key, all were schooled in the sacred mysteries. Things get a little fuzzy here as to who was fighting whom, but it was
the Gods vs Demi-Gods, I'm pretty sure. As Cosmic things was also a turbulent time cosmically....there was another planet in our solar
system named Tiamat...somehow it was destroyed...there still remains the asteroid belt...but between that and the warring going on...meteors and
asteroids rained down...causing cataclysms.....
Sounds like a tumulteous time...seems familiar. Well that's all for tonight kids....