posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 05:24 AM
I've been up since 4:30 this am, due to another bad dream, and I can't get back to sleep. In the past two to three weeks I have noticed that my
dreams are much more vivid and "real". When awake, I feel that what I have dreamed is actual reality, it feels THAT real. While I don't want to
go into too many details, since i've mentioned my re-occuring dreams before, it's obvious that my hurricane nightmare is being affected by Frances
lurking in the atlantic. However more than just my fears of hurricanes is playing out in the dream world. I continue to have the subway "N" train
dream with slight variations, but the main points "N" train, passing 23rd street station before the chaos, and Coney Island haven't changed.
A new dream of a major communications breakdown is messing with my head. In this latest dream, all forms of communications basically come to a
standstill, no internet, no tv, no phones, major radio stations.... The only thing heard is a faint signal from a static filled radio, saying
"Hello, Hello, Is anyone hearing this?" In this dream i have the "feeling" that it is terrorist related, but there is no way of knowing. I feel
very alone. There's massive confusion and sirens can be heard all over.
Now I am wondering if anyone else is experiencing very vivid dreams that seem more like memories than dreams? And also if anyone else like me, who
feels things, is picking up on the extremely high sense of urgency, almost feverish pace leading to some sort of climatic event or chain of events.
There is a definite buzz/vibe/feeling that has been building over the past weeks, I don't know how to explain it any better.
granted this could all be due to anxiety of Hurricane Frances approaching Florida, but knowing myself and my dreams, I feel something else is going
on. any thoughts?