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posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by sonnny1

You must use other sources than just a biased right wing view. If you use many other sources and view points and still hold the same view point fine, but using one example which has such a clear bias shows us nothing of the matter. It is absurd to think one source of evidence has any structured argument.

But hey, this is from a historian and what he has been taught.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by theRhenn

Originally posted by TerryMcGuire
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

My record in this site alone speaks for itself. What the hell has this movement done to "wake people up" about the Federal Reserve? Really, honestly, how has this protest informed anyone as to the evils of the Federal Reserve?

The tea party has done that.
So what if some of OWS don't understand it as well as we do.
There's more than one way to wake up to what is happening to us Jean Paul.
Why isn't tea party in the streets with OWS making sure this message is raised even higher?

If we REALLY want to do something about the federal reserve.... We dont have to litter, we dont have to yell, we dont have to shoot at marines, we dont have to steal water, we dont even have to cause riots....

There is such a simple solution.


Now how many people you think will go totaly clueless right there?
Apparently you like to hear from the people who claim there is massive littering. You don't like to hear about the campaigns to keep the protests litter free. Your choice.

Apparently you don't like to hear people yelling when you disagree with them. Didn't the Tea Party rallies have a lot of yelling? Once again it's your choice.

Who's shooting at Marines?

You chose to get caught up in some post about somebody at a protest stealing water. True or not, important or not you chose what to believe.

The only riot of note to come to my attention was in Oakland. An errant police chief sent his troops into battle and caused that riot. But I'm sure you can blame the protesters if you wish. Your choice.

Here is a quick reply to another of your tirades.

OWS is BS. It's idiocy. It's clueless people fighting for something that has nothing to do with what they're fighting for. It's no diffrent than a bunch of religious wakos surrounding a funeral home while a vet is being burried. If they had half a brain, they would be on the steps of congress and rioting through wallmart. Instead, they're attempting to stop the lives of many in various cities by becomming a stinky, smelly, cesspool of a group of thugs. This is laughable at best.
"OWS is BS"
"It's idiocy."
" clueless people"
"If they had half a brain,'
" becomming a stinky, smelly, cesspool of a group of thugs."

And my favorite quote of yours.
" It's no diffrent than a bunch of religious wakos surrounding a funeral home while a vet is being burried.'

I was wrong earlier. I'ts not your choice what to believe. From the spew you are posting here, you have apparently already chosen,(or else the choosing was done for you) what to believe and then locked down your mind.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by Tea4One
reply to post by The Old American

Many of them people could afford the mortgage rates before the economy turned sour and the private sector started to lay off people. There homes were taken away from them due to the greed of the 1%.

Many of them, when the availability of work dried up had no other options otherwise they wouldn't have been able to keep the lifestyle they worked hard for. Aren't Americans all for the hard-working man?

Not what you have worked for no but the 1% hasn't worked like the hard-working labourer has. It has never known long days with getting up in the morning and doing the exact same thing for 10 hours. They live in luxury when they caused an economic down-turn while many lost their basic human needs.

How did you get I was leaning yes to those by my old post? When clearly I am not.
edit on 30-10-2011 by Tea4One because: (no reason given)

Yes, many could afford the mortgage rates before the economy tanked. Many of them also couldn't. But whether they could or not, the economy didn't just tank for individuals and wage earners, it tanked for business owners, too. In order to make ends meet for themselves they had to lay people off. When people can't work, they can't pay their mortgages. Until the house is paid off, the house belongs to the bank. The person signed a contract with the bank that they would pay their mortgage every month so they could stay in the house. You don't pay, you don't stay.

The banks have to make their money back somehow. I know you hate banks, and I'm not particularly fond of them myself, but that's how it is. They buy a house on a person's behalf for hundreds of thousands of dollars, and the person agrees to buy it from the bank. They didn't have their homes taken away. They stopped paying rent.

And how the hell do you know if someone that's rich didn't make their riches by hard work? I have an uncle that's worth about $1 million. He worked those 10 hour days, 6 or so days a week, for the past 50 years to get that way. You assume that just because someone is rich, it was ill-gained. They just sat there on their butt while money was poured into their hands. You have a very selfish, childish view of the world.

As far as the rest of your previous post, you called out corporations for taking bailouts. A bailout is really nothing more than welfare. Do you also blame welfare recipients for taking what's offered? I seriously doubt it. How about putting the blame where it belongs: Capitol Hill. Congress are the ones that gave the fruits of your hard labor to the corporations, banks, and investment houses. But blaming the corporations is easier, isn't it? And the ones that you could gain from. They have the money, so let's blame them!

Y'know, you all keep blaming Wall Street and rich people and banks for our ills. All they do is make an offer to this or that Congressman. Grease a palm here, make a donation there. But it takes two to tango, as the saying goes. It takes a Congressman to accept the offer. All he or she has to do is "no thanks". They're the ones to blame, not the bankers, or the corporations. If enough Congressmen tell them "no", they won't hold the cards anymore.

But I guess blaming Washington is biting the hand feeds you, huh? If you call them, why, they might take away your entitlements! We can't have that, can we? So keep blaming the fire for burning your hand for all the good it will do you.


posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by BruceEFury
I am outraged.. i am frustrated. I'm going to make it short due to my keyboard not working. I am currently using a on screen keyboard, and that alone should let you people know how bad I want to get this off my mind.

A few questions to the non ows supporters:

1. Do you care more about manners and your traffic route then the message of this protest?

2. Would you rather get hit with a empty bottle wearing full armor while holding a riot shield
or, would you rather get shot in the face with a rubber bullet traveling at speeds enough to put you into a coma?

3. What have you done to wake up people about the corrupt federal reserve?

4. Why do you disagree with the OWS movement?

Heh trust me your lucky it took me an hour just to write this, ill be back with 10x more fire power.
You are the 99% yet your siding with the 1%.The most open minded forum ive ever been to is filled with so much ignorant people and threads such as...

edit on 29-10-2011 by BruceEFury because: TITLE

I think your rage and need to express it basically assert how most people feel about the movement. A lot of rage and very little sense. We all have some sort of rage over something but that doesnt mean its important much less valid.
Point 1: The message of this protest is completely undefined...while I have seen a few groups put out Youtube videos or online things they are fairly varied or just a vague list of demands. Your point about manners is just another ploy now by the OWS crew to point out how they should be excused from all their failings because they are some how helping the world.

Point 2: You cant tell me many of OWS are not looking for confrontations with police. As I have said this whole attempt to make the police look like storm troopers hell bent on taking your rights are ridiculous. They are for the most part normal people trying to feed their families. This is nothing more than a justification tactic taken by OWS. Guess what less then lethal munitions are sometimes lethal, its called freak accident. Those bottles could be fatal as well in a freak accident. Eating peanuts near someone with an allergy can be fatal. To justify attacking police because you think your cause is just is childish. I think we should be able to protest but occupy areas I am not so sure. Your crew taking over these parks renders them useless to those who dont want to partake in the movement.

Point 3: I know all about the federal reserve system....most of your movement does not however. You also seem to be pretty ignorant of it if you think a bunch of people with no real influence are going to doing anything to change the wills of the evil, ultra powerful bankers.

Point 4: I am against the OWS movement because it lacks any real solutions except go after the ultra rich. I also believe the whole movement is a bit of a wolf in sheep's skin clothing. You portray yourself as trying to return to the power to the common man and make things equal (and maybe you believe this) but many are for violent revolution or social upheaval on the shakiest of grounds. I am not willing to get rid of capitalism because it hasnt worked out well for all of you. Nor am I willing to watch people die because you all deem the need for violent transformation.

Also this whole 99%/1% thing is just a stupid rallying cry. It is probably 50% v 50% because as far as I can tell this is all about the extremely poor or extremely lazy members of society. It has no hint of anything for the middle class or the person who has worked their fingers to the bone to gain a high income. Call it what you want but this is all about income redistribution. I fail to see many people coming out of this whole thing that do not have some other means to increase their lot in life, rather they would have it given to them as always

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 06:03 AM
reply to post by BruceEFury

If your so outraged then why the hell are you wasting your time in front of your broken computer and not out there in the front lines, fighting? Seems where I would be if my heart was truly behind something. And why isn't this tossed in the rant forum like all the I hate OWS threads? Seems to be a pattern developing here at ATS.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by The Old American

Many of them had the right to own their own homes, which thanks to ridiculous APR they had lost after not affording it. Yes, some were fools, some shouldn't have bought things they could afford. After all that is common sense. Many middle class people did indeed have to lay people off, they were hit just as hard as anyone, they lost their homes and business which they spent much hard labour running. My problem is with the CEO's who own massive corporations laying off people due to their early greedy actions when still earning 200+ dollars to every 1 the worker is making.

The greatness of "that's how it is." Is the pinnacle of all defeatist attitudes. I also know how buying a house works thank you, I went to that meeting.

Perhaps I over-stepped the generalisation on if you're rich it was through ill-gain. Didn't he however use the hands of other labourers to get rich? Surely it wasn't just him. How do I have a childish and selfish attitude when I believe the greedy actions of the 1% have resulted in many men losing their basic human needs which I wish every to receive? So to be mature and generous I must side with the greed of the 1% who caused this mess? That idea is ridiculous, to be mature you don't have to have the "that's how it is" attitude you take to quite kindly.

Saying that the bail-outs is the same as welfare is a warped comparison. Corporations aren't people, welfare is so people can survive, bail-outs are for the big corporations and banks who caused this economy's awful situation when their CEO's as previously stated earn and own a huge amount of money that no man really needs.

I never praised Washington for their actions, I don't agree the fact they bailed them out or constantly nod their heads to corporate interests, however, they do it because they are owned. Unfortunately the corporations interests are all that matter due to the fact they own congress. OWS is going straight to root of the problem. Ever since the federal reserve and even more so since Reagan the US has been owned by corporate interests. Why do you think Dick Cheney used to be ex-vice president when before that he was CEO of Halliburton?

Who is being childish now? I don't even live in America so stop with your patronising insults. I don't take entitlements from Washington. Stop being a fool and actually discuss these matters with me or don't reply at all. I do not come on here to be patronised, I only want a mere debate. Too much to ask?

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by TerryMcGuire

Its our GOD given right...

Look chum, many of the people here are kids. Would you really want an 18 year old telling you how the world is this and that when we probably dont even teach these kids about this stuff in school anymore? Do you really feel that a bunch of young adults know more than the 50 year olds running around this site? Perhaps but doubtful. This forum is built on opinions. Very little facts about anything here world or politics related. Sorry fella... I think I rather go on my own educated guesses than rely on what someone on a conspiracy board is preaching... My 40 years in this world makes me a lil more informed, especially when I'm reading the news and seeing what's happening on both sides. I dont stick with one side or the other. I look at what all sides are saying and try my best to get the truth from it. OWS is nothing more than Tea Party for democrats. And sorry to say, but I honestly feel that democrats are pretty clueless these days, as are republicans. I dont get my info from those guys and take it to heart without serious scruttiny, so why would I take anything as truth off of a bloody conspiracy, ufo, antireligion site that's obviously plagued by the youngins with only part of a clue?

I would seriously like to know the education level of many of the folx here thats telling us this and that... Oh wait.. Never mind. I can pretty much glean that from the topics that flood this place daily. I only take a small percentage of this site as decent info and the rest... It's just fun to read.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by sonnny1

Originally posted by TerryMcGuire
reply to post by sonnny1

Maybe this will answer your question.If those who are protesting,don't understand why or what they are protesting for,how is the Tea Party going to help a cause with no direction?

that's the easiest question Ive had in a long time.

By giving it one.
Why arn't the tea party in the streets in front lines with banners and speeches leading the way for this new wave of revolutionary action.

Even Better one. Why doesn't the OWS join the Tea Party,that has an established message,an established voice?

March on DC.

The Tea Party knows where to voice their displeasure.

Maybe because one of the biggest supporters of the tea party is the Koch brothers.

That's just a guess though.

Harm None

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 02:16 PM
OWS bashing? Hey, where do I sign. Great idea.
(By the way, do I have to bring my own baseball bat or is one provided?)

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 02:33 PM
One reason why I don't support the OWS is the TONE.

For example...several pages ago, someone said that anyone who didn't support the OWS is probably sitting around in their underwear eating Doritos. Wow---I guess you didn't read "How to Win Friends and Influence People."

Also, I am not sympathetic because I, too, was made angry years ago. I supported the Tea Party movement for several years. I went to several Tax Day Tea Party rallies, and I took my children. (They were peaceful, organized, the organizers had a permit, and there was NO racism or hatred anywhere that I looked....just frustration with the government...frustration that did NOT start with the election of Obama. It started during the Bush administration.) The tone of these rallies was respectful, and yes, there were "Nobama" signs, and other signs expressing displeasure with the government (including Pelosi, Reid, Frank, etc.), but they were not racially motivated. We were motivated by love of country, and the feeling that things were out of control. Some of the signs referenced the BAILOUTS, for crying out loud.

And how were we portrayed??? Like a bunch of racist morons. And again, now anyone who doesn't support OWS is being called names here on this forum, and described as drooling fools eating doritos in our underwear.

One reason I don't support the OWS movement is because I don't understand the message or the goals. What I have managed to glean from various reports (including on this site, by both supporters and detractors) is that there are a multitude of messages. Sorry, but every description I've read, and every photo I've seen, makes it appear to be a big multi-city hippie party to me. I was raised in the 1970s by a hippie parent, so I know what a hippie party looks like.

I agree with some of the message(s) I've heard, and I disagree with MANY of the messages. Many of them are contradictory or hypocritical. Supporters say I'm just not hearing the "right" message.

What I'm also angry about is that the Tea Party was bashed up one side and down the other for TRYING to make a difference. BY MANY OF THE SAME PEOPLE WHO ARE SUPPORTING OWS.

And NOW, here the OWS people are, feeling bashed. It doesn't feel great, does it?

But what I'm also VERY angry about is how the OWS supporters are so dismissive of anyone who disagrees with the movement.

I'm not eating doritos...I'm drinking an organic Blue Sky cola. And I'm wearing clothes over my underwear. Also, I have $27,000 in student loan debt that I am paying down. My house is worth less than the amount we have invested in it.

But I don't blame the bankers. I blame the government's decisions.

So, continue to be angry OP, typing on your onscreen keyboard. Welcome to the club.
edit on 31-10-2011 by GeorgiaGirl because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-10-2011 by GeorgiaGirl because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 02:48 PM
i am on the fence leaning towards siding w the ows'ers. the only thing that stops me from being completely pro ows is the fact that we are the most spoiled generation in the history of earth, our standard of living (as far as possesions go) crushes all standards before us. i mean look around at the things u have, smart phones, home cpu's, laptops, clothes, running water, shelter, cars, alarm clocks yada yada yada i am grateful for all these things! there are starving children all over the world who have none of these things, honestly we should be protesting for them. i feel that ows'ers wouldnt last a week during the great depression without slitting their own wrists. wake up and be grateful america, realize what we have! we could do better and be better off, but where does it end? will all americans not be satisified til we are all living in mansions and have yachts and summer homes in the south of france?
edit on 31-10-2011 by conspiracy nut because: spelling..

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by BruceEFury
Evolution of a spoiled child.
1. Demand something you want.
2. Try to gain allies in your demand for something that you want.
3. Bash and insult people that don't side with you in your efforts to get something.
4. Make threats. Insults. Insinuations.
5. Repeat.

If you believe in a cause, it should not matter who sides with you, who sides against you. If you believe in a cause, you shouldn't care about detractors or critics.

This isn't the prom. Stop looking for the popularity vote.

So, tea partiers are spoiled children then? Because I've seen some tea partiers do exactly that.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by technical difficulties

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by BruceEFury
Evolution of a spoiled child.
1. Demand something you want.
2. Try to gain allies in your demand for something that you want.
3. Bash and insult people that don't side with you in your efforts to get something.
4. Make threats. Insults. Insinuations.
5. Repeat.

If you believe in a cause, it should not matter who sides with you, who sides against you. If you believe in a cause, you shouldn't care about detractors or critics.

This isn't the prom. Stop looking for the popularity vote.

So, tea partiers are spoiled children then? Because I've seen some tea partiers do exactly that.

Painting with a rather broad brush now, aren't we?

So you don't deny the issue of my post, just deflect the focus to another group.


posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 03:24 PM
Anyone who apposes our right to assemble, is a moron..

I dunno what you guys see but I see 2007, almost 5 years ago, and since then, we have had a change in government leadership, we have poured billions trillions of money out, passed obama, care and we have over 14 trillion in debt..

Still no jobs, and now we have people assembling in the streets protesting, ALL over the Country...

I think people are starting to try different things to get result..

2011-future is just a ticking time bomb folks, economic wise heck even civil it appears...
edit on 31-10-2011 by Bicent76 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by BruceEFury
First DHS said I was a terrorist because I have guns and Im a vet I live in the backwoods. Then I was painted as a raciest because I didn't vote for the current commander and chief. Now I'm a basher because I don't hold the same beliefs as some. So if this is a for or against well to tell the truth Im against for my own reasons not yours.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by beezzer

Originally posted by technical difficulties

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by BruceEFury
Evolution of a spoiled child.
1. Demand something you want.
2. Try to gain allies in your demand for something that you want.
3. Bash and insult people that don't side with you in your efforts to get something.
4. Make threats. Insults. Insinuations.
5. Repeat.

If you believe in a cause, it should not matter who sides with you, who sides against you. If you believe in a cause, you shouldn't care about detractors or critics.

This isn't the prom. Stop looking for the popularity vote.

So, tea partiers are spoiled children then? Because I've seen some tea partiers do exactly that.

Painting with a rather broad brush now, aren't we?

So you don't deny the issue of my post, just deflect the focus to another group.

I said some tea partiers, not all, so it's not really painting with a broad brush, unlike your posts regarding OWS.

EDIT: I just realized you were replying to someone in particular and not OWSers in general. My mistake.
edit on 31-10-2011 by technical difficulties because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 03:47 PM
dupes! arm chair revolutionaries!
they are Doing something.
what are you doing? nothing and never will.
arm chair revolutionaries?
they are on the streets!

Charlie Chaplin made a film about tyrants and Oppression.
that was just after the second world war.
Film Link
No one gets it! and No one is doing ANY thing.

finally a group does some thing.
and the rest of you are out to run them down
and brake there will.

100 years and they have been doing it to us.
and each year it gets more oppressive.
in europ we are bailing out othere countries.
who do you think pays for this? and the bank bail outs.
the people of europ.

so however small. we must do some thing.
not like YOU arm chair wineing brain dead sheep.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by theRhenn

My mistake then. I mistook you for one of them younguns from all that name calling you were doing.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by TerryMcGuire
reply to post by theRhenn

My mistake then. I mistook you for one of them younguns from all that name calling you were doing.

Hahaha You really should read your own responce...

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