posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 12:37 AM
i highly doubt the cia will waste man power or let alone voice an opinion about what you mentioned, although blogs, social networks, telephones,
conventional mail, electronic mail, web sites, encrypted emails, neutral gatherings within closed buildings are always handled or should i say
monitored for that odd lone ranger. I am no wizard, but its rational thinking to suggest that such methods are employed in the name of national
security from threats of violence or instability to the democratically elected government either from domestic or foreign powers.
My knuckle dragging opinion is people, especially those who are active in using the electronic age of communication need to get a reality check and
grasp the use of encryption and its upto date methods of encryption. We are indeed living a dangerous times, not only in the U.S. but across the
world, we all have that gut feeling that something is not right, To hide in plain view is your only front line of defence.
How many in here either as views or members are aware of, or know how to implement encryption while using their very new bling bling smart phone. I
would hate to see the results of such a poll...!
edit on 30-10-2011 by cerebralassassins because: (no reason given)