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Libya: Al Qaeda flag flying high next to Libyan flag.

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posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 10:55 PM
I can't believe it. Al Qaeda's flag is flying above the Libyan one. Although it is a bit different, the flags usually change between region. It is virtually the same Al Qaeda flag as the one used in Iraq:

Look like Gaddafi was right all along about the rebels and Al Qaeda. Just some more evidence to back it up with.
edit on 29-10-2011 by daaskapital because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by daaskapital

Al "Cia"eda
of course he was right, no one not in a western nation gets away with being sucsesfull and actually doing good.. sure he did some bad things but no where close to what western nations do

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by daaskapital

Who cares? We are all terrorists to somebody. I fail to see where your confusion comes from. Al Qaeda has been serving the US diligently. Why wouldn't we reward them with lucrative Libya?

Okay, just being sarcastic. Seriously tired of all of this US vs. THEM that I see nowadays.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by premierepastimes
reply to post by daaskapital

Who cares? We are all terrorists to somebody. I fail to see where your confusion comes from. Al Qaeda has been serving the US diligently. Why wouldn't we reward them with lucrative Libya?

Okay, just being sarcastic. Seriously tired of all of this US vs. THEM that I see nowadays.

Yeah. I'm not confused at all. I'm just pointing out that now there is an Al Qaeda flag there. We all know that there are/were ties between the US and Al Qaeda, but it just dissapoints me that all the sheep thought Gaddafi was a loon because he kept on saying that the rebels were Al Qaeda.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 12:21 AM
The Libyan "rebels" aka the LFIG is listed as a terrorist organization by the UN, UK, USA, CFR

I made a thread about this

This "peace mission is a total joke

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by daaskapital

No kidding Gaddafi was right all this time,and from the mainstream news footages, there was something wrong with those supposed rebels that i couldnt figure out.

All of them, didnt look Qutie libyan to me atleast.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 06:52 AM
Well Gadaffi must have been doing some good because anytime a news guy stopped a 'rebel' they spoke very good english. So I assume they all had some kind of education.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by bigyin
Well Gadaffi must have been doing some good because anytime a news guy stopped a 'rebel' they spoke very good english. So I assume they all had some kind of education.

they went to the same school israel sends it's politicians. every time you hear an israeli ambassador, diplomat or even the prime minister on t.v., they sound like they just came from manhattan after an afternoon of watching a seinfeld taping.

edit on 30-10-2011 by randomname because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 03:16 PM
Now that we have helped Al Qaeda does that mean they are no longer a threat and that we are now ok with eachother? if so then we should pull out of the Middle East.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter
No kidding Gaddafi was right all this time,and from the mainstream news footages, there was something wrong with those supposed rebels that i couldnt figure out.

All of them, didnt look Qutie libyan to me atleast.

And you people are still looking for evidence that 9/11 was an inside job?

Al Qaida is working side by side, with NATO ... what more evidence do you need ... people should be furious, outraged ... demanding blood ... because over a million people died, for what? To "create" Al Qaida?

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by bjarneorn

The only thing thats making people I know furious is that Frank didn't get voted of X Factor tonight.

It's very difficult to get the average Joe to take any notice of real issues.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 04:23 PM
yeah know joke looks like, iTS ALQUEDA was right shame on them and the nwo

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 04:25 PM
I can picture all the al quaida fighters from Libya streaming into Syria about now.
Does Syria produce oil?
Yep sure does, according to wiki they are the only significant oil
producing country in the Eastern Mediterranian. I say their days are numbered for sure.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by daaskapital

Then you hit the nail right on the head. Sad isn't it? It's so difficult to teach others to see what is clearly in front of their faces. I cannot pass judgment as I am sure there are many things that I do not see but it is sad to see those who speak the truth (Gaddafi) treated so poorly.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by Viking9019

What the hell would we need Homeland Security for then?

Nevermind. I forgot about all those crazy domestic terrorists. Yeah, I'm talking about you!

edit on 30-10-2011 by premierepastimes because: Second line

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 05:15 PM
The rebels are with the TNC I won't deny there are islamic fighters on the rebels side but how many chadanian mercenaries did gadeadi hire just so he COULD shoot his own people for protesting? what's the betting some gadeadi lover decided to grow some balls and put that on a building? oh and by the way guys 1 low quality image showing a supposed alqieda flag doesn't mean all the libyan people are now freedom hating women beating low lifes, just like people who infiltrate the teaparty movement and spout bull# in the hopes of making them look bad support the tea party

srsly lrn2logic also google 5th colomn DERP

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by Agent_USA_Supporter

I have seen so many pictures of obvious US and NATO special forces with the rebels. Let's see how things go with Syria, Iran, and Turkey now.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by rationaluser

The thing is, most countries will shoot their people for protesting. I know that here in the US, the police are just aching to smash on OWS. It will happen if OWS holds out long enough, I would bet on it. I'm sure it will be in the form of "citizens standing up to OWS" or "a crazy gunmen that sources say was acting alone."

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by shadowreborn89
yeah know joke looks like, iTS ALQUEDA was right shame on them and the nwo

Just amother piece of the puzzle for the AC to bring under control the countries needed for the Gog Magog war against israel. All the cards are now in place the ha d just has to ne played out, I think within the next ten months this will come to pass.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 05:42 PM
Al-Qaeda Flag Planted On Libyan Courthouse | Fox News

It was here at the courthouse in Benghazi where the first spark of the Libyan revolution ignited. It’s the symbolic seat of the revolution; post-Gaddafi Libya’s equivalent of Egypt’s Tahrir Square. And it was here, in the tumultuous months of civil war, that the ragtag rebel forces established their provisional government and primitive, yet effective, media center from which to tell foreign journalists about their “fight for freedom.”

But according to multiple eyewitnesses—myself included—one can now see both the Libyan rebel flag and the flag of al Qaeda fluttering atop Benghazi’s courthouse.

LIBYA: Al-Qaeda flag now flying alongside Libyan flag |

As well it should. After all, Al-Qaeda was there all along fighting right beside NATO/AMERICA-backed rebels. How much more of our tax dollars did Hillary say she will be now be sending Libya?

Al-Qaida plants its flag — literally — in Libya |

If there were questions about al-Qaida’s role in post-Gadhafi Libya, VICE reporter Sherif Elhelwa provides some answers in a new story with eyewitness descriptions.

Al-Qaida flags, Elhelwa reports, are popping up around Benghazi. At the city courthouse, which played a prominent role in the Libyan revolution, residents are flying the late terrorist’s Osama bin Laden’s colors.

Leading From Behind in Libya’s Aftermath: Sharia Law and Al-Qaeda’s Flag |

This has led to what is making “leading from behind” suddenly seem like a sticky strategy. Fundamental changes have occurred since Gaddafi’s death eight days ago. Sharīʿah law is now in place, which means discrimination against women, Islamic banking law, which prohibits banks from earning interest, and a host of other measures large and small.

“Any law that violates sharia is null and void legally,” said interim leader Mustafa Abdel Jalil on Sunday. He then cited an example of restrictions on polygamy, which, for his evil, Gaddafi’s regime is responsible for passing.

If this is the course the Libyan populace chooses, then more power to them. Our lead from behind approach translates to letting Libya decide this matter for itself, but don’t think the Obama administration isn’t anxious about this and other, more startling, developments.

A disturbing new report from Libya holds that Al-Qaeda’s flag is now flying next to the Libyan one at the courthouse in Benghazi where the revolution began. (There are multiple pictures that support this claim.) The flag’s message, “There is no God but Allah,” is definitively not copacetic with the American government.

There is no indication that Libya is okay with this flag, just that it was there and that the guard in front of the building was sympathetic to its message and placement.

Al Qaida Plants Its Flag In Libya |

Vice's man in Libya noticed that a flag flying above the courthouse in Bengahzi, the cradle of the now victorious Libyan revolution, belongs to Al Qaida.

That doesn't mean the Islamists have won or anything—Al Qaida flags actually pop up a lot in that part of the world. But it's not encouraging! When reporter Sherif Elhelwa started taking photographs, a courthouse guard approached him and said, "Whomever speaks ill of this flag, we will cut off his tongue. I recommend that you don't publish these. You will bring trouble to yourself."

Dates of operation August 11, 1988 – present

Congrats on a job well done NATO,

edit on 30-10-2011 by Swills because: (no reason given)

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