posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 10:45 AM
You know I've been thinking again, and maybe we have it all wrong. Maybe we are our own worse enemies, I mean yeah I'm sure there is secret
societies, and TPTB, but I think they are exactly that secret, and what better place to hide then right in front of someones noses. Listen to us some
times, we can get pretty outlandish, and create a good boogeyman, so all they have to do is sit back and let us foam at the mouth for them. We are
their advertisement.
Plus if they are secret and hiding in the shadows why advertise and condition people? What if all the stuff we're pointing out is the false flag,
what if they are planting that stuff to make us go wild. I think they are just handing us the rope to hang ourselves.
Plus I don't think they would want to destroy the planet, the whole point of power is they have to keep it and make more of it, and with that they
need labor, resources, etc. So I dont think they would start a war with nukes, or let an asteroid or comet hit. Depopulation? yes most definitely, but
people have be talking about that for ages, and you know I kind of agree, we have what almost 7 billion and counting. Just to look at the number it's
7,000,000,000. With out away to really leave, and make other places habitable that is a lot. So Bio-warfare is what it will be. They will make it
target human DNA only so that way only the human population will take a hit, animals and infrastructure remains intact.
As for riots and martial law contrary to movies, and games, I don't see that as a permanent solution, soldiers are people too and they will
eventually rebel right along with us. Every one portrays them as just a killing machine, but that's not always the case moral, emotions, would
eventually over rule orders. Plus to make money, we need a villain we need someone or place to point fingers to.
I'm not defending them, or mocking us, I'm just saying if I was in a position of power in a secret society that covers the globe, I wouldn't let
anything slip of my plans, hell I wouldn't let most of the society to know what my plans are. Give each cell their own piece and job to do at the
most, at the least, everyone that has my rank would know my plans. I especially wouldn't flaunt it in games, movies, TV, media. Now I would do it to
distract and divide bad press is just as good as good press and hell let my enemies imagination run wild. All the while I sit back in the shadows
pulling strings. One's own fears, coupled with rumors and imagination is a great and cheap source to keep everyone in line.
Now occasionally I would flaunt my power, depending on the mood of the people, some times something miraculous that helps and benefits everyone, and
then sometimes just have to bring the hammer down and then let people take what they want spreading new rumors and fears.
Plus I think if they've been around for ages, they've already taken control, I don't think it's in the starting stages thing that war done and
happened it came and went with a whisper. Now it's just trying to maintain the illusion, maintain the power. Plus I don't think they would do it for
the money, mean they already have control over every monetary value, I think it's about trying to create a balance to shift and protect human kind.
To make goals and plans for the whole.
Just like we need religion, and before you say you dont believe in that hog-wash, well that is a belief and a religion too, but that is not the point
of this. I'm just been pondering lately, and from my time on ats, surfing the net, my own research and reading, that not everything is as black or as
white as we make it, there is various shades of of all sorts of colors in between.