Republican Ron Paul speaks on C-SPAN on the 9/11 commission and more power for the government. It is obvious that C-SPAN is not a biased program.
Callers who are both republican and democrat call in and ask Ron Paul questions. Some callers agree with him while others disagree. I like Ron Paul
and what he has to say. Here is the link to the video.
NOTE: You must have Real Player to view the video.
Thx for the link, Mulder. Ron Paul is one of my favorite politicians, and I missed this CSPAN session because I was on my way to work.
For any who haven't heard RP speak before, I encourage you to have a listen. He has a great understanding of monetary policy, and is one of the few
people that regularly takes Greenspan to task when he testifies on Capitol Hill.
Ron Paul is one of the most heroic legislators in the USA. I would vote for him in a heartbeat. He's a true Republican. It's probably because he's
not bought off.
He's got an impressive resume, too. A military man, graduate of Duke University, doctor, legislator. Straight shooter.
Congressman Paul pointed out how Iraq was SO not a threat to our security. I agree 1000% He had no Air Force, no Navy.. They were firing at our
aircrafts flying the no-fly zone all those years.. and never even hit 'em. Ooooh. Pretty scary, eh?
I agree ECK. I might vote for Ron Pau. That is if he's on the ballot. If not, then I'm sticking with Dennis Kucinich. Nevertheless I love the stuff
Ron Paul has to say about our country. He's one of the few true Patriots left in this country.