posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 01:41 AM
Uh, new to ATS, here. And this is actually my first reply on this website. And honestly, this is my new favorite website already.
First off, I don't follow any specific religion. I feel what I am, see, feel, and think is right consciously. I have no beef with any religion, cause
it create love and happiness, and that something we need more on this earth, although, I find most religion not a wrong, but a "blind" path. But we
all chase we feel what is right, so don't take that to heart. I just see life differently than others.
But yea, I completely understand. And within time, is all, everything. From life, to different types of species, including us humans, nature, earth,
the entire never ending universe and beyond. Then, you got everything within. The living breathing soul, our minds, our emotions/feelings, ideas to
take you on new paths. We can use our minds to create materialistically, to observe and to see unknown truth or knowledge. Or to even stop in time, to
see where we're going or where we're gonna be. To look in the past to search for wrong reasoning and doing, or to travel into the future to create a
new pathway for ourselves.
Then you also have the "without life" in life, some believe, some don't, Personally, I do, and my experiences are too apparent to even reason with
that question to others. But people need to look at it this way, man didn't create man, nor the earth and the universe. Except a materialistic plane
of reality through mind. From a simple thought that was put into action. "God", our "Father", "Creator" or whatever others may call him, she,
it, or this infinite source of time, matter and life created the wonderous and euphoric matters in life.
What I'm trying to save is, basically, just to stop in time, and to look within ourselves. Clear out everything, and escape reality for a moment in
time. God is everything and all; see, knows, hear, feels, breathes and is connected to every living thing on earth. God is within all and all man,
including woMAN. God put his heart, love, soul, compassion into creating this effing mindblowing infinite world of never ending time. To put a piece
of his soul into each one of us. God is one, and he created all.
To get deeper into this matter, there is us humans. With the mind to create things, invent, to make people happy, angry, mad, sad or loved. Our
mind's aren't just used to this dimension in life, our mind is used to open up, to free itself, to create reality. And our mind body and soul is a
connection to God. But people never stop in time to realize this fact cause we all got our heads stuck up in our own asses, or we are caught up in our
everyday life's, but hey, its reality. But people need to spare a short moment in each or every other day to connect with God and to free our mind.
God created us, just like mother and father created children. We are connected to God just like a child and parent, internally and consciously. And we
can connect with others, just like we can connect with God. God created life, we create in reality.
We have the power, to create a new world. To create wonderful and amazing materialistic item and to create emotions within ourselves and one another.
To make life free and wonderful, to make life and an amazing and euphoric experience. But that's where everything goes wrong, everyone is sprung on
themselves and aren't happy with what they got. Yea, life is #ty at times, but be happy, and create a new and better path. Some people are lucky, and
have it easy. Others have it hard and have to bust their asses.
What I'm trying to say is, the majority of the world has no idea what's going on. We're too caught up within the never ending wonders of life
within the massive web of life. And we're stuck within our minds, in the wrong way the majority of the time. We're all scared, scared of what's
gonna happen next. Or we have a fear of knowing the unknown. Fear creates negativity, and creates an entire world of it's own. But you got Hope, and
compassion love and happiness with an entire world of it's own within life. No one know's what's gonna happen next in life, or after death. But we
have life for now, and we have our loved ones, and limited "power" to create happiness within us, other, and around. And so does fear.
I'm not claiming man to be God, but man is an offspring of God, so therefore we are "Godly" in some cases, most people consider fame, godly. I'm
just saying, the wonders of within life are amazing, all around us. But there are even more amazing wonders without life, an entire new world of its
own. And I can go on, and on and on. Like a book of wonders and experiences.
All of this is apparent to me, and I see it all so vividly, and I can see a new world. And I'm not alone, other have noticed, and have connected and
been connecting with God for years. All I can say, is to search for God and the answers within.
"As above, so below. As within, so without."
The All are The One, The One is The All"