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occupy - ousting the facilitators

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posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 03:17 AM
I issued a request to anonymous many months ago. We have a solution proposed here in Victoria. Time to get the word out that even if anonymous fails to co-operate, even if we can't get ahold of the patent, enough information is out there that we could just ignore the old system and research this ourselves and uplift our country ourselves without rapacious royalty structures, self-destruct mechanisms and fuel dependency. We could uplift the whole world and will be issuing a general appeal to mr. rossi. We have a chance to heal this world let's find out if he's greedy or not, and let's find out even more specifically if anonymous is nothing but a bunch of shills, pied piper luring people into a trap. CALL THEM ALL OUT ON THIS PLEASE! It's time to get something from this movement already.

Sorry I still think anonymous is part of military industrial complex. I am in fact convinced because many months ago I'd mentioned leaking WIPO, and SPECIFICALLY LEAKING ROSSI's E-CAT PATENT out to the masses.

Why? He would still be famous, he would still be extremely well off and probably be revered in the many years to come. This sick system made him sell off his house to make this achievement because otherwise it was busy treating him like a joke.

Well this no longer is any joke, IT IS CONFIRMED.

There are videos on youtube posted recently of the successful test. There is a list of attendants, also AP was there.

Anonymous -- we are calling this groupthink BS out at tomorrow's GA meeting at occupy victoria. We are getting rid of these planted political science people, ousting these moronic politicians who want future political careers, and we are scrapping this stupid consensus system that has left the media booth without a decent camera even though there's $1500 to spend (it's almost like someone wants the movement here to die so they can cash in on the donations that aren't being spent).

We are removing the special interests demands -- the indigenous people will be satisfied when we green ourselves up and free energy addresses this problem. From what I understand these are quite easily to be built and should have been out a year ago; we've just been getting screwed thanks to capitalist politics, testing and approval and all that silly bs.

Furthermore we demand that:
1)Any system or any aspect of the system be voluntary, excluding the right to not be made a victim everybody should get that and should have access to a tribunal of their peers to make such determinations within the communities affected.
2)Self-issued credit solves the money issues, centralization must never again be allowed to plague this earth again.
3)No more politicians period. We vote and decide by what we choose to be involved in.
4)No direct democracy computer that can be hacked. Sorry but I don't trust it and I think lots of others would agree.
5)We all deserve land to live on and tend to. there's enough of it; if we do get it we must maintain the land and help return it to pristine condition
We also want to strive to make each human being independent.

In this day with ibm thinking chips:

Quantum computers:

We have solutions on the table, so please anonymous, you wanna prove you're not cointelpro, time to #ing pony up. Tomorrow it all goes down and we are joining up with the rest of the movement here, and encouraging other occupy movements to do the same. Time to satisfy the indigenous people, as well as all of humanity, without putting ANYONE ON THE THRONE OR EVER LETTING THIS BATTLE BECOME AN ISSUE EVER AGAIN.


There's your solutions. With unlimited abundant energy we could immediately reduce emissions because we'd have a tonne of energy to apply into the solution. We could power atmospheric scrubbers as a start..... time to uplift humanity already!

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 07:21 AM
reply to post by TheLastStand

way to go champ

give the 1 percenters dupes and shills even more reasons to think OWS is just a bunch of parasites

demand that anon steal from rossi, who had to sell his own home in order to pull e-cat off, now you're demanding to keep him from receiving the fruits of his labors, sure, kill e-cat right before rossi reaches the finish line just what TCOTBIP would pull

why not demand that anon hack and reveal the patents for all that forbidden technology kept secret by governments

anti-gravity =freedom of movement
tesla = free energy + offensive and defensive technologies force fields and scalar weapons come to mind
forbidden medicine=free health care + increased longevity
enviromental tech =correctly identifying and stopping/cleaning up all the pollutants on the planet

no flag or star cause i'm not sure yet whether you are a 1%er

or just plain foolish

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 07:47 AM
well going over your posts it was looking like foolish however

you recently posted a ironically titled thread called OccupyVictoria Co-opted

where it seems that you and your "friends" are the ones doing the co-opting

Good evening. I came back recently from the occupyvictoria GA meeting, it was a total joke. Here is what I posted on anons site about it:

A group of us have decided to honour the original name of the event. "Occupy Victoria" will be held at parliament, where the real culprits in charge of this mess are. City hall is not the place to have this protest. It is boxed in perfect for kettling people, almost as if the cops paid off two political science students and 2 other people to co-opt this movement and play it into their hands. For the whole 2-3 hours of this GA meeting, more like a total # show, they bantered over the name and finally after it all managed to accomplish only 1 thing. They changed the name to "The people's assembly of victoria". WTF? Seriously?


I made that group before these co-opters even started, so they had to append BC because they couldn't get the name "occupy victoria". Well thank god I was there first. They were definitely more organized towards getting the word out than we are at WAC but failed miserably at the rest of the process when it came to managing the crowd and accomplishing things. They admitted inexperience in these types of events to us when they approached us afterwards about us splitting off.


indeed WTF?

you sound more like a spoiled child

sorry to come on like an establishment type

but as a practicing anarchist [as opposed to the ones that sit all day at cafes and salons and just talk]

i find your behavior petulantly childish

and dangerously playing into the hands of TCOTBIP

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by DerepentLEstranger

The point might be made inside your own post. It's a tragedy this man had to pawn his own home in the first place. Oh, plus do the dog and pony show for any military. After all... LENR is over 20 years in the making.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by Americanist
reply to post by DerepentLEstranger

The point might be made inside your own post. It's a tragedy this man had to pawn his own home in the first place. Oh, plus do the dog and pony show for any military. After all... LENR is over 20 years in the making.

yeah and then to just lose everything at this point

and don't forget the screw the natives demands
"here's a "free" e-cat now stop complaining"

you can't eat an e-cat or use it to cure disease or live in it or protect yourself from attackers
there are much better energy sources kept secret along with the rest of stuff
let's "steal" that and leave poor rossi alone, who may live to see his e-cat become yet another tool of oppression
or a money maker for TCOTBIP

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by DerepentLEstranger

Originally posted by Americanist
reply to post by DerepentLEstranger

The point might be made inside your own post. It's a tragedy this man had to pawn his own home in the first place. Oh, plus do the dog and pony show for any military. After all... LENR is over 20 years in the making.

yeah and then to just lose everything at this point

and don't forget the screw the natives demands
"here's a "free" e-cat now stop complaining"

you can't eat an e-cat or use it to cure disease or live in it or protect yourself from attackers
there are much better energy sources kept secret along with the rest of stuff
let's "steal" that and leave poor rossi alone, who may live to see his e-cat become yet another tool of oppression
or a money maker for TCOTBIP

I guess some are not willing to take into account poorer nations with no electrical grid... Hospital stations propped up by dead or dying trees. At least narrow-mindedness is not contagious right? Yeah, possibly a tool of oppression, but we can always hope for the best in this situation.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by Americanist

the energy systems i referenced would more than solve those problems

with free energy there is no need for money so giving stuff away to the less fortunate isn't just charity it's acknowledging their humanity. there's no need to rip any one off, as these systems and the other forbidden tech were financed by the taxpayer hence it's already ours

a complete tool-kit and the education training to build one from scratch is what i'm talking about.

look we seem to be having either a communications problem where you are confusing me with a worshiper of mammon who sees the poor as resources.

or you are confused yourself as to what is right and wrong
"rip off" governments and mega-corps good, they rob others all the time.

rip-off individuals and sabotage their efforts at improving their own lot wrong
that makes you no different than the governments and mega-corps

op is twice guilty of the second not only wanting to ripoff and sabotage rossi but also sabotaging indigenous efforts and disregarding their own opinion as to what they need/want.

or i am the one confused but i think its one of the former

the socialism/capitalism false dichotomy is a false one they are both systems of mass-control

and Soooo 20th century

bye now

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 02:14 PM
Sounds like some people think it's fair that this already corrupt world had to taint his technology with something like a self-destruct and for us to come crawling for fuel pellets and servicing that will only serve to jack up the price. I'll take 5k out of my pocket to pay the man for his e-cat (the price he suggested) but I am NOT crawling to him for the only source of fuel. monopolies like this should be outlawed. Sorry but I can very easily see the man, driven by greedy intentions, jacking up the price from .1 cents/kwh to 10 cents merely by waiting till we are all hooked and dependent on his "gift".

As well, how on earth is that stealing? If he doesn't want to uplift humanity then screw him, I'd be game to see ows succeed here in canada without the poli-sci coopted facilitators who pretend half the time to not be in charge and directing the whole process, and then pursue the technology independently for uplifting this country. Give the guy a lump sum of 10 billion, tell him to have a good day. None of this ruling over people just because you get one good idea, or don't you people think a bill gates empire is too big for this planet and want something 10 times bigger to crush and rule us all?

As well, technology changes so fast 20 years is definitely an eternity. This waiting period is far too long to really allow us to apply the fullest potential of the technology that man is developing nowadays and only serves to retard scientific advancement. People get to re-invent the same technology 20 different ways under this model, in some ways that can be a good thing, in many other ways that can be a total waste of resources.

This movement is about improving the human condition but there needs to be a plan. If we choose to ignore WIPO and pursue this technology, I could see us obtaining it or something similar inside of a year. This should be the keystone GIFT to humanity. I'd gladly revere the guy who uplifts us all. He should be allowed to pursue any scientific project he wants that isn't exceedingly dangerous for humanity, let him have 2 lhc sized projects for what he's given us. But when is enough, enough? How high of a pedestal does one have to put him on before satisfaction is achieved? How about making it so that reality won't be so harsh for the next guy that comes up with something that can really benefit man? Stealing or not, people's notion of theft is pretty screwed up. ALL of your farmers are stealing from monsanto. You are currently stealing from some big pharma company who's patented your genes. You are a thief too. The concept of patents as they are, are a HUGE problem for humanity! Making an acceptable framework to compensate inventors and those that build things are useful is important, but so is making such a model work well for humanity rather than retard it as it does just happens to be more important.

What price are you willing to pay for this? Are you willing to get lured into the same trap of giving up your freedom to a high technology state that would like to hold things over your head to get you to agree to their micro-management and invasive presence that assumes all people are retards?

I thought OWS had a problem with the status quo and figured ALL ideas are on the table. We didn't gift einstien with 100 billion dollars, so why should this guy be made into the new 1%?

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