posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 04:37 AM
Ok, since you started - I was living in a really really remote country area in a very old house.
My first Halloween alone on my own - I was 14.
So, I've got this little tiny television - black and white. I'd never seen the Exorcist. The night was really stormy, the house creaking and all,
etc. Needless to say I was already wound tight with a bit a fear when I went to bed.
Crawled up into the attic, couldn't sleep so started reading - Amitville Horror.
When the part came where 'Jody' the pig and his red glowing eyes shown through the window? That was that I tossed the book, off went the light and
the covers went over my head.
A morbid thought wouldn't leave me. The window right beside my bed at bed level? What if JODY was looking in?
I finally peaked.
A pair a red glowing eyes were looking back!!!
I completely lost it! Ran for the light screaming the whole deal!
It took a while to calm down but I finally put two and two together.
The light switch? It glowed in the dark - red of course.
The windows? Double pained.
Thus the glowing 'Jody' eyes.
Silly now but at the time I was TERRIFIED!
Happy Halloween!