posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 08:36 AM
The flaw of any system of governance has always been, and shall always be, that those operating it are imperfect. As such, we will invariably wind up
with corruption and eventually, collapse. The history of human civilization is absolutely clear on this matter and without question, the best
reference for the same.
Options? Let's see...
A world governed by computers/machines? If mankind makes the machines, don't expect them to do any better.
A world governed by ET? Oh yes, come down and save us from ourselves so that we can then become a second-class, garbage race under the thumb of
another imperfect species.
Can God save us? Well, it is noted at least in one place that God helps those who help themselves... meaning, surrender is not part of the equation.
We don't get saved because we fail. We get saved because we rise above ourselves and succeed. The 'church' does not necessarily represent the
Almighty so arguments against religion are just arguments, again, against ourselves.
But, even for those who don't believe in deity, the answer is the same. Humanity must complete its journey and mature into a race that is successful.
Quitting is failure and if you're ready to give up because the job's too tough, then maybe you would have done better as a chipmunk or mosquito.
So, here we are; an imperfect species producing imperfect systems of government that oversee an imperfect culture that dominates an imperfect society.
Who do we blame but ourselves? Who do we turn to but ourselves? It's our life, our time on this little rock. We either fix it ourselves or lose