Very good thread.
Approx. 11 years ago I was fed up with the cable company and told them to F-off. By god they did just that and ended my service. I must tell you
that the customer service was very prompt.
My children who are now 18 -16- and 12 grew up without television for the most part. Here are some of my observations.
1. At Christmas time they do not ask for anything, because they haven’t been exposed to all the advertisements’
2. My children would spend many more hours playing outside and exploring. Playing hide and seek and kick the can in the evenings.
3. During the evenings we would play chess or other strategy games including a good hand of poker. Let me tell you how it feels to be in a poker game
and be beat by a 12 year old. (No big deal we just played for their lunch money) (Just kidding)
4. After not being exposed to television for a year or more you will start to notice how annoying the TV is when visiting friends and family with the
damn thing constantly on in the back ground.
5. It concerns me listening to my friends laugh at commercials and sit-coms. You begin to realize just how dumbed down people are including those
very close to you. Watching them laugh at situations that are not funny. It appears that they are programmed to laugh because they know that
reaction is what is expected of them.
The deal I made with my two oldest children at the time was this.
First. I explained to them that Dad can over react at times and we no longer had Television reception anymore.
Second. I gave them a choice. And the choice was this……
1. I will bring back the cable reception hence bringing back the TV
2. I would pay them the same amount as what I was paying the Cable Company. In other words I would pay each of them $200.00USD a year to forgo a
television in the home.
Both boys looked at each other and said they would take the cash. The rest is history.
This exercise has exposed them to multiple levels of learning that were unforeseen at the time.
Television can be a tool for learning. But over all the tube is a very dangerous apparatus.
I could talk all night about how this has affected my family in a positive way.
edit on 31-10-2011 by BioSafe because: (no reason given)